Degree Requirements
To earn the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing, the student must demonstrate satisfactory academic achievement in required course work prescribed by the curriculum with an overall academic achievement of a minimum GPA of 2.00. All pre-licensure undergraduate students will be required to successfully complete and pass standardized tests throughout the curriculum in order to progress through and graduate from the program. The degree requires a minimum of 124 credits. (Refer to curriculum design at for specific degree requirements.)
Upon completion of the undergraduate program, nursing students receive a Bachelor of Science in Nursing, which is considered the first professional nursing degree. They are then eligible to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX) to become Register Nurses (RN).
Special Academic Opportunities/Programs
Students in the nursing program begin clinical experience during the first semester of the sophomore year and continue to have complex, rigorous, and unique experiences throughout the junior and senior years. During the senior year students identify an area of clinical interest and complete an extensive internship under the direction of a nurse preceptor.
Many opportunities are available for nursing students including independent study with advanced practice nurses and/or nurse researchers, research projects, and volunteer activities. All students are members of the Nursing Student Association (NSA) and are encouraged to participate in local, state, and national activities. Group tutoring and special review sessions for chemistry, microbiology, anatomy, and physiology are available for all nursing students. Students may also pursue a variety of other academic opportunities available throughout the university, such as participation in Honors College and other optional undergraduate activities and programs.