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University of Pittsburgh    
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
  Oct 03, 2024
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Academic Regulations


At the University of Pittsburgh, advising and mentoring are integral to the University’s educational mission. We advocate for collaborative and holistic advising interactions. 

As an institution, we champion the academic advising relationship by requiring that students meet with their advisor at least once per semester, but also encourage advisors and students to connect more often, as needed.  

The University of Pittsburgh’s undergraduate academic advising structure, as defined by NACADA, the Global Community for Academic Advising, is a decentralized, satellite model. Using this model, each school, college, or division within the institution has established its own approach to advising.  Also, advising and mentoring takes place in the undergraduate colleges/schools, advising centers and specialized student support offices. Last, we know that Pitt students often transition from one school/department/unit to another or seek additional majors, minors, certificates or support in more than one place.   

Pitt utilizes an “Academic Advising” hold on student accounts, which are automatically placed by the Office of the University Registrar each term and must be lifted by a student’s academic advisor or departmental administrator before enrollment can take place.

No single advisor or mentor at the University of Pittsburgh has expertise in all areas. We recognize that students should consult with their network faculty and staff during their academic journey, who may be able to advise them on the many opportunities available at our institution to academically engage and thrive at Pitt. Additionally, advisors should feel comfortable and confident making referrals across the campus community.

Allowable Credits (Credit and Course Limitations)

There are certain limitations on credits, other than those earned as part of regular undergraduate courses taken at the University, that may be applied toward a degree. Those limitations are detailed below.

Standardized Tests

Each school determines whether and under what circumstances the advanced standing credits listed below will be awarded toward a University of Pittsburgh degree or certificate offered by the school. Contact the individual schools for details.

Transfer Credit

The University will grant credit earned at other institutions based on course equivalencies, including expected learning outcomes, with those of the University curriculum and standards, subject to University policy and individual school requirements.  The University will not refuse to consider a transfer credit based on the accreditation of the sending institution.  Transfer credit is subject to University policy and individual school requirements.

Standardized Tests

Credits may be earned toward a University of Pittsburgh degree or certificate through standardized examinations such as the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), Occupational Competency, ACT-PEP Challenge, and Advanced Placement (AP) Exams. In addition, some schools give credit for the International Baccalaureate Higher-Level Examinations. Students should contact their school to determine how credit may be granted based on completion of these examinations.

Credit by Course Examination

In some cases, students may earn credits toward a University of Pittsburgh degree or certificate by passing an examination administered by the University without registering for the course. Contact the individual department or school for information, as each sets its own policies as to the specific courses for which students may request credit by examination.

Educational Experiences in the Armed Forces

The University will grant credit for formal courses and occupational training offered by all branches of the military based on course equivalencies, including expected learning outcomes, with those of the University curriculum and standards.

Career Development Courses

Noncredit, career development courses are not applicable to the bachelor’s degree but may be included among the requirements for certain professional certificates.

Cooperative Programs

The University has established some arrangements with industries that permit students to rotate four-month terms between the workplace and the classroom. These are paid positions related to the student’s field of study. These programs are administered by the Swanson School of Engineering and are available to any student with a science-related major. The experience normally starts in the sophomore or junior year. Students should contact their school or department to determine the maximum number of credits that may be earned toward their degree requirements through cooperative programs. Call 412-624-9826 for more information.

Duplication of Course Content

Students may not earn credit for courses that substantially duplicate the content of other courses for which they have already received credit.

Directed Reading and Research, Independent Study, Internships

Some schools offer individually designed study other than regular courses. Students are limited by the individual schools as to how many such independent study, directed reading, directed research, and internship credits can be counted among the required credits for the degree. Requirements and procedures may also differ. Contact the school for details.

Directed Reading

The student undertakes a specified course of study comparable to a regular course under the direct supervision of a faculty member.

Directed Research

The student pursues a defined research project on campus under the guidance of a faculty member.

Independent Study

Independent study involves an independent program of study, research, or creative activity designed under specified conditions and is usually conducted off campus with less immediate direction by the sponsoring faculty member.


Some schools provide internship experiences appropriate to the student’s academic discipline. An internship is a supervised, work-related experience, either volunteer or compensated. It is intended to be a new experience, not an existing position in which the student is already working. Students will only get internship credit for a current employment situation that has been pre-approved as an internship by the relevant school or department.

English Language Institute Courses

Credit for certain English Language Institute courses may be applied toward the undergraduate degree. See school for details.

Enrollment in Graduate Courses

University of Pittsburgh undergraduate students with sufficient preparation are permitted to enroll in certain graduate courses at the University following procedures determined by each school. The graduate credits earned may be counted toward the undergraduate degree if approved by the student’s school. These may not be counted as credits toward a graduate degree except as noted below.

Undergraduate students who need fewer than 15 credits to complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree and who intend to continue study toward an advanced degree may be permitted during their final term to register for graduate courses that will later apply toward a graduate degree. The student must obtain written permission from the school of proposed graduate study that the courses may count when and if the student is admitted into the graduate degree program. This privilege should not be granted if the proposed total program exceeds a normal full-time load. Although these credits will appear on the undergraduate transcript, they will not count toward fulfilling undergraduate degree requirements. They will be posted as advanced standing credits on the graduate transcript.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) Credits

Students may elect to participate in either the Air Force ROTC or Army ROTC Programs at the University of Pittsburgh or the Navy ROTC Program at Carnegie Mellon University. Contact individual schools to determine which credits earned in ROTC courses may be applied toward a degree. (For more information on ROTC, see the Special Academic Opportunities  section of this catalog.)

Registration (Enrollment)

For additional registration information, visit the University registrar’s Web site at

Full-Time and Part-Time Study

Full-time study is defined as enrollment for 12 to 18 credits per term, and part-time study is defined as enrollment for one to 11 credits per term. Students are charged a flat tuition rate for full-time study in the fall and spring terms. For part-time students, tuition payment is on a per-credit basis. Students may exceed the 18-credit limit with written permission from the dean of their school, but they will be billed on a per-credit basis for each additional credit. University fees and other applicable charges are assessed on student statements. Some schools within the University may also apply academic limitations on the number of credits for which a student is permitted to enroll each term. For instance, students in Arts and Sciences must get permission to enroll for more than 18 credits. During the summer term and summer sessions, most students are billed on a per-credit basis regardless of the number of credits taken.

Registering for Classes

After students are admitted to a school they will be assigned an academic advisor.   All Undergraduate students must meet with their academic advisor each term prior to enrolling in classes.   Most students have the ability to use the self- service enrollment tools available through PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX.    

Continuing students with the ability to utilize self-service enrollment will be assigned an enrollment appointment during the first two weeks of the enrollment period.   Students in programs that do not permit self-service enrollment should contact their academic advisor regarding the enrollment process for their program.  The enrollment period for a term or session is published in the University’s Academic Calendar .

Once students have enrolled, they may view their class schedules online via PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX.

Adding and Dropping Courses

Students may add or drop courses from the start of their enrollment appointment until the end of the add/drop period.   The dates for the add/drop periods are published in the University’s Academic Calendar .  Students are encouraged to consult their academic advisors regarding the impact of course changes on their academic career.  Students who no longer wish to remain enrolled in a course after the add/drop period has ended may withdraw from the course or resign from the University.  See Monitored Withdrawal from a Course and Resigning from the University.

Extended Drop Period

Under special circumstances, undergraduate students may be eligible to drop a course in the third week of the fall or spring semester, effective with the Spring 2018 semester. Students must meet all of the following criteria to drop a course during the extended drop period:

  • Undergraduate students at all campuses
  • Undergraduate courses
  • Fall and spring semesters
  • Students must remain in full-time status after dropping the course(s).
  • The student’s advisor must provide permission to drop.

Students must review the proposed drop with their academic advisor. If the student’s advisor finds that the student is eligible, the advisor will process the drop(s). If the student’s advisor cannot process the drop for any reason, then the advisor will request that the Registrar’s Office at the student’s campus process it.


Cross-registration provides students with the opportunity to enroll in courses at member institutions of the Pittsburgh Council on Higher Education (PCHE). The designated colleges and universities at which undergraduate students may cross-register include Carlow University, Carnegie Mellon University, Chatham University, Community College of Allegheny County, Duquesne University, La Roche College, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Point Park University, and Robert Morris University. Only full-time students may cross-register. Please note that students must maintain a full-time course load (at least 12 credits as an undergraduate) at Pitt while cross-registered. Students who cross-register do not pay tuition to the host institution; however, they are responsible for any additional fees associated with the course such as laboratory fees, books, etc. Students normally may register for only one course off campus in a given term. The grades and credits earned at the host institution are transferred to the home school. The academic policies of the host institution prevail.

Cross-registration is only available in the fall and spring terms. During the summer, students may attend one of the above colleges as guest students, but they must pay that institution’s tuition and fees. Students are discouraged from cross-registering during their term of graduation to avoid any delays in the receipt of course credit needed to graduate. Students should meet with their advisors or a school representative before they cross-register. For more information on cross-registration, visit

Monitored Withdrawal from a Course

After the add/drop period has ended, students may withdraw from a course that they no longer wish to attend by completing a Monitored Withdrawal Request form in the office of the school offering the course. Students must process the Monitored Withdrawal Request form within the first nine weeks of the term in the fall and spring. Because summer sessions vary in length, students should check the University’s Academic Calendar  for those deadlines. Students should check with the school offering the course for the last day to submit a Monitored Withdrawal Request form. A W will appear on the student’s transcript. There is no financial adjustment to students’ tuition or fee obligations involved in withdrawing from courses, but withdrawing may jeopardize satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and athletic eligibility.

Resigning from the University/Termination of Registration

If students decide to drop all of their classes after the add/drop period has ended and before 60 percent of the term or session has been completed, they must resign from the University for that term. Official resignation from the University requires students to contact the Student Appeals Office. Students have several options. They may resign in person, by mail, or by calling 412-624-7585, where students may leave a message 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. An R will appear on the student’s academic transcript for each course in the term of resignation. Tuition is prorated from the date of the student’s notification to the Student Appeals Office of the student’s desire to resign, unless 60 percent of the term has been completed, in which case there is no refund.

After the 60 percent point in time of the term or session has passed, students who wish to terminate their registration may process a withdrawal from all classes only with the permission of the academic dean. If the reason for withdrawal is medical or psychological in nature, the academic dean may consult with the director of Student Health Service prior to making a determination. There is no financial adjustment associated with this procedure, which results in the assignment of a W for all classes.

Grading and Records

For additional grading and records information, visit the Office of the University Registrar’s web site at


The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the numeric indication of a student’s academic achievement based on a 4.00 grade point scale. Undergraduates must have a 2.00 GPA in order to graduate from the University of Pittsburgh. The value is the average of total letter grades earned and is available by term or career. Some academic centers may also maintain degree and/or major/departmental GPA values.

Grading System

The University of Pittsburgh has a standard letter grade system (see Letter Grade Option). Some additional grading options are available for some courses as determined by the school and the instructor (see Grading Options below). Finally, undergraduate students may choose to audit a course. Students must complete Grade Option/Audit Request forms to request a grading option available in a particular course.

Grading Options

Individual schools may elect to offer a course with the following grade options:

  LG Letter grade
  H/S/U Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
  S/NC Satisfactory/No-Credit
  LG and H/S/U Letter grade and Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
  LG and S/NC Letter grade and Satisfactory/No-Credit

Students may select a grade option for those courses that offer more than one option at the point of enrollment or by submitting a Grade Option/Audit Request form by the established deadline to the school offering the course (generally four weeks from the start of the term, but check with the school for specific deadlines). If the student does not select a grade option for a course when more than one grade option is available, the default option (generally the letter grade option) will automatically apply.

Letter Grades

The University’s letter grade system identified below will be followed without exception:

  Grade   Quality Points
  A+ = 4.00
  A = 4.00 Superior Attainment
  A- = 3.75
  B+ = 3.25
  B = 3.00 Meritorious Attainment
  B- = 2.75
  C+ = 2.25
  C = 2.00 Adequate Attainment
  C- = 1.75
  D+ = 1.25
  D = 1.00 Minimal Attainment
  D- = 0.75
  F = 0.00 Failure

H/S/U Grade Option

Certain courses are offered on the H/S/U (Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grade option. Under this option, students earn an H if they do exceptional work (equivalent to an A- or higher under the letter grade system), an S if they do satisfactory work (equivalent to grades from a C up to a B+), or a U if they do unsatisfactory work (equivalent to a C- or lower). The H and S grades received under this option are counted toward graduation but are not computed in the student’s GPA. The U grade is counted toward neither graduation nor the GPA.

S/NC Grade Option

Certain courses are offered on the S/NC (Satisfactory/No-Credit) grade option. This option was designed to encourage students to explore new and potentially difficult subjects without fear of the risks of failure. Under this option, a student who does satisfactory work (a grade of C or better) in a course receives the grade of S. If the student’s work is not satisfactory (a grade of C- or lower), the grade of NC (No Credit) is given. Courses for which an S is received are counted toward graduation but are not computed in the GPA. Courses in which an NC is received are counted toward neither graduation nor the GPA.

Other Grades and Symbols: Unfinished, Resign, Withdraw

One of the symbols listed below may appear on the student’s transcript in lieu of one of a final grade. None of these carry quality points:


The G signifies unfinished course work that is ongoing. Students assigned a G are required to complete course requirements no later than one year after the term or session in which the course was taken. Some schools have a shorter deadline for completion of G grades; see school for details.

The NG indicates a G has lapsed and is no longer in progress, and it will remain on the record, which will require the student to re-register for the course if it is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation.


The R signifies that a student resigned from the University for the term. (See Resigning from the University for more information.)


The W signifies that a student has withdrawn from a course. (See Monitored Withdrawal from a Course for more information.)

Auditing a Course

With the consent of the school and instructor, students may choose to audit a course. To audit a course, a student must register and pay tuition for the course. An audit is not counted toward graduation or the GPA.

Repeating Courses

A student may repeat any course, except as noted below. No sequence course may be repeated for credit after a higher numbered course in that sequence has been passed with a C or higher grade. (This also pertains to graduate and first professional students who have passed with a B or higher grade.) No course may be repeated at any other institution and have that grade accepted as a replacement for the original grade earned at the University of Pittsburgh. The grade earned by repeating a course is used in lieu of the grade originally earned.

The following calculations apply to all students at the University of Pittsburgh:

  • The original course and grade remain on the transcript and/or the academic record, however, the grade and credits originally earned are not counted in the calculation of the GPA.
  • The repeated course does not increase the number of credits counted toward meeting the degree requirements unless an F is replaced by a passing grade.

When a W, R, N, or NC is recorded for the repeated course, it will not be identified as a course repeat. Thus, the original grade earned will continue to be counted in the GPA. Incompletes (G or I) will not be identified as repeated courses until the course work is completed. Students may repeat a course no more than two times. Any grade earned in the repeated course will be posted to the academic record even if it is lower than the original grade. The repeated course must be the same in which the original grade was earned. In extenuating circumstances, a department chairman, with the dean’s approval, may substitute another course of similar content. Course repeat forms must be submitted to the Office of the University Registrar to affect grade replacement.

Grade Changes

The instructor of a course may change a student’s grade by submitting a grade change through the Grade Change Work Flow, which can be found on the Faculty Portal. All grade changes require the authorization of the dean of the school from which the original grade was issued. Students can verify grade changes for the terms available online via PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX.

Viewing Grades

Students can access their grades online via PeopleSoft/HighPoint CX.  Grade submission deadlines can be found in the University’s Academic Calendar .   


An academic transcript serves as a permanent record of a student’s academic progress. The transcript is a cumulative record of the student’s GPA, as well as a record of the department, title, and grade for each course in which the student has enrolled and summary advanced standing information. Students may request an official transcript that bears the seal and signature of the University Registrar.  Upon graduation, the transcript reflects a student’s degree and date, major, minor, or certificate, and, if applicable, honors and area of concentration.

Academic Record

The academic record is not an official University transcript, but a document containing a student’s complete University of Pittsburgh academic history. In addition to the information provided on the transcript, the academic record may display additional course details, certain academic events and detailed advanced standing/placement/transfer credit information.  Students can view a copy of their academic record in the Student Center at

Academic Standing

Undergraduate students’ academic standing is maintained and monitored each term by the school in which a student is enrolled. Students who are not on academic probation or academic suspension (i.e., students who maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or higher) are considered to be in good academic standing.

Dean’s List

Students whose grades indicate outstanding academic achievement are recognized on their school’s Dean’s List. The following schools have a Dean’s List:

  • Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
  • College of Business Administration
  • School of Dental Medicine
  • Swanson School of Engineering
  • College of General Studies
  • School of Computing and Information
  • School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Pharmacy
  • School of Public Health

Other Academic Honors

Schools and programs may have additional ways of recognizing academic achievement by students, such as Phi Beta Kappa, Tau Beta Pi, or a Term Honor List. More information about these opportunities is available through the school.

Probation, Suspension, and Dismissal

Students who fail to make satisfactory progress may be subject to academic probation and/or suspension and dismissal. Students who have completed at least 12 grade point credits and whose GPA falls below 2.00 will be placed on academic probation by the dean of the school. After a certain period of time on academic probation (determined by the student’s school), a student is subject to academic suspension and restricted from registering for classes in that school. Details of the undergraduate school’s probation system are available through that school.

Effect on Financial Aid

Conditions for financial aid eligibility usually require students to complete a specified number of credits each year and maintain a specified grade point average. Questions about the effect of unsatisfactory academic standing on financial aid should be directed to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid in Alumni Hall at 412-624-7488.


Requirements for Graduation

Graduation requirements differ among schools. However, all undergraduate schools require a minimum of 120 passing credits to graduate, as well as a GPA of at least 2.00. (See specific schools and programs for detailed graduation requirements.) For more policy information please refer to the University of Pittsburgh Policies and the Office of the Provost Policies and Academic Regulations.

Application to Graduate

Students must file an application for graduation through the Online Graduation Application. Each school establishes its own deadline by which students must apply for graduation. Students should check with their schools for the deadlines.

Graduation with Honors

Undergraduate members of a graduating class who have attained an outstanding scholastic record may graduate with University honors. To be eligible, a student must complete at least 60 letter-graded credits at the University of Pittsburgh. All degree-related course work completed at the University is calculated in the grade point average. Receipt of University honors is based on having obtained the following grade point average at graduation:

  Summa Cum Laude 3.75
  Magna Cum Laude 3.50
  Cum Laude 3.25

The honor status achieved by a student will appear on the student’s official University transcript and diploma.

Each school may award undergraduate program honors based on the major GPA and other criteria, as determined by the school and department.


Candidates for graduation are encouraged to appear in person at commencement, usually held the Sunday after the spring term ends. The official certification of degrees typically occurs several weeks after the ceremony.

With the exception of students who receive their diplomas at individual school ceremonies, all diplomas are mailed to students approximately four weeks after the official certification date for each graduation period.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

The University has a number of official policies affecting students. For complete and current text on all University policies, please see

The information that follows summarizes several key University-wide policies affecting undergraduate students, but students are also responsible for being cognizant of those University, school, and departmental regulations relevant to their programs of study.

Academic Integrity Policy

Students have the responsibility to be honest and to conduct themselves in an ethical manner while pursuing academic studies. Students have the right to be treated by faculty in a fair and conscientious manner in accordance with the ethical standards generally recognized within the academic community (as well as those recognized within the profession). Should a student be accused of a breach of academic integrity or have questions regarding faculty responsibilities, procedural safeguards including provisions of due process have been designed to protect student rights. These may be found in Guidelines on Academic Integrity: Student and Faculty Obligations and Hearing Procedures here .

Computing Use Policy

Every member of the University community has two basic rights regarding computing: privacy and a fair share of resources. It is unethical for another person to violate these rights. All users, in turn, are expected to exercise common sense and decency with regard to the campus computing resources. Please read Acceptable Computing Access and Use, available in campus computing labs or online at for details.

Students are subject to the rules and regulations as described in the University of Pittsburgh Student Code of Conduct. Students should realize that any misuse of computing resources may result in the suspension of their computing privileges.

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct is an outline of the nonacademic rights and responsibilities of University students. The code defines offenses by and against students. A student or University official may file a complaint of violation of the Student Code of Conduct at the University Student Judicial System. For a copy of the code, please contact the judicial system office in 738 William Pitt Union at 412-648-7910 or see

Judicial System

The Office of Student Conduct of the University Student Judicial System coordinates the Campus Judicial Board. It also receives, previews, and acts upon complaints of violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Its purpose is to provide due process and fair treatment in adjudicating charges filed for violations of the code. All complaints about nonacademic student behavior should be filed here.

Pitt Promise: A Commitment to Civility

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to the advancement of learning and service to society. This is best accomplished in an atmosphere of mutual respect and civility, self-restraint, concern for others, and academic integrity. Students are asked to accept the obligation to live by these common values and commit themselves to principles of behavior that contribute to a civil campus environment and to support this behavior in others. The Pitt Promise is online at

Other Policies

Affirmative Action and University of Pittsburgh Nondiscrimination Policy Statement

The University of Pittsburgh, as an educational institution and as an employer, values equality of opportunity, human dignity, and racial/ethnic and cultural diversity. Accordingly, as fully explained in CS 07 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH POLICY, the University prohibits and will not engage in discrimination or harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, disability, or status as a veteran. The University also prohibits and will not engage in retaliation against any person who makes a claim of discrimination or harassment or who provides information in such an investigation. Further, the University will continue to take affirmative steps to support and advance these values consistent with the University’s mission. This policy applies to admissions, employment, access to and treatment in University programs and activities. This is a commitment made by the University and is in accordance with federal, state, and/or local laws and regulations.

For information on University equal opportunity and affirmative action programs, please contact: University of Pittsburgh, Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, 18th Floor, Cathedral of Learning, 4200 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15260,, (412) 648-7860.

For complete details on the University’s Nondiscrimination Policy, please refer to CS 07 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH POLICY. For information on how to file a complaint under this policy, please refer to CS 07 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH PROCEDURE.

Drug-Free School and Workplace Policy

The University of Pittsburgh prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance on University property or as part of any University activity. Faculty, staff, and students of the University must also comply with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on the possession and consumption of alcohol.

Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action within 30 days, including, but not limited to, a warning, written reprimand, suspension, dismissal, expulsion, and/or mandatory participation and successful completion of a drug abuse assistance or rehabilitation program approved by an appropriate health or law-enforcement agency.

Any University employee paid from federally funded grants or contracts, or any students participating in any federally funded or guaranteed Student Loan Program, must notify the University of any criminal drug statute conviction for a violation occurring at the University or while engaged in University activities. For more information, see

E-mail Communication Policy

The University of Pittsburgh has established e-mail as an official means of communication with students. For more information, see

Faculty-Student Relationships

The University’s educational mission is promoted by professional relationships between faculty members and students. Relationships of an intimate nature (that is, sexual and/or romantic) compromise the integrity of a faculty-student relationship whenever the faculty member has a professional responsibility for the student. The University prohibits intimate relationships between a faculty member and a student whose academic work, teaching, or research is being supervised or evaluated by the faculty member.

If an intimate relationship should exist or develop between a faculty member and a student, the University requires the faculty member to remove himself/herself from all supervisory, evaluative, and/or formal advisory roles with respect to the student.

Definition note: In this policy, the definition of faculty member refers to anyone appointed by the University as a teacher, researcher, or academic administrator, including graduate and undergraduate students so appointed. For complete text on this policy, see

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

The University, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), affirms the University’s commitment to safeguard the privacy of education records and to comply with the relevant regulations through policy AC 04: FERPA: Access to and Disclosure of Education Records

Annual Notification of FERPA Rights

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students attending, or who have attended, certain rights with respect to their education records. Students are considered to begin the period of attendance at the University once they are registered for their initial term of enrollment. 

These rights include: 

(1) The right to inspect and review their education records within 45 calendar days of the receipt of a request.  

• Students may formally request to inspect and review their own Education Record, by submitting a request in writing to the Office of the University Registrar.  The Office of the University Registrar shall identify appropriate Records Custodians to whom the request should be addressed and/or provide guidance in this process when necessary.

• Once a request is received, the Record Custodian will coordinate the opportunity for the Student to inspect and review the requested Education Record within 45 calendar days of the request. The Record Custodian shall verify the identity of the requester through proper photographic identification prior to allowing inspection of the Record. 

(2) The right to exercise limited control through written consent over the disclosure of information contained in their education record. 

The University discloses education records without a student’s prior written consent under the FERPA exception for disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interest.  A School Official is an individual who engages in the instructional, supervisory, advisory, administrative, governance, public safety, research, and support functions of the University. They need not necessarily be a paid employee of the University. A School Official may include a contractor, consultant, volunteer, service provider, or other party under the direct control of the University to whom the University has contracted institutional services or functions for which the University would otherwise use an employee.  Legitimate Educational Interest is the need for a School Official to access specific student education records in the course of performing their duties for the University. 

The University may disclose education records without a student’s prior written consent to school officials of another postsecondary institution where the student seeks or intends to enroll or where the student is already enrolled so long as the disclosure is for purposes related to the student’s enrollment or transfer. 

(3) The right to request to amend their education records if they believe the record to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their privacy rights. 

• Students may submit a request in writing to the appropriate Records Custodian to request an amendment to their Education Record. Such a request should clearly identify: the Student; the part of the Record believed to be inaccurate, misleading, or in violation of their FERPA rights; and the change being requested. The Office of the University Registrar shall identify appropriate Records Custodians to whom the request should be addressed and/or provide guidance in this process when necessary. 

• Records Custodians must respond to Students’ amendment requests within 30 days. If the Records Custodian agrees with the request, they may make the change and must notify the Student in writing of the amendment. If the Records Custodian disagrees with the request, the Records Custodian must notify the Student of the denial of the request and their right to request a hearing. 

• Additional information regarding the hearing procedures will be provided to the student when notified of the right to a hearing and can be found in University Policy and Procedure AC04. 

(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education if they believe one of their primary rights under FERPA regulations has been violated or concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with the requirements of FERPA. 

Complaints regarding alleged FERPA violations can be filed with the U.S. Department of Education at:  

U.S. Department of Education 
Student Privacy Policy Office 
400 Maryland Ave., SW Washington, DC 20202-8520 

Questions concerning the University’s FERPA Policy AC 04 may be directed to the Office of the University Registrar at 412-624-7600. 

Directory Information 

The University has established categories of information known as “Directory Information” within University Policy AC 04. It may disclose directory information from education records without written consent from a student unless that student has notified the University in writing of their request to restrict the disclosure of their directory information.  When the Office of the University Registrar receives a student’s request to restrict the release of Directory Information, no further disclosures of Directory Information are made without that student’s written consent. A student may rescind this action by submitting a request in writing to the Office of the University Registrar via a form available through the FERPA information webpage.   

The University designates the following types of personally identifiable information within an education record as Directory Information: 

• Name 
• Address 
• Telephone Number 
• E-mail Address 
• Dates of Attendance 
• Enrollment Status 
• Level and Classification 
• Field(s) of Study 
• Degree Candidacy and/or Expected Graduation Date 
• Degree(s) Conferred and Credential(s) Awarded, including the Date(s) of such Conferrals or Awards 
• Awards, Scholarships, and Honors 
• Thesis and Dissertation Titles 
• Previous Institution(s) Attended 
• Image or Likeness 
• Past and Present Participation in Officially Recognized University Activities 
• Date of Birth* 

*Given the sensitive nature of date of birth, the University does not disclose a Student’s date of birth as Directory Information except as required by law or for legitimate purposes to confirm the identification of a specific Student Education Record when the date of birth is furnished by a third-party. 

Statement of Compliance Regarding Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for VA Educational Beneficiaries - 38 US Code Section 3675(b)

This policy applies to students who are VA beneficiaries and is intended to prevent the submission of VA-claims (“certifications”) for those students who are suspended.  Specifically:

  • In this instance, VA beneficiaries are defined as students receiving VA educational benefits under Chapter-30, Chapter-33, Chapter-35 and Chapter-1606, Title 38 U.S. Code.
  • Students placed on academic probation at the end of the term may be certified for VA educational benefits for the subsequent term.  If the student does not meet satisfactory academic progress in that subsequent term-defined as attaining a cumulative GPA at or above 2.00 for full-time students or attaining a cumulative GPA at or above 2.00  after attempting 12 additional credits for part-time students-the university will immediately suspend further VA certifications on behalf of the student. 
  • Students returning from one calendar year of suspension must re-apply for admission to the university.  If accepted, those students may be certified for VA educational benefits.

Certification of Chapter-31 students will be at the discretion of the student’s VA vocational rehabilitation counselor. 

Statement of Compliance Regarding VA Educational Beneficiaries - 38 US Code Section 3679(e)

As a matter of policy, the University of Pittsburgh allows students identified as covered individuals* to attend and participate in all course(s) of education for any given term in which the student has been certified for VA educational benefits.  This policy includes those circumstances in which VA payment(s) for student tuition and fees is late or delayed for up to 90 days after date of certification.  The University retains the right to impose late fees upon those students who incur or retain an outstanding balance beyond the amount of expected VA tuition & fee payment for the term.  

It is school policy to request all beneficiaries of VA educational benefits-including covered individuals*-provide the following documentation as part of certification process:

  • VA Certificate of Eligibility (COE) or Statement of Benefits as printed from the website
  • Completion of a certification request form (in hard-copy or on-line), which includes biographical information necessary for submission in the VA’s IT system of record-VA-Once. 

Failure to provide such documentation will result in the delay of any VA claim or certification. 

* Note:  VA defines a Covered Individual as any individual who is entitled to VA educational assistance under the VA’s Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program (38 U.S. Code Chapter 31) or the VA’s Post-9/11 GI Bill® (38 U.S. Code Chapter 33).

(“GI Bill®” is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government website at

Statement of Compliance Regarding the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 - Section 1018

In accordance with the Responsible Education Mitigating Options and Technical Extensions Act or the “REMOTE Act” of 2021 to Section 1018 of the Johnny Isakson and David P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 (Public Law 116-315)., the University of Pittsburgh provides a College Financing Plan (formerly known as Financial Aid Shopping Sheet) to every student who completes a FAFSA application including all VA beneficiaries.

Per Veterans Benefits Administration notification, “Isakson and Roe, Section 1018 Changes, dated June 13, 2022: The REMOTE Act affords the opportunity for schools to use the College Financing Plan (CFP), available through the U.S. Department of Education as a means to satisfy the requirements of section 3679(f). An Educational Training Institution that utilizes this form is providing sufficient consumer information, will be exempt from all section 3679(f) requirements, and does not need to apply for a waiver.   An Educational Training Institution does not need to be participating in Federal Title IV Federal Student Aid to utilize the CFP to satisfy the requirements of section 3679(f).

Harassment Policies


No University employee, student, or individual on University property may intentionally harass or abuse a person (physically or verbally) with the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with such person’s work or academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive work or academic environment.

Sexual Harassment

The University of Pittsburgh is committed to the maintenance of a community free from all forms of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment violates University policy as well as state, federal, and local laws. It is neither permitted nor condoned.

It is also a violation of the University of Pittsburgh’s policy against sexual harassment for any employee or student at the University of Pittsburgh to attempt in any way to retaliate against a person who makes a claim of sexual harassment. Any individual who, after thorough investigation and an informal or formal hearing, is found to have violated the University’s policy against sexual harassment will be subject to disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, reprimand, suspension, termination, or expulsion.

Any disciplinary action taken will depend upon the severity of the offense. For more information, see

Immunization Policy

All incoming full-time and part-time graduate, professional, and undergraduate students, except those enrolled solely in online programs, must submit proof of immunization against measles, mumps, rubella, varicella, and if living on-campus, meningitis.

A student may be granted a medical exemption from immunization based on a written statement from a physician or their designee. An exemption from immunization also may be granted based on a student’s written objection to the immunization on religious grounds or based on a moral or ethical conviction.

For more information, see Vaccinations and Immunization Requirements, Policy CS29.

Patent Policy

A University student, during his or her period of enrollment, may be responsible for new discoveries and inventions that could have commercial value and contribute to scientific, technological, social, and cultural progress. Those accomplishments should be patented in the best interest of the student, the University, the public, and the government. The University’s policy on patents determines the rights and obligations of the student and the University in any technology the student may invent while enrolled in the University. Details of this University policy are available from the Office of Technology Management or at

Research Integrity

The University of Pittsburgh seeks excellence in the discovery and dissemination of knowledge. Excellence in scholarship requires all members of the University community to adhere strictly to the highest standards of integrity with regard to research, instruction, and evaluation. Research misconduct carries potential for serious harm to the University community, to the integrity of science, and to society as a whole. The University’s Research Integrity Policy is available online at

Smoking Policy

Smoking is prohibited in all University-owned and -leased facilities, including residence halls and off-campus housing facilities, and in all University vehicles, including motor pool vehicles, campus buses, and vans, with explicit limited exceptions described in University Policy 04-05-03. For complete policy text, see

Student Service Indicators Policy

Access to many student services including registration and access to grades may be delayed for a number of reasons ranging from financial liability to missing data. Complete information on this policy is available online at

Use of Alcohol Policy

The University of Pittsburgh prohibits use and dispensing of alcohol in compliance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. For more information, see

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