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University of Pittsburgh    
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
  Mar 28, 2025
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Campus Facilities and Student Services

Academic Resources

A strong infrastructure of services is key to ensuring academic success at any institution of higher learning. The University of Pittsburgh has a wide variety of academic resources that provide that infrastructure to aid students with their research, computing, tutoring, and advising needs.

University Library System

271 Hillman Library

The University of Pittsburgh libraries and collections provide an abundant amount of information and services to the University’s students, faculty, staff, administrators, and researchers. In fiscal year 2007, the University’s 28 libraries and collections have surpassed 5.1 million volumes. In addition, they contain more than 5 million pieces of microforms, and more than 48,000 current serials.

Under the administration of the Hillman University Librarian and Director, the University Library System (ULS) includes the following libraries and collections: Hillman (main), African American, Allegheny Observatory, Archives Service Center, Buhl (social work), Center for American Music, Chemistry, Darlington Memorial (American history), East Asian, Engineering (Bevier Library), Frick Fine Arts, Government Documents, Katz Graduate School of Business, Langley (biological sciences, behavioral neuroscience), Mathematics, Music, Public and International Affairs/Economics, and Special Collections. Libraries are also located at each of the University’s four regional campuses. The ULS maintains a high-density storage area at the Library Facility in the Point Breeze section of Pittsburgh.

The Hillman Library is the largest facility, with seating for 1,530 users. It offers an open stack arrangement and an extensive range of library services. Hillman Library houses collections in the humanities and social sciences and includes area studies, psychology, computer science, maps, and government documents. In addition to the ULS, the University offers the Barco Law Library and the Health Sciences Library System.

The Health Sciences Library System (HSLS) at the University of Pittsburgh comprises several libraries that support the educational, research, patient care, and service activities of the schools of the health sciences (Medicine, Dental Medicine, Pharmacy, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Nursing, and Public Health) as well as the hospitals of the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center. The HSLS includes Falk Library of the Health Sciences, The Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic Library, The Libraries at UPMC Shadyside, and the Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Libraries. The Computer and Media Center in Falk Library is the primary health sciences facility and service point for audiovisual and microcomputer resources. HSLS Online ( is the gateway to extensive electronic resources for clinical and research needs.

This year, the University of Pittsburgh’s online library catalog, PITTCat, which provides access to materials held in all University libraries, has been updated. PITTCat+ now offers, in addition to the more than five million titles from PITTCat Classic, all items from the D-Scribe Digital Collections, along with enhanced book content such as integrated article searching, access to tables of contents, jacket covers, and book reviews. Further features are a word cloud of associated search terms, spelling variants, translated terms, and thesaurus terms, as well as refined search options that allow searches based on library location. Searches can also be saved as an RSS feed that will send notifications when new items are added to the catalog.

The ULS also provides access to a comprehensive journal and magazine article discovery tool, Zoom!, as well as other online resources such as: Web of Science, Science Direct, and Scopus in the physical sciences; PsycINFO, ERIC, and Congressional Quarterly for the social sciences; Historical Abstracts, Philosopher’s Index, and RILM Abstracts of Music Literature in the arts and humanities; and additional collections of article and newspaper databases from EBSCO and Lexis-Nexis.

These and hundreds of other online resources are available via the Pitt Digital Library at The University of Pittsburgh is a member of the Association of Research Libraries. Through membership in several Pennsylvania consortia of libraries (PALCI, PALINET, and the Oakland Library Consortium), cooperative borrowing arrangements have been developed with other Pennsylvania institutions.

Information Technology (CSSD)

Walk-In Support Desks
Litchfield Towers Lobby
University Store on Fifth
412-624-HELP (4357)

University of Pittsburgh students have access to the latest information technology resources provided by Computing Services and Systems Development.

Connect to Wi-Fi

Depending on location, you’ll find one of two networks on campus: PittNet in academic and administrative buildings-including the William Pitt Union-and MyResNet in all rooms, common areas, and dining facilities in residence halls.

Sign In Once, Authenticate Twice

Use Pitt Passport single sign-on to access many of the University’s web-based services. Download the Duo Mobile app to verify your identity with multifactor authentication. For services that don’t use single sign-on, Pitt Password Manager creates strong, unique passwords and saves them in a secure vault-that you can access from any device-using a single master password.

Log In to Your Pitt Email

Your email address begins with your University Computing Account username: The email account is yours to keep, even after you graduate.

Install Free Software-Including Office

Install the software you need at no charge, including Microsoft Office, Antivirus (Symantec Endpoint Protection), Anti-Malware (Malwarebytes), and nearly 70 additional titles. Gain cloud-based access to even more applications via Office 365 ProPlus, along with Office apps for Android and iPhone.

Browse the Pitt App Center

Fine nearly 50 free University-related iOS and Android apps for doing everything from viewing class assignments to checking the Panthers’ score.

Find Focus in Student Computing Labs

Eight computing labs around campus-some open 24 hours a day-provide convenient access to Windows and Mac computers with a variety of software, as well as scanners, printers, charging stations, and space to use your own device. What’s more, computer kiosks throughout campus provide a quick alternative for getting online if you forget your phone or your battery dies.

Print from Your Laptop or Smartphone

It’s easy to print to any of the 80 print stations across the Pittsburgh campus. Download the Pitt Print Client from to print from your computer. Using a phone or tablet? Simply email the file to or Alternatively, visit to upload files and manage your Pitt Printing account.

Manage Your Academics

Register for classes, message the instructor, get assignments, and see grades using the Pitt PS Mobile and Courseweb (Blackboard) apps.

On-Demand Learning

Brush up on your tech skills, learn a new topic or take up a new hobby with thousands of free courses offered through LinkedIn Learning.

Cloud Storage & Collaboration

Store, work on, and share files in real time, from any device, using Box and/or Microsoft OneDrive.

Discover Additional Online Services

Whether you need help connecting to PittNet Wi-Fi, finding a campus shuttle, or loading Panther Funds, AskCathy Service Discovery ( can help you quickly find online University resources.

Get Help When and How You Want It

The 24/7 IT Help Desk is your central point of contact for all Pitt Information Technology services. Get fast and friendly support via phone, chat, email, walk-in locations, or an online form-even on holidays.

Writing Center

Writing Center
317B O’Hara Student Center

The Writing Center provides a place for all University of Pittsburgh students to come to work on their writing. The Center is staffed by experienced consultants who have been trained to help others with their writing. The Center also offers Writers’ Café (for anyone interested in the craft of creative writing) and International Café (for international undergraduate and graduate students). Online tutoring is available for students who are off campus. For more information (including our schedule of events) or to make an appointment, visit our website.

English Language Institute

M13 Parkvale Building

The English Language Institute (ELI) is part of the Department of Linguistics and offers a variety of English-as-an-additional-language courses and programs, as well as courses and support for matriculated students at the University and expertise for other University-related endeavors that involve English language learners and Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). 

Non-Credit English Classes

  • Speaking, listening, writing, reading, and grammar courses in English for speakers of other languages from abroad and the local international community who want to improve their English for academic, professional, or personal reasons
  • Admission to the ELI’s non-credit courses and programs does not include admission to the University of Pittsburgh.

Support for Matriculated Students at the University of Pittsburgh

  • English proficiency testing of non-native speakers of English who are matriculating in University programs
  • Credit and non-credit English language support courses for matriculated students and teaching assistants/fellows who are non-native speakers of English
  • Specialized English instruction to University programs by request
  • Assessment of teaching assistants/fellows who are non-native speakers of English to ensure compliance with the legal requirements of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
  • Teacher training, internships, and research opportunities for matriculated students in University programs in the areas of Applied Linguistics and TESOL
  • Expertise for various other University-related endeavors that involve English language learners and TESOL

Additionally, the ELI actively participates in and contributes to the development of the field of English for speakers of other languages, especially in areas of classroom instruction, second language learning and acquisition, curriculum design, program structure, and administrative practices. For more information about the English Language Institute, contact, visit, or call 412-624-5901.


The University provides a variety of housing options and support services to students, including Residence Life and Off-Campus Living. Students may choose to live on campus in University-owned housing or in off-campus housing.

Housing Application Process

Incoming Students

As part of the admissions process, the University provides entering freshmen with a three-year housing guarantee, provided they

  • Have been admitted through the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid and their tuition deposit has been received by May 1, and
  • Have submitted their Housing/Dining Services Application, contract, and deposit by the due date.

Returning Guaranteed Students

Students who have lived in University housing during their first year with a housing “guarantee” are guaranteed housing for their second and third years at the University provided that they

  • Maintain their status as current and continuing full-time undergraduate students in each successive year and
  • Currently reside in University Housing and meet all housing requirements (application, contract, deposit, and due date) in each successive year.

The housing application process takes place each spring and is administered by Panther Central, which is located in the Litchfield Towers main lobby. For all housing information, stop in or call Panther Central at 412-648-1100 or visit

Residence Life

The director and assistant directors of Residence Life are responsible for resident assistants and resident directors, who work with students as their live-in advisors and resource persons within the residence halls. The office also advises the Resident Student Association (RSA), the Residence Life governing body. The staff offers a variety of educational and social activities within the residence halls, addresses student counseling and conduct issues, and provides other assistance to residents on matters affecting the quality of life in the residence halls.

Residence Life also offers students opportunities to live in focused living learning communities, which are linked with specific academic departments. Residence Life staff provide personal assistance 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For more information, students should contact the resident director in their hall, visit or call the office in 203 Bruce Hall (412-648-1200/1201), or go to

Off-Campus Living

The Off-Campus Living (OCL) Center provides assistance to students, staff, and faculty in identifying, renting, leasing, or purchasing suitable living accommodations. Off-Campus Living provides the following: information on Universityowned apartments, an apartment roommate matching service, a sublet service, maps of Pittsburgh and surrounding areas, rental tips, campus shuttle schedules, free local telephone service to contact landlords, and listings of apartments inspected and approved by the City of Pittsburgh. Call 412-624-6998, visit the office at 204 Brackenridge Hall, 3959 Fifth Avenue, or go to

Student Resources

The University is committed to providing a high quality of life for its students and toward that end supports a variety of offices and activities designed to aid students in realizing their potential and having a fulfilling on-campus life.

Affirmative Action

In addition to its work with developing, implementing, and monitoring the University’s affirmative action program, the Office of Affirmative Action is responsible for receiving, investigating, and mediating complaints from any members of the University community who believe they have been discriminated against or harassed on the basis of their race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, age, marital status, familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability, or status as a disabled veteran or a veteran of the Vietnam era. Individuals may request information and advice anonymously if they wish. The privacy of all parties will be respected. The office is in 412 Bellefield Hall, 315 S. Bellefield Ave.; the phone number is 412-648-7860.


The University offers a variety of opportunities for students to participate in athletics on the varsity, intramural, and club levels, as well as on-campus facilities for group sports and individual exercise.

Varsity Sports

The University offers 10 sports for men (baseball, basketball, cross country, diving, football, soccer, softball, swimming, indoor and outdoor track, and wrestling) and nine sports for women (basketball, cross country, diving, gymnastics, soccer, swimming, tennis, indoor and outdoor track, and volleyball) at the varsity level as well as cheerleading activities. For more information about these sports and contact numbers for varsity coaches, call 412-6488200 or visit the Pittsburgh Panthers Web site at

Intramural and Club Sports

New outdoor playing fields are available behind the renovated Cost Sports Center. Call 412-648-8210 for more information or visit the intramural program’s Web site at

Sports clubs offer participation in sports ranging from bowling to rowing. Contact the Student Organization Resource Center (833 William Pitt Union, 412-624-7116) for more information on sports clubs or visit the Web site at

Sports Facilities

There are a variety of sports facilities available for use by individuals and groups. Fitness centers are available in Litchfield Towers, Schenley Quadrangle, Lothrop Hall, Sutherland Hall, Bellefield Hall, Trees Hall, and the Baierl Student Recreation Center in the Petersen Events Center. Gymnasiums and swimming pools are available in Trees Hall and Bellefield Hall. The Baierl Student Recreation Center has two convertible racquetball/squash courts and four racquetball courts. In addition, eight squash courts are available in the Fitzgerald Field House, and soccer fields are available through the Department of Athletics.

Visit for a virtual tour of the facilities, reservation information, and hours of operation.

Book Centers

The University owns and operates two bookstores on campus: The Book Center and The Health Book Center. The Book Center, at 4000 Fifth Ave., carries textbooks for most University courses, as well as a general book selection, school supplies, and sundries such as art supplies, stationery, greeting cards, and calendars. Call 412-648-1455 or visit for more information. The Health Book Center, at 3527 Forbes Ave., carries all course books for the Schools of Medicine, Dental Medicine, Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Nursing, and Pharmacy, as well as the School of Public Health. Call 412-648-8915 or visit for more information.

The University Counseling Center

The University Counseling Center, in 334 William Pitt Union, is staffed by licensed psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, and counselors who provide a variety of services for undergraduate and graduate students. All services of the center are accredited by the International Association of Counseling Services and are confidential, free, and voluntary.

We provide individual, couples, and group counseling for students seeking assistance for relationship problems, anxiety, depression, stress, and concerns about academic progress or direction. We also provide psychiatric services and medication management for currently enrolled students. Special services such as sexual assault counseling and advocacy are provided through the center’s Office of Sexual Assault Services. In addition, drug and alcohol assessments and counseling are provided at the center.

For information about the center and its services, see To schedule an appointment, call 412-648-7930.

Sexual Assault Services/University Counseling

The Office of Sexual Assault Services provides individual and group counseling designed to alleviate the trauma associated with sexual victimization. Emergency medical, legal, and police support is provided. Students are assisted in negotiating course schedules or room changes and in obtaining medical, legal, and counseling resources available to them in the University and local communities.

The Office of Sexual Assault Services also sponsors Peers 2 Peers. This is a volunteer student outreach program whose mission is to create an awareness of the dynamics of sexual assault on the Pittsburgh campus, promote effective communication, and prevent sexual victimization through educational programming. For more information, call 412648-7856 or 412-648-7930, visit 334 William Pitt Union, or see http://

Disability Resources and Services

The Office of Disability Resources and Services (DRS) provides a broad range of support services to assist students with disabilities. Services include, but are not limited to, tape-recorded textbooks, sign language interpreters, adaptive computer technology, Braille translation, and nonstandard exam arrangements. Contact DRS at 412-648-7890 or 412383-7355 (TTY) in 140 William Pitt Union or see for more information.

Dining Services

Campus Dining Services offers students a variety of dining options. All student dining services are coordinated and administered through Panther Central, which is located in the Litchfield Towers main lobby. All students residing in residence halls are required to purchase a meal plan. Students living in University apartment-style accommodations may purchase a meal plan but are not required to do so. Students can select from a variety of meal plans, each offering different combinations of dining passes and dining dollars. Campus Dining Services invites you to check out all of our dining options across campus.

Major Residence Hall Dining Facilities

  • Market Central in Litchfield Towers
  • The Perch at Sutherland

Retail Operations

  • Quick Zone in Litchfield Towers and Sutherland Hall
  • Market to Go in Litchfield Towers
  • Schenley Café in William Pitt Union
  • Cathedral Café in the Cathedral of Learning
  • Petersen Events Center Food Court
  • Starbucks Coffee Carts across campus
  • Einstein Bros. Bagels in Posvar Hall and Benedum Hall

For all dining information, stop in or call Panther Central at 412-648-1100 or visit

Health Care and Student Health Service

All full-time students pay a student health fee each term to cover a variety of services at the Student Health Service in Suite 500 of the Medical Arts Building, 3708 Fifth Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15213. The Student Health Service is a multiservice health care facility that offers outpatient clinical services, gynecology, and comprehensive health education programs. Call 412-383-1800 or visit for more information.

The University of Pittsburgh Pharmacy, in the same suite as the Student Health Service, offers over-the-counter and prescription medicines, often at lower prices than available elsewhere. Call 412-383-1850 or visit for more information.

Students should have health insurance to protect themselves in the event of illness or injury. A direct-pay medical insurance plan is available to students through University health plans. The plan is designed to provide insurance benefits for services not offered at the Student Health Service as well as for hospitalization and emergency care. Applications and product information are available at the Student Health Service.

ID Cards (Panther Cards)

Every student, faculty, and staff member at the University must obtain an ID card from Panther Central, located in the Litchfield Towers main lobby. Student IDs, or “Panther Cards,” are used to access residence halls (your assigned residence only), meal plan, athletic events, campus shuttle buses, recreational facilities (within your residence hall, Bellefield Hall, Trees Hall, and the Baierl Student Recreation Center), Student Health Services, computer labs, and Pitt Program Council events. The Panther Card also affords access to off-campus benefits such as free admission to some Pittsburgh cultural facilities. In addition, the Panther Card offers access to Panther Funds at local participating merchants. For all Panther Card information, stop in or call Panther Central at 412-648-1100 or visit

International Services

708 William Pitt Union

The Office of International Services (OIS) advises international students on how to maintain their immigration status and helps to ensure compliance for both international visitors and the University, with respect to federal regulations. OIS also provides generalized support in connecting the University’s international community and their hosting departments with resources inside and outside campus. For more information, contact OIS at, or call 412-624-7120.

Parking and Transportation

The University provides a variety of parking and transportation services, both on and off campus. For more information, contact the University Department of Parking, Transportation, and Services at 412-624-8612 or visit

Parking Services

Student parking is available year-round. The Parking Services Office provides several parking options to meet the different schedules and needs of students. Commuter parking is available daily on a cash basis or by the term in selected facilities by permit only. Resident student permits are available for full-time students residing in one of the University residence halls operated through the Housing Office. Evening permits are available for parking after 2:50 p.m. weekdays and all day on weekends, except during special events, in many University lots. For more information, visit our Web site at The Parking Services Office is located at 204 Brackenridge Hall, 412624-4034.

Commuting Alternatives (Ridesharing)

Daily commuter students can save money by sharing a ride. A free, computerized matching service is available to help you locate others interested in carpooling. Contact the University’s ridesharing partner online at, or call 888-814-6110. For additional commuting alternatives, visit

Public Transportation

Students may ride any Port Authority bus, incline, or light-rail train within Allegheny County for free by showing their valid University ID cards. The Department of Parking, Transportation, and Services, at 3525 Forbes Ave., maintains all Port Authority rider information, including maps, schedules, and routes to facilitate the use of public transit. Port Authority bus schedules are also available in the lobby of the William Pitt Union.

Pittsburgh campus Transportation System

University of Pittsburgh students may ride all of the Pitt buses and shuttles fare-free by showing a valid University ID.

In addition, students are permitted two guest riders (space permitting). Buses and shuttles normally have a 20- or 30minute route. Detailed maps and time schedules are available online at and at the William Pitt Union information desk. The Department of Parking, Transportation, and Services is located at 3525 Forbes Ave.


A night-time, non-emergency van service called SafeRider is available during the evening and early morning hours to transport you from one campus building to another, from local residences to campus buildings, and from campus buildings to local residences within the University boundaries, and it is not on a regular University bus route. SafeRider operates during the following hours:

Fall and Spring:
Sunday-Wednesday and days when the shuttle system operates on a holiday schedule

7 p.m.-3 a.m.

7 p.m.-5 a.m.

Daily 9 p.m.-3 a.m.

For service, call the dispatcher at 412-648-CALL (2255) during these times. You will need to provide the following information when you call: your name, pick-up location and the telephone number at the pick-up location, destination, number of individuals with you, and student ID number. Consult the SafeRider brochure for additional information concerning policies and procedures.

Buses Home for the Holidays

This program is designed to give students a safe, comfortable, alternative ride home for the three major recesses: Thanksgiving, winter, and spring. Buses depart from the William Pitt Union, and most of the destinations served are direct routes. Deluxe motor coaches (Lenzer/Coach USA) transport the students in air-conditioned comfort while movies are shown en route.

Bicycle Registration Program

Registration of bicycles is recommended as a deterrent to theft, to help in the identification of lost or stolen bicycles, and to help better accommodate cyclists at the University. Registration is easy, and it is free. You may register bikes at

Bicycle lockers are available at two convenient locations. The locker totally encloses the bicycle, protecting it from rain and snow. There is also room to store a helmet, riding shoes, and other accessories. Lockers may be rented by the term at the Parking Services Office in 204 Brackenridge Hall.

Career Development

The Career Development Office is dedicated to helping students prepare for rewarding careers by providing individual assistance and a variety of professional development programs. Career counselors and consultants assist students with choosing or changing an academic major through personal assessments, writing effective resumes and cover letters, networking with professionals, exploring internship opportunities, applying for graduate or professional school, and preparing for job interviews. Career Development has a variety of online resources that are available through the portal, including FutureLinks, a career management software program that enables students to apply for jobs and internships, as well as register for job fairs, career workshops, and other programs and events. Diverse educational programs are offered for students in all stages of their journey. For more information, call 412-648-7130, stop by 224 William Pitt Union, or see

Police Department

The University of Pittsburgh Police Department provides police and security services to the University community. For emergency calls, dial 811 from on-campus phones or 412-624-2121 from off-campus phones. The University of Pittsburgh Police Department’s main headquarters is in G1N30 Wesley W. Posvar Hall. For general information calls (non-emergency), dial 412-624-4040 or see

Student Government

Undergraduates at the University are represented by two primary governing bodies, the Student Government Board and the College of General Studies (CGS) Student Government Council.

The Student Government Board (SGB)

The Student Government Board (SGB) is an elected body of nine students that exists to promote the concerns, interests, needs, and welfare of non-College of General Studies undergraduates at the Pittsburgh campus of the University of Pittsburgh. As the governing body for students, SGB serves as the liaison to University faculty, administration, and staff. SGB also distributes student activity fee funds to student clubs and organizations.

SGB makes appointments to University committees and also oversees SGB committees, whose membership is open to all undergraduates. These SGB committees include Academic Affairs; Allocations; Communications; Community and Governmental Relations; Elections; Facilities, Technology, and Transportation; First Year Council; Judicial; Wellness; and any existing task force or ad-hoc committee. The SGB meets weekly during the fall and spring terms. For more information, call 412-648-7970, visit 848 William Pitt Union, or see

The CGS Student Government Council

The CGS Student Government Council is composed of five elected members who represent the interests of students in the College of General Studies. The Council coordinates a variety of student programs and services and allocates the CGS student activity fee. In addition to the five members of the Council, there are five divisions that help carry out the Council’s business: Budget and Finance, Judicial Affairs, First Degree, Marketing and Advertising, and Student Programs. For more information, call 412-648-7895, visit 824 William Pitt Union, or see


Each year, 22,000 Pitt students experience the power of the visual and performing arts in Pittsburgh through the PITT ARTS program, which sponsors 110 free student outings per year, including trips to the symphony, cinema, opera, ballet, theater, and museums. Students may also use their student ID cards (Panther Card) to visit the Carnegie Museums of Art and Natural History, Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens, and The Andy Warhol Museum at no cost. Visit the PITT ARTS Web site at to find a listing of current arts events in Pittsburgh and on campus, and explore the cheap seats page to find out about deeply discounted tickets, sold right in the William Pitt Union, to local arts organizations.

Pitt Program Council

A variety of entertainment and educational activities are planned each year by the student committees of the Pitt Program Council (PPC), the central programming organization on campus. Programs include lectures, travel packages, weekend films, miniseminars, recreational tournaments, annual homecoming activities, and art gallery exhibits. New members are always welcome. For more information, contact the Pitt Program Council at 412-648-7900, or visit

Student Employment and Placement Assistance

The mission of the Office of Student Employment and Placement Assistance (SEPA) is to connect Pitt students who are actively seeking jobs or internships with recruiters and human resources professionals at businesses and organizations throughout the country. SEPA staff work to build relationships with representatives in a variety of career fields and help match qualified students with companies. SEPA hosts several career fairs each semester, facilitates the on-campus interviewing process, and helps students to tap into the Pitt Career Network sponsored by the Pitt Alumni Association. Employers and students use the online career management software program FutureLinks, which is accessible on the portal, to make connections. For more information, call 412-648-HIRE (4473), stop by the office located at 200 William Pitt Union, or visit

Student Media

Student-produced media creates original news and entertainment for students and provides training to students interested in working in the media.

The Pitt News publishes a daily newspaper in print, online, social media and mobile app and features news, sports, opinions, art and entertainment and videos.

WPTS-FM radio station broadcasts alternative and independent music, campus news and sports via the FM dial, webstreaming and mobile apps.  Their website provides music articles, concert reviews, and news and sports reports.

UPTV-21 television station posts varied short comedic and dramatic video entertainment programs on YouTube and streams some programming live on its website.

Student Organizations

More than 500 registered student organizations provide myriad opportunities for extracurricular activity. In addition to government, media, publications, programming, fraternity, sorority, and honor societies, there are clubs for sports, recreation, performing arts, politics, religion, service, professional and academic pursuits, ethnic and cultural enrichment, and many other specialized interests. Students may also participate in organizations that represent the interest of specific student groups, such as the Black Action Society. A complete list of registered student organizations is available at  The Student Organization Resource Center (SORC) is the office that oversees registered student organizations and is located in 833 William Pitt Union.

Student Volunteer Outreach

The Student Volunteer Outreach (SVO) promotes, supports, and provides opportunities for students to participate in community service and service-learning activities ranging from one-time service projects and alternative break projects to internships and ongoing volunteer opportunities. It also sponsors annual projects and events, including the SVO/SGB Pittsburgh Project, Pitt Partnership for Food, and the Agency Fair for student volunteers. The SVO is on the ninth floor of the William Pitt Union; its Web site is

University Child Development Center

The University Child Development Center is a developmental child-care facility for children between the ages of 6 weeks and 5 years. The center is open to children of University students, faculty, and staff. The children are free to select activities from an age-appropriate environment prepared by the teaching staff. The environment allows children to practice previously learned skills and challenges children to develop new psychosocial, cognitive, and motor skills in a relaxed, nurturing atmosphere. The center is at 635 Clyde St. and is open from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday. For more information, call 412-383-2100 or see

Veterans Services

The staff of the Office of Veterans Services facilitates the transition of veterans from military to University life, supports their ongoing academic success, and assists veterans, guardsmen, reservists, spouses, and dependents in receiving their military education benefits. In addition to these services, the office implements the VA work study program. The Office of Veterans Services is located on the first floor of Posvar Hall, inside of the College of General Studies. Please call 412-624-3213 or email for more information.

William Pitt Union

The William Pitt Union, built more than 100 years ago and located across Bigelow Boulevard from the Cathedral of Learning, serves as the focal point for campus activities, student organizations, and the Division of Student Affairs. The union features a recreation center, videogame center, dining service, information service, art gallery, dance studio, lounges, meeting rooms, student organization offices, ticket office, dining rooms, and several multi-use spaces for programs. To reach the union’s information desk, call 412-648-7815.

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