Elective courses
Students must complete two elective courses from the School of Computing and Information and two elective courses from the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences. Courses offering a depth of knowledge in pre-identified areas of interest are clustered together to provide a guide for students; Students are not required to follow nor declare a specific track.
Capstone sequence
The Capstone sequence allows students to design and implement a signature project to complete the major. Students start with the design project (Project 1) and complete the sequence with the implementation project (Project 2) in consultation with their advisors. Students seeking Independent Study or Directed Study options for the capstone sequence should work with their advisors to ensure that the work done in these courses will complete the sequence.
Additional Information
Writing (W) requirement
Dietrich School students must complete at least one W-course in the major. ENGCMP 0610 fulfills this requirement.
Grade requirements
Students must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA in all courses that apply toward the major.
Satisfactory/No Credit option
There is no limit to the number of English (ENGCMP, ENGFLM, ENGLIT, ENGWRT, FMST) courses that can be taken on the S/NC basis for this major. No School of Computing and Information courses (CMPINF, CS, INFSCI) courses may be taken on an S/NC basis.
Digital Narrative and Interactive Design is a joint undergraduate degree between the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences and the School of Computing and Information. Students enrolled in each school are advised by advisors within that school.