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University of Pittsburgh    
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
  Mar 28, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences

Vision, Mission and Values

Philosophy of Undergraduate Education

Contact Information

Upper-Division Programs and Certificates


Financial Information

SHRS Academic Regulations

General Education Requirements

Allowable Credits


Dual Degree Option

David C. Frederick Honors College

The University of Pittsburgh School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) is a nationally renowned leader in the field of health care education, research and clinical practice preparation. With 14 different disciplines related to health and rehabilitative care, SHRS shapes future generations of health care professionals-therapists, counselors, advocates, scientists, providers and practitioners-trained to serve the needs of all people regardless of background, levels of health or mobility. We are built on a legacy of academic excellence and innovation and fueled by passionate educators and researchers, allowing us to meet the health care and rehabilitation needs of today and drive meaningful change in the future. Learn how bold moves SHRS. #BoldMovesSHRS

SHRS Vision, Mission and Values

Established in 1969 as a health sciences school of the University of Pittsburgh, SHRS stands on its solid reputation as an international leader in rehabilitation and disabilities education, research and community service, improving the lives and independence of all people with a focus on people at risk for or having chronic conditions or disabilities and those who have traditionally been underserved and underrepresented. 

Our Vision

To be a catalyst for a world free of barriers and disparities that allows all people, regardless of health, to have opportunities to participate in life to the fullest; to be accomplished through education, research, and service.

Our Mission

To advance health, rehabilitation and reintegration service delivery through teaching, research and professional service.

We advance our Mission and pursue our Vision by:

  • Providing an unparalleled environment for education and training
  • Supporting an inter-professional approach to research to address challenges of people with acute and chronic conditions and disabilities.
  • Collaborating with local, national and international partners to address and improve integration of rehabilitation services in health care delivery systems, community engagement and models of care.

Our Values

  • Advocacy - for those less fortunate or with limited access seeking greater independence
  • Excellence - in all endeavors and facets of our work
  • Inclusion - in student, faculty and staff composition, recruitment, retention and advancement with a major focus on inclusion of all people regardless of race, culture, gender, age, ethnicity, socio-economic experience, ability, disability, religion, gender identity and expression or sexual orientation
  • Innovation - in teaching and educational curricula, research, technology and product development
  • Integrity - through uncompromising adherence to ethical principles, truthfulness, dignity and respect in all that we do
  • Service - to all, including the disabilities community, in regard to rehabilitation and health services with a commitment to social responsibility


Philosophy of Undergraduate Education

SHRS faculty base their teaching upon contemporary best practices, scientific research, clinical service, and participation in their respective professional associations. Faculty research and service typically occurs through multidisciplinary collaboration in diverse health care and research environments. Consequently, both entry-level and advanced students are exposed to state-of-the-science curricula, which are continually reviewed from the perspective of new investigational findings, technological developments, changing public policy and accepted clinical and management practice.

Our students are educated and trained to question the basis of current practice, and to challenge prevailing models and assumptions. The entry-level curricula reflect the importance of effective team participation in an interdisciplinary and rapidly changing environment. Emphasis is given to the student’s development of analytical problem-solving and human relations skills required for effective clinical and supervisory practice. The student is confronted with the transition between a professional commitment to providing high quality care and service, while recognizing the effects of competitive pressures and cost constraints upon the health care organization.

The primary objective of our entry-level professional programs is to educate knowledgeable, skilled, and ethically responsible practitioners, committed to their respective professions and to the high standards of health care and rehabilitation services.

The primary objective of our pre-professional programs is to provide students with excellent preparation for entry-level professional health care educational programs offered at the graduate level, either at the University of Pittsburgh or elsewhere.


Contact Information

University of Pittsburgh
School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Office of the Dean
4028 Forbes Tower
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
412-383-6535 (FAX)


Upper-Division Programs and Certificates

SHRS is an upper-division school at the University of Pittsburgh, which means students must have approximately 60 college credits to enter our undergraduate programs. Each program has prerequisite courses that students typically take during their first and sophomore years while simultaneously earning general education credits. Students then apply to an SHRS program during their sophomore year, roughly after completing 45 credits. When applying to SHRS, students can be in the process of completing required credits and admission requirements.

Undergraduate Programs

  • Communication Science (BA)
  • Emergency Medicine (BS)
  • Health Informatics (BS)
  • Nutrition Science (BS)
  • Rehabilitation Science (BS)

Accelerated Programs

  • Athletic Training, Accelerated MS
  • Dietitian Nutritionist, Accelerated MS

Certificate programs offered through the undergraduate program in Rehabilitation Science:

  • Assistive Technology in Rehabilitation
  • Pathokinesiology in Rehabilitation
  • Psycho-Social Issues in Rehabilitation and Personal Care



SHRS is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive academic environment to create a more equitable health care system by welcoming applicants of all abilities/disabilities, religions, marital statuses, familial statuses, sexes, ages, sexual orientations, veteran statuses, national origins, all ethnic and racial backgrounds, genetic information, and gender identities and expressions.

Each upper-division undergraduate and accelerated program at SHRS has specific admission requirements. Please visit the SHRS Program and Course Offerings section of this catalog for detailed information.

Application Procedures

Students enrolled at the University of Pittsburgh (all campuses) apply to SHRS undergraduate and accelerated programs by completing an internal upper-level application.

Transfer students must apply to the University of Pittsburgh through the Pitt Admissions Office and also submit the internal upper-level application. Please visit for more information.

Admission Status

Full status is granted to those who have met all admission criteria and have been admitted either as full-time or part-time students for study toward the baccalaureate degree. Students enrolled in accelerated programs must maintain a 3.000 minimum GPA to progress from the undergraduate to graduate portion of their program.

Conditional status is granted to those who are in the process of completing prerequisite courses. These students must complete all requirements successfully prior to matriculation. At the discretion of the Department Chair, students may be admitted to an SHRS undergraduate program with a maximum of two courses of prerequisite work remaining to be taken in their designated program. Any outstanding prerequisite work taken while enrolled in an SHRS undergraduate program must be completed by the end of the fall term of the senior year.

Non-Degree status is granted to those who enroll at SHRS to take courses for credit without reference to a degree.

Admission to most SHRS undergraduate programs is on a competitive basis as class sizes are limited. Students are strongly encouraged to complete as many prerequisites as possible prior to applying and to apply by the application deadlines published by the individual departments. Applications will be evaluated, and qualified applicants will be admitted until classes are filled.

Deferral of Admission

Requests to defer admission must be submitted by the student, in writing, BEFORE the start of the first term. If approved, the student must pay the tuition deposit (if required) which will be held by Student Financials and applied to their account, if enrolled. If they do not enroll, the deposit is forfeited. 

Request for Readmission

In each of the circumstances below, the student will be discontinued from PeopleSoft and must initiate reinstatement to rejoin the program by contacting their program director.

  • If a student begins their 1st term and then drops all courses BEFORE the add/drop deadline.
  • If a student begins their 1st term and then requests to withdraw from all classes AFTER the add/drop deadline and before 60% of the term has passed, the student would need to go through the Student Appeals office Tuition Adjustments | Student Payment Center and their tuition will be prorated based on the last day of attendance. 
  • In extenuating circumstances, at the discretion of the Department Chair and the Associate Dean, a student could request a late drop of the enrollment after the add/drop deadline which would remove the courses from their transcript and their bill.


Financial Information

Tuition and Fee Rates

Tuition and fee rates are available on the Financial Information  page, in the University Catalog. The tuition chart is online at Undergraduate Tuition & Mandatory Fees.

Full-time students

Undergraduate students registered for 12 to 18 credits in the Fall and Spring Terms are regarded as full-time students, and are assessed the current undergraduate “flat” tuition rate for their academic center.
Undergraduate students registered for fewer than 12 credits are considered part-time, and are billed on a per-credit basis.

Students will be charged per credit for each credit exceeding the maximum full-time credit limit.

Summer Term: All students are billed on a per-credit basis.

Residency/Reduced Tuition

Students who reside in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may be eligible for reduced tuition through state appropriations.

Eligibility is determined by criteria outlined in the University of Pittsburgh Guidelines for Determining Eligibility for Reduced Tuition Rates, available online at

Additional Fees

Lab Fees: Lab courses may incur an additional fee to cover laboratory expenses. These fees will be charged to the student directly and will appear on the invoice generated by Student Accounts in addition to tuition and other fees each semester.

Financial Obligation of Students

The University of Pittsburgh has the right to withhold services if a student defaults on any financial obligation until repayment arrangements have been made that are satisfactory to the office or department to which the debt is owed.

Scholarships, Grants and Financial Aid

If you are interested in applying for loans, scholarships, grants, or work study, you should call, write or visit the University of Pittsburgh, Financial Wellness Center, 139 University Place, Thackeray Hall, Pittsburgh, PA  15260, 412-624-PITT, University of Pittsburgh Financial Aid. See also the SHRS website financial information page.

SHRS Scholarships and Awards

General information on scholarship and awards can be found at: SHRS Financial Information Page on our website. Contact individual departments for information on scholarships and awards specific to your area of study.


SHRS Academic Regulations

Academic Integrity Policy

Students have the responsibility to be honest and to conduct themselves in an ethical manner while pursuing academic studies. Students have the right to be treated by faculty in a fair and conscientious manner in accordance with the ethical standards generally recognized within the academic community (as well as those recognized within the profession). Should a student be accused of a breach of academic integrity or have questions regarding faculty responsibilities, procedural safeguards including provisions of due process have been designed to protect student rights. SHRS Guidelines on Academic Integrity: Student and Faculty Obligations and Hearing Procedures.

In addition to the University-wide regulations and standards detailed in the section on General Academic Regulations, each student in SHRS is expected to be familiar with these school-specific regulations and academic Standards:

  • It is the student’s responsibility to review her/his academic standing, to identify undergraduate program requirements and prerequisites for intended undergraduate program(s) and to monitor their completion.
  • All required and prerequisite coursework must be taken for a grade, when letter grade option is available.
  • Students must receive a C- or better in each required course and SHRS elective course to earn credit. 
  • Students must earn a grade of C- or higher in any course intended to count towards their SHRS major and as written in the SHRS Plan of Study.  This includes general education requirements, pre-requisites, and elective courses that are part of the degree requirements.
  • Any student who does not earn a C- or better in any coursework should consult with their academic advisor.
  • All Pitt grades will still appear on the transcript and be calculated into the GPA unless the student repeats the course. However, credits from courses in which student has earned unacceptable grades will not be counted toward graduation.
  • Students who receive a grade below a C- in a required course must repeat that course and attain a grade of C- or better.
  • Students will not be permitted to register for a course until they attain a C- or better in its prerequisite.
  • Failure to receive an acceptable grade after the second repeat of a required course may result in the student being dismissed from the program and SHRS.


SHRS General Education Requirements

SHRS students must complete the general education requirements before graduating. Our General Education Requirements are included in our upper-level program prerequisites and curriculum requirements.









3 courses

  • 1 SEMINAR IN COMPOSITION* course. Students may be exempt from the composition requirement with a 660 or above Evidence-Based Reading and Writing SAT score or an ACT English score of 27 and a 5 on the AP English: Language and Composition or AP English: Literature and Composition.
  • 1 Writing Intensive** course - ENGCMP 0400, 0530, 0535 recommended
  • 1 Oral Communication course - COMMRC 0520 preferred; 0310, 0500, 0510, 0530 acceptable




2 courses

  • 1 ALGEBRA* course. Students may be exempt from the algebra requirement with a 620 or above Math SAT or a 27 and above Math ACT.
  • 1 Statistics course - STAT 0200 or 1000



  • 1 DIVERSITY* course.


3 courses

  • 1 LITERATURE*, THE ARTS*, CREATIVE WORK* or PHILOSOPHICAL THINKING AND ETHICS* course. Consider courses in bioethics and those with a disability or health & medicine focus.
  • 1 SOCIAL SCIENCES* course.
  • 1 NATURAL SCIENCES* course. Check with program to verify if a lab is required.




  • 1 CROSS-CULTURAL AWARENESS*, GLOBAL ISSUES*, HISTORICAL ANALYSIS*, or SPECIFIC GEOGRAPHIC REGION* course. Study Abroad may be accepted. Consider courses with a disability or health & medicine focus.


*See requirement lists in the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences General Education Course Catalog.

**Search in PeopleSoft Mobile, Class Search, for High Impact Practices - Writing Intensive Course.



Allowable Credits

Students enter the upper-division undergraduate and accelerated programs at SHRS with approximately 60 credits and must take all courses required by their program.

Up to 30 additional credits of undergraduate coursework completed at a four-year academic institution may be granted-pending approval of the Program Director. The Program Director must:

  • review and approve these additional credits,
  • indicate additional classes/credits on the student’s Plan of Study, and
  • submit a request to accept additional credits to the Director of Academic Advising and Student Success,
  • all required academic work for a degree in SHRS, including courses for which advanced-standing credit has been granted, must be completed within ten (10) consecutive calendar years. Departments have the discretion to lessen this number for specific coursework deemed integral to the course of study in a particular discipline.

Exception: Paramedics and active-duty military students with equivalent licensure enter the Emergency Medicine (BS) program with 90 credits.

Some SHRS programs may allow students to earn particular course credits by successful completion of the following:

Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) Credits

See for credits and course equivalencies currently granted by the University of Pittsburgh for Advanced Placement and International Baccalaureate examinations.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

SHRS does NOT accept CLEP general examination credits.

Credit by Course Examination

The following regulations govern this procedure:

  • The individual department shall determine specific courses open to examination.
  • A student may not earn credit by examination if the student has previously taken the course.
  • Students may obtain the form, Credit by Course Examination, from the Office of Student Services. Enrolled students must apply for examination during the term preceding the term in which the course is scheduled. Newly admitted students may apply and take the examination early in the term in which the course is taught.
  • The Credit by Course Examination form and a check or money order for the appropriate fee must be processed in the Cashier’s Office, G-7 Thackeray Hall, for validation prior to taking the examination. Upon passing the examination, the department will submit the Credit by Course Examination form to Student Services. Students will receive advanced standing credit for the course, which may be applied towards graduation. If a student fails the exam, neither a failing grade nor credits will be posted on the transcript. An exemption examination may be taken only once per course. The faculty of each Department will determine the number of courses that can be exempted by students enrolled in that academic program.

Online Courses

The acceptance of online coursework is at the discretion of the department to which the student is applying. All online coursework must be taken at a regionally accredited institution.

Educational Experiences in the Armed Services Credits

SHRS will evaluate credits earned as part of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services.

Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)

SHRS will grant up to four credits toward graduation for the following courses in lieu of or in combination with PEDC (Physical Education) courses: AFROTC 0001, 0002, 0003, and 0004; MILS 0011, 0012, 0021, and 0022.

Also, upper-level ROTC courses may be used as electives in meeting SHRS degree requirements.  These courses include AFROTC 1013, 1014, 1015, and 1016 (all 3-credit courses); MILS 1031, 1032, 1041, and 1042 (all 1-credit courses).

Transfer Credit Policy

  • At the time of application coursework completed outside the University of Pittsburgh is evaluated by SHRS Admissions to determine if it meets the University and SHRS policy required for transfer.
  • A maximum of 60 credits can be transferred from a two-year degree program: and a maximum of 90 from a four-year college/university.
  • Courses must be passed with a grade of C or better and must be earned at an appropriately accredited institution. Courses must have reasonable equivalents at the University of Pittsburgh to be eligible for transfer. When requested, students are responsible for supplying descriptions for courses taken elsewhere.
  • The number of credits granted for a given course cannot exceed the number awarded for the course on the transcript of the school where the course was taken, or the number earned for the corresponding course at the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Credits earned on the quarter system will be converted into semester credits. A quarter credit is equal to two-thirds of a semester credit (e.g., five quarter-system credits equal three semester credits, and three quarter-system credits equal two semester credits).
  • SHRS accepts credits, but not grades, for transfer. Consequently, any courses that are accepted for transfer will be used as credit toward graduation but will not be calculated into the student’s GPA at the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Contact for information about transfer credit evaluation.
  • Please note: All transfer credits are subject to re-evaluation when a student transfers from one school to another within the University of Pittsburgh.

Transfer Students Credit Evaluation

Upon application, transfer students will receive a formal credit evaluation. Following admission, transfer students will receive formal notification from SHRS indicating which requirements have been satisfied and if any prerequisite coursework or credits are outstanding.

Current SHRS students taking courses off campus for transfer credit

Current SHRS students in good academic standing (cumulative GPA of at least 2.00), including students admitted to SHRS who need to complete prerequisites prior to starting their program, may attend another accredited institution in order to complete their degree requirements, provided they receive prior approval from the Director of Academic Advising and Student Success. Students are required to fill out an approval form and provide appropriate course descriptions.  They must send this form with the descriptions to: Students will not receive credit for courses taken without advance approval. SHRS students may not enroll in courses outside the University of Pittsburgh in the semester they are graduating from SHRS.



Academic and faculty advisors for SHRS undergraduate students are assigned by the Program Directors. Students are notified of the name of their advisor by their department.

Change of Advisor

Requests for an advisor change should be submitted to the Director Academic Advising and Student Success who shall review the request.

Plan of Study

Every student in SHRS must have a Plan of Study. The academic advisor manages the Plans of Study, and each department has access to these plans. Revisions to the Plan of Study must be approved by the academic/faculty advisor or Department Chair. 

In order to be certified for graduation, students must successfully complete all courses outlined in their final Plan of Study along with any other requirements for the degree. A final Plan of Study will be submitted to Student Services by the academic advisor in the graduating term.


Dual Degree Option

  • Students may pursue dual degrees within SHRS or between SHRS and another school at the University. SHRS follows the University policy concerning dual degrees.
  • The student must complete 150 credits accepted by the University.
  • The student must complete all requirements necessary to complete each degree.
  • The student must receive both degrees simultaneously.
  • The student must be admitted and enrolled in SHRS as their primary academic center for half the terms necessary to complete both degrees, typically this is 4-5 semesters.
  • Students must contact SHRS Admissions Office to be admitted prior to the midpoint of their studies.


David C. Frederick Honors College

Students enrolled in SHRS programs are eligible for membership in the David C. Frederick Honors College and to participate in earning Honors College recognition. For more information and to learn more about the various levels of engagement, go to the following links for Honors Outside the Classroom Curriculum (OCC) Honors OCC , Honors Distinction, Honors Distinction , and Honors Joint Degree.  


Independent Study

Independent study allows the student to pursue independent academic work for credit. The independent study must be supervised by an SHRS approved faculty member. To register for an independent study, the student must:

  • Identify and develop an independent study project with independent study supervisor to include objectives for the independent study, methods to be used to meet those objectives, and measurable assessment methods for determining degree to which objectives were met. Independent studies must have an academic focus, and the academic rigor of the objectives and assessment methods will determine the number of credits to be earned.
  • Complete the Independent Study form which will need to be signed by the Independent Study supervisor, academic/faculty advisor, and Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies.
  • Submit completed Independent Study form to their advisor for enrollment.


Clinical Education and Directed Practice

  • All clinical education sites must have current contracts with the University of Pittsburgh.
  • Each program’s clinical education coordinator will assign students to their clinical education site.
  • Students must provide proof of HIPAA certification with registration.
  • Student must provide proof of Blood Borne Pathogen certification with registration
  • Students are required to carry personal health insurance.
  • Students must provide proof of having undergone a physical exam, blood work, and vaccinations.
  • A list of exam and vaccination requirements and required forms will be provided by the clinical education coordinator.

Some SHRS programs require that students complete clinical education at facilities internal or external to the University and may require completion of 1) Pennsylvania Department of Human Services Child Abuse History Clearance; 2) Pennsylvania State Police Criminal Record Check; 3) FBI Criminal Record Check to determine whether the student is qualified to participate in clinical education. If these are deemed to be required and the student has not already done so, the student should immediately start the process of obtaining these three clearances and background checks.

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania has posted information on how to obtain these clearances and background checks here:

Additional requirements may also include a drug screen, CPR training, attending orientation sessions, compliance with dress code, and personal transportation.  Each program’s clinical education coordinator will advise students of additional program or site-specific requirements and instructions on how to submit required documentation to verify completion of all requirements. 

Students may be required to travel a distance or to relocate outside the city for their clinical education assignments.  All expenses for transportation, housing, food, etc. are the responsibility of the student. Any student who misses clinical education time for any reason must meet with their clinical education coordinator to discuss any needed make-up time. See individual programs for specific details regarding clinical education.

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

All SHRS students participating in clinical education or field experience must complete HIPAA certification training prior to beginning at the clinical/field site. No clinical contact in a “covered entity” will be allowed before certification is completed. (Student should see individual department information regarding additional HIPAA certification requirements.) 

Procedure for completing HIPAA certification: Go to Look for UPMC HIPAA Security Awareness Training for Physicians (formerly RPF Module 15) and HIPAA Physicians Privacy Awareness Training by UPMC (formerly RPF Module 8). Complete the UPMC HIPAA Security Awareness Training for Physicians and HIPAA Physicians Privacy Awareness Training by UPMC. Complete the quizzes. Print certificates, complete all information, sign them, and turn them into your department.

Blood Borne Pathogen Training and Certification

All SHRS students who will be going into a clinical setting must complete Blood Borne Pathogen (BBP) training and certification annually. This certification must be completed prior to the beginning of the term in which the clinical setting will begin. No clinical placement will be allowed before certification is completed.

Procedure for completing online BBP training and certification: Go to Look for Blood Borne Pathogen Training (formerly RPF Module 9). Complete Blood Borne Pathogens Training. Complete the quiz. Print certificate, complete all information, sign it, and submit it to your department.


Enrollment Status

A student must be registered for at least one credit in a twelve (12) month period from the time of admission until the degree is granted in order to maintain active status. Those students who fail to observe this rule will be placed on inactive status and will have to seek formal readmission in order to continue in the program. If active status is not maintained, the student is not permitted to use University facilities or receive counseling or active supervision by a faculty member, advisor, or committee.

Undergraduate students cannot enroll for more than (18) units without approval from the SHRS Registrar. Only the SHRS Registrar can enroll you after you receive approval for the additional unit(s).

Undergraduate students registered for 12 to 18 credits in the Fall and Spring Terms are regarded as full-time students.

Students cannot enroll in courses that meet at the same time.

Enrollment in Graduate Courses

University of Pittsburgh undergraduate students with sufficient preparation are permitted to enroll in certain graduate courses at the University following procedures determined by each school. The graduate credits earned may be counted toward the undergraduate degree if approved by the student’s school. These may not be counted as credits toward a graduate degree except as noted below.

Undergraduate students who need fewer than 15 credits to complete requirements for the baccalaureate degree and who intend to continue study toward an advanced degree may be permitted during their final term to register for graduate courses that will later apply toward a graduate degree. The student must obtain written permission from the school of proposed graduate study that the courses may count when and if the student is admitted into the graduate degree program. This privilege should not be granted if the proposed total program exceeds a normal full- time load. Although these credits will appear on the undergraduate transcript, they will not count toward fulfilling undergraduate degree requirements. They will be posted as advanced standing credits on the graduate transcript.

Extended Drop Period

Under special circumstances, undergraduate students may be eligible to drop a course in the third week of the fall or spring semester. Students must meet all the following criteria to drop a course during the extended drop period:

Students must meet all the following criteria to drop a course during the extended drop period (Only Fall & Spring term):

  • must be an Undergraduate student and the course you are dropping must be an Undergraduate course,
  • students must remain in full-time status after dropping the course(s),
  • students must review the proposed drop with their academic advisor.

If the student’s advisor finds that the student is eligible, the academic advisor must provide permission to drop via email to the SHRS Student Services Coordinator. Students do not have access to drop classes during the extended period.

  • The email request must include all student and course information. (student’s name, PeopleSoft ID number, subject, number, section, credits) to process the drop(s).

Monitored Withdrawal

After the add/drop period has ended, students may withdraw from a course that they no longer wish to attend by completing a Monitored Withdrawal Request form in the office of the school offering the course. Students must process the Monitored Withdrawal Request form within the first nine weeks of the term in the fall and spring.

Because summer sessions vary in length, students should check the University’s Academic Calendar for those deadlines. Students should check with the school offering the course for the last day to submit a Monitored Withdrawal Request form. The grade “W” will appear on the student’s grade report and transcript. There is no financial adjustment to students’ tuition or fee obligations involved in withdrawing from courses, but withdrawing may jeopardize satisfactory academic progress, financial aid, and assistantships or fellowships.

The form must be signed by the instructor of the course and be returned to the SHRS Director of Student Services, Registrar, within the first nine weeks of the fall or spring term. 

Late Withdrawal procedure

Procedure for an Appeal for Late Withdrawal

After the Monitored Withdrawal deadline has passed, students may appeal to withdraw from a course by submitting an Appeal for Late Withdrawal. The form can be found on the SHRS Student Life website, in the Forms tab.

All appeals for late withdrawal must be for non-academic reasons, i.e. medical or family emergencies. If you are trying to withdraw without extenuating circumstances, your appeal will be denied.

  • Appeals must be submitted to the Dean’s Office of the school offering the course, regardless of the student’s home school.
  • Appeals for Late Withdrawal from SHRS courses should be submitted to the SHRS Registrar.

You will be notified of the Associate Dean’s decision via your student email account. Appeals for late withdrawal must be submitted before the end of the 13th week of the semester.

After the 13th week, students can only appeal to withdraw from the entire semester.

If your request is approved and you accept the grade of “W” there is no tuition adjustment for withdrawing from the course.

Repetition of Courses

Consult with your academic advisor for the proper procedure of repeating a class and for information on how this will affect your grades and the calculation of your Grade Point Average (GPA). When you repeat a class, you must officially enroll and pay for the class again.

University policy prohibits any student from attending a class without being officially enrolled for that class. A repeated course has a notation appearing underneath the previous course taken designating that it is excluded from the GPA. The original course and grade will always remain on your record/transcript. Please note that the Course Repeat form can only be processed before the student completes the degree for the program. Once a student receives the bachelor’s degree, they are unable to submit a course repeat if they decide to retake a course after they graduate. For instance, undergraduate students can only retake courses while they are still enrolled in the undergraduate program. Students enrolled in one of the accelerated master’s programs cannot submit a request for a Course Repeat once they complete the bachelor’s degree.

Students are only permitted to repeat a course twice; the course cannot be taken more than three times.

NOTE: Any grade earned in the repeated course will be recorded on the academic transcript, even if it is lower than the original grade.

  • A sequence course may not be repeated for credit if the student passes a higher sequence course with a C or better grade.
  • A student may not enroll in the same course at another institution and have that grade replace the original grade earned at the University.
  • The original course and grade remain on the transcript; however, the grade and credits originally earned are not counted in the calculation of the GPA.

Statute of Limitations on Allowable Coursework

All required academic work for a degree in SHRS, including courses for which advanced- standing credit has been granted, must be completed within ten (10) consecutive calendar years. Departments have the discretion to lessen this number for specific coursework deemed integral to the course of study in a particular discipline.

Resigning from the University for a Specific Term

If students decide to drop all their courses after the add/drop period has ended and before 60 percent of the term or session has been completed, they must resign from the University for that term. Official resignation from the University requires students to contact the Student Appeals Office. Students have several options. They may resign in person, by mail, or by calling 412-624-7585, where students may leave a message 24 hours a day, including weekends and holidays. An R grade will appear on the student’s academic transcript. Tuition is prorated from the date of the student’s notification to the Student Appeals Office of the student’s desire to resign, unless 60 percent of the term has been completed, in which case there is no refund.

After the 60 percent point of the term or session has passed, students who wish to terminate their registration may process a withdrawal from all classes only with the permission of their academic dean. If the reason for withdrawal is medical or psychological in nature, the academic dean may consult with the director of the Student Health Service prior to making a determination. There is no financial adjustment associated with this procedure, which results in the assignment of W grades for the courses.

Please visit the Student Payment center resignation page on the University of Pittsburgh website for more information.

Leave of Absence

Under special conditions, a leave of absence is available for students enrolled in the second term or later of their program. 

  • To request a LOA, the student, along with their advisor, must complete the SHRS Request for Leave of Absence - Undergraduate Program form, which can be found on the SHRS Student Life website, in the Forms tab. This form must be submitted to Student Services for approval.  
  • The length and rationale for the leave of absence must be approved by the Associate Dean. If approved, the time of the leave shall not count against the total time allowed for the degree (statute of Limitations) being sought by the student.
  • If a student requests a leave for up to 1 year, and they are auto discontinued from PeopleSoft due to 3 consecutive terms of no enrollment, they will automatically be readmitted by the Admissions office to return.
  • If the reason for the leave is medical in nature, a formal note from a doctor must be included with the request.

Reinstatement is not guaranteed. Students who have been dismissed from SHRS for academic reasons or who have not enrolled at SHRS for three consecutive terms must request reinstatement by contacting their program director.

Failure to Communicate

Students should stay in regular communication with their academic advisor and faculty members. SHRS defines Failure to Communicate as not responding to two (2) requests for communication with faculty or staff or failure to attend one (1) required meeting with faculty or staff.

If the student is enrolled in the term and fails to communicate,

  • They will be assigned the grade earned in the course.  
  • Student grades will be assigned based on performance in the course, including failing grades for any missed assignments, at the instructor’s discretion.
    • If the course is a required course for degree completion, the student will need to repeat the course.

If a student is NOT enrolled in the current term or drops all courses by the term’s add/drop deadline and has NOT done A or B below, they will be subject to dismissal from the program.

  1. communicated with their advisor or department the reason for withdrawing, or
  2. has not requested a leave of absence by the add/drop deadline and fails to communicate

To facilitate regular communication, students are strongly encouraged to:

  • Check their Pitt email regularly.
  • Inform their academic advisor, faculty, or department chair of difficulties that may impact their academic standing.
  • Seek help as needed.
  • Make and keep regular advising/registration appointments with their academic advisor.


Grading Policy

All SHRS undergraduate programs adhere to the University’s grading system and grading policies for graduate students. Please refer to the Office of the University Registrar on Grades or the University Catalog on Grading and Records..

Course Grading

The method of evaluation and grading is the prerogative of the course instructor and is based on the course objectives and expectations. SHRS faculty have the option of issuing “+” or “-” grades. SHRS faculty also have the option of assigning letter grades or HSU evaluations, as printed in the course catalog and determined at student’s enrollment. Students will be apprised of the evaluation procedure by the instructor at the beginning of each course. It is the student’s responsibility to request clarification of any evaluation or grading policy.

SHRS (G) Grade Policy

The G grade signifies unfinished course work due to extenuating personal circumstances. Students assigned G grades are required to complete course requirements no later than one year after the term or session in which the course was taken.

A student should not request or be given a “G” grade if, in actuality, they need to repeat the course.  The G grade should only be given if they had an extenuating circumstance (medical issue, family issue, etc.) that did not allow them to complete coursework.

If a G grade is not changed by the next term add/drop deadline (Summer term included) the instructor will submit an online G grade form which will include objectives to be completed and expected date of completion.  This form will be sent to the student to review and agree to, and a completed form will be placed in the student’s file when the work is completed, and the grade is changed.

Completing the work by the Date of Completion:

When the work is completed, the instructor will enter an online grade change to update the grade on the student record.

Not completing the work by the Date of Completion for an G grade:

  • If the date of completion agreed upon is prior to the one-year deadline and the work is NOT completed by that date, the instructor reserves the right to change the grade to the grade earned.

- If the grade earned is a failing grade the student will be required to re-register for the course if it is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation.

  • If the date of completion is the one-year deadline and the work is NOT completed by that date, the G grade will automatically change to NG and will no longer appear as “in progress” on a student record.

- The NG grade will remain on the record and the student will be required to re-register for the course if it is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation.


Dean’s List for SHRS

The SHRS Dean’s List is compiled upon completion of each fall and spring term. The criteria used to determine eligibility for the Dean’s List is as follows:

  • full-time student status for the term,
  • minimum GPA of 3.500 for the term,
  • minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000 (total Pitt).


Academic Probation and Dismissal Policy

Students who have completed at least 12 credits and whose cumulative GPA falls below 2.000 will be placed on academic probation and will receive written notification of this status. At this point it is the student’s responsibility to meet with his or her advisor.

To be removed from academic probation, the student will need to achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.000 within his or her next two terms of study. Failure to do so may subject the student to recommendation for immediate dismissal from the program by the Department Chair, in collaboration with the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

Students who fail to demonstrate progress toward meeting graduation requirements in a timely manner may be placed on academic probation or recommended for dismissal from the program by the Department Chair in collaboration with that Associate Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

SHRS reserves the right to terminate a student at any time for academic or other reasons.

Dismissal from the program is at the discretion of the SHRS Dean. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event it is not mathematically possible for a student to remediate their cumulative program GPA within their next two terms of study the student may be immediately dismissed.

A student may appeal their dismissal with the University of Pittsburgh Provost office.


Graduation Requirements

Graduation Requirements for a bachelor’s degree from the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences are as follows:

  • satisfactory completion of a minimum of 120 approved credits (including advanced standing),
  • minimum of 30 SHRS credits taken once admitted and enrolled in SHRS department or program,
  • minimum cumulative GPA 2.000,
    • The GPA will be calculated as a composite of all courses taken at the University of Pittsburgh and counting toward completion of the degree.
  • completion of all requirements for the program in which student has enrolled,
  • no outstanding D, F, or G grades in a required course,
  • updated and approved Plan of Study on file in Student Services,
  • student must be considered an “active student” at time of graduation; the student must have been registered for at least one credit at the University of Pittsburgh within the last three terms or sessions.

Students may not enroll in courses outside the University of Pittsburgh in the semester they are graduating.

An application for graduation must be submitted by the student in PeopleSoft the term prior to the graduation term. A student with outstanding financial obligations to the University is not eligible to receive the diploma, official academic transcripts, or any certification of completion of the academic program.


Graduation with Honors

A baccalaureate degree student attaining an outstanding scholastic record will graduate with university honors if a minimum of 60 letter-graded credits have been earned at the University of Pittsburgh. The GPA used for the awarding of honors at graduation will be calculated as a composite of courses taken at the University of Pittsburgh and counting toward completion of the degree. The following recognition of academic standing with honors applies:

  • Cum Laude                       3.250 - 3.499
  • Magna Cum Laude           3.500 - 3.749
  • Summa Cum Laude          3.750 - 4.000


SHRS Student Organizations

The School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences has student organizations for undergraduate students.  Visit for more information.



The Ombudsperson assists students with resolving conflicts and issues that arise in the course of their education and training that they believe have not or cannot be addressed within their academic department. The Ombudsperson can help mediate conflicts and provides information about institutional policies related to the student’s issues, including the University’s grievance procedures. The Ombudsperson directs students to further resources on campus as appropriate. The Ombudsperson in the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (SHRS) will be a neutral contact person (non-faculty) for students with whom they can engage in informal discussions.

The Ombudsperson for SHRS is Jessica Maguire, Executive Director of Student Affairs. She can be reached at to make an appointment. More information on the Ombudsperson’s role for SHRS can be found on the SHRS website under the Orientation page.


School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Faculty

SHRS Faculty  


Program and Course Offerings

Department of Sports Medicine and Nutrition

Department of Communication Science and Disorders (CSD)

Department of Community Health Services and Rehabilitation Science

Department of Health Information Management

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