MID, MPA, and MPIA students may pursue a minor in any of the fields GSPIA offers as a concentration, including GSPIA concentrations offered outside of their own GSPIA degree. Students may not major and minor in the same field. Students may not minor in a field offered by another academic unit of the University of Pittsburgh outside of GSPIA. A minor typically requires students to take a total of 9 credits within the minor field; courses used to fulfill minor requirements may not simultaneously fulfill any concentration requirements or core requirements. Students may pursue more than one minor, but it is not typically possible to do so without extending the length of enrollment beyond the 48 credits required for graduation. Students are not required to declare a minor. To declare a minor, a student must submit the appropriate paperwork to his or her academic advisor by the their third term of study before graduation. MPPM students may not declare a minor.
To see the requirements for the minors, please click on the appropriate link:
Cybersecurity, Policy, and Law Minor
Energy and Environment Minor
Governance & International Public Management Minor
Human Security Minor
International Political Economy Minor
Nongovernmental Organizations and Civil Society Minor
Policy Research and Analysis Minor
Public and Nonprofit Management Minor
Security and Intelligence Studies Minor
Social Policy Minor
Urban Affairs & Planning Minor