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University of Pittsburgh    
2023-2024 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog 
  Mar 31, 2025
2023-2024 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Graduate School of Public and International Affairs

The mission of the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs (GSPIA) is to prepare students to make substantive contributions to society through careers as managers, advisors, and policy analysts in government and nonprofit organizations in a multitude of geographic locations throughout the world. This mission is accomplished through dedication to quality teaching that builds skills and commitments to the core values, challenges, and rewards of public service. It is supported through basic and applied research on timely issues of public management; international, regional, and urban affairs; and policy making. The school and faculty are committed to making a difference in the world by drawing on diverse skills and knowledge to improve the performance of public and nonprofit organizations that contribute to free and just societies in the United States and abroad. To accomplish these ends, GSPIA teaches, conducts research, and performs public service in the following areas:

  • The management and administration of public and nonprofit agencies
  • The growth and sustainable development of urban metropolitan regions throughout the world
  • The economic and social development of newly independent and developing states
  • The emerging dynamics that are shaping today’s international political economy
  • Threats to and issues in international security

The mission of GSPIA stresses the importance of democratic responsibilities and personal integrity in the management of human affairs as well as the professional qualifications required for managing constructive change. Students and faculty alike are required to:

  • Demonstrate the highest standards of ethical and professional conduct
  • Use critical thinking and problem solving skills in addressing public policy issues
  • Consider the international and intersectoral aspects of public affairs
  • Develop partnerships with others both internal and external to the University of Pittsburgh

Contact Information

Recuitment & Admissions Office
Suite 3601 Posvar Hall


GSPIA admits persons who have demonstrated intellectual competence and high motivation in an academic and/or professional environment and who will enrich the quality of life in the school. Individuals from varied cultural, academic, and social backgrounds provide an exciting frame of reference for the stimulating exchanges so vital to a dynamic academic process. The following are required of all Master applicants: transcripts, application and fee, TOEFL, Duolingo or IELTS score (if international), letters of recommendation, essays, and resume.

Admission Prerequisites

It is desirable, but not mandatory, that PhD applicants have an earned master’s degree in public and international affairs or a degree in one of the social sciences and work experience prior to undertaking doctoral study. PhD applicants are required to submit a GRE score.

Admission Requirements

All applicants must have earned a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited U.S. institution or a degree that is equivalent to a four-year U.S. bachelor’s degree. Applicants are expected to have a B+ or better average (3.0 GPA) in their work to date. To be competitive for merit scholarships, applicants normally need at least a 3.5 GPA. The admissions committee also takes into consideration GPA within the major, GPA within the last two years, extenuating circumstances, length of time since graduation from college, rigor of the undergraduate program, and other factors.

Doctoral applicants are only eligible for admission to full-time status in the Fall Term.

Application Requirements

Online Application

Complete and submit the online application in its entirety.  All application materials can be submitted electronically using the online system, with the exception of official academic transcripts.

Application Fee

The non-refundable application fee may be paid by credit card. You will be prompted to pay the fee at the end of the online application process. The application fee is waived for Returned Peace Corps Volunteers, AmeriCorps Volunteers, Truman Scholars, Pickering Fellows, Coro Fellows, Rangel Fellows, McNair Fellows, Teach for America alumni, City Year alumni, Payne Fellows, Catholic Volunteer Network alumni, and veterans/active duty members of the US Armed Forces.

TOEFL, IELTS, or Duolingo English Language Test Scores (International Applications Only)

International applicants must submit either the TOEFL, Duolingo, or the IELTS. Contact Educational Testing Services directly to request that an official score report be sent to GSPIA. The minimum TOEFL score required for admission is 80 on the Internet-based test, although 90 or above is strongly preferred. The minimum IELTS score required for admission is 7.0 (overall, and in each of the subsections). The minimum Duolingo English test score required for admission is 115.

The scores must be sent directly from the testing agency to GSPIA.   GSPIA’s institutional code is 2574.

Exceptions: International students who completed a degree at a regionally accredited college or university in the United States are not required to submit an English Language score. Students from certain English-speaking countries are also exempt (see this link for a list of exempt countries). All US citizens and permanent residents are exempt. 


The GRE is only required for PhD applications.


All applicants should upload a current résumé/curriculum vitae, showing relevant awards, academic achievements, full- and part-time job experience, internships, and volunteer work.

Personal Essay - (Master & PhD applicants)

Introduce yourself to the admissions committee. Discuss your professional goals and why you feel a GSPIA degree can help you attain them. Describe your background, interests, and motivation for pursuing graduate work in public & international affairs. There is a 5,000 character limit (approximately two double-spaced, typed pages).

Optional Essay - (Master applicants)

If there are any special circumstances you would like the admissions committee to consider, highlight them in the optional essay. Use this essay to include any information that you feel is important, but that you were not able to include elsewhere on the application. There is no penalty for leaving this blank.

PhD Applicant - Second Essay (PhD applicants only)

All PhD applicants must submit a single-authored writing sample in English that is 25 pages or less. The writing sample does not need to be a published paper but it should demonstrate academic or professional research. It must be uploaded as a PDF.

PhD Applicant - Third Essay (PhD applicants only)

PhD applicants are required to submit a third essay that discusses your potential disseration research. Describe the idea and why it’s important. Further, discuss the main questions to be investigated and the types of evidence that would be needed to support conclusions. Finally, identify the GSPIA faculty with whom you would like to work.  There is a 5,000 character limit (approximately two double-space, typed pages).

Academic Transcripts

When completing the online application, you will be asked to upload copies of official transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attended, whether or not you earned a degree. You should upload a scanned copy of an official transcript generated by your university’s registrar’s office. Self-reported transcripts, student grade reports, or copies of unofficial transcripts are not acceptable.

 It is not necessary to submit hard copies of your transcripts at the time of application, as long as your scanned copies have uploaded successfully. If you are admitted, you will then be required to submit final, official transcripts directly from your university’s registrar’s office to GSPIA. The official copy must exactly match the scanned copy that you submitted at the time of application.

Two Letters of Recommendation

Letters should be written by professors who have taught you or supervisors who have overseen your work, either professionally or in a volunteer capacity. If you graduated from college less than three years ago, at least one, if not both, of your letters should be from professors. Letters written by friends, family members, work colleagues, or anyone who has not taught or supervised you are not acceptable.

All letters must be submitted online. When you complete the online application, you will be prompted to enter the names and email addresses of your recommenders. The system will automatically send them an email explaining how they can upload their letters.

Admission Deadlines

US Citizens/Permanent Residents:

January 15 - PhD applicants

February 1 - MPA, MPIA, MID

June 1 - MPPM applicants

August 1 - Non-degree applicants

International Students:

January 15 - MPA, MPIA, MID, PhD, and MPPM applicants


Application Deadlines: Spring Term

US Citizens/Permanent Residents:

November 1 - MPA, MPIA, MID, and MPPM applicants

December 1 - Non-degree applicants

International Students:

August 1 - MPA, MPIA, MID, and MPPM applicants

Application Deadlines: Summer Term

US Citizens/Permanent Residents:

March 1 - MPPM applicants

April 1 - Non-degree applicants

International Students:

January 15 - MPPM applicants

School-Based Funding

GSPIA offers competitive, merit-based scholarships to its most outstanding master’s degree applicants. All applicants for fall admission are automatically considered for merit funding, as long as they are planning to pursue full-time study and have submitted a complete application by the February 1 deadline. There is no separate application for GSPIA merit funding.

Typically, awards are renewed for the student’s second year, as long as the student has earned at least 24 credits and maintained an overall GPA of 3.5 or better.


2023-2024 Academic Year Tuition*

     Per Term Rate for Fall & Spring                                         

          PA Resident - $                                        

          Out-of-State - $                                        

     Per Credit and Summer Term

          PA Resident - $

          Out-of-State - $

2023-2024 Academic Year Mandatory Fees*


  Full-Time Per Term Part-Time Per Term
Student Activity Fee $ $
Wellness Fee $ $
Computing & Network Services Fee $ $
Security, Safety & Transportation Fee $ $


*Subject to change based on University of Pittsburgh tuition rates and fees

Academic Standards

Students are in good academic standing when they earn acceptable grades for graduate work and make normal progress toward the degree. Specifically, full-time students must earn a minimum of 9 credits per term with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 in all courses. Part-time students are held to the same standards. However, they are expected to do so while carrying less than 9 credits per term. Full- or part-time students admitted with provisional status must maintain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 in all courses in their first 12 credits.

Students receiving school-based funding are held to higher standards. Master’s students must earn, after two terms, 24 credits and a cumulative GPA of 3.0. Doctoral students must earn 24 credits and a cumulative GPA of 3.0.


Students are automatically placed on academic probation when they fail to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.00 and earn the appropriate number of credits for their status. Students are also placed on academic probation automatically if they receive two G or I grades in one term and/or earn a grade of U, C- or lower.


Students who fail to correct the deficiencies of their academic probation within a specified time period (normally one term) are subject to dismissal. Should a student be dismissed, students may appeal the decision to the associate dean.

For additional information on academic standards and procedures, students are referred to GSPIA’s Handbook of Academic Policies and Procedures for Master’s Degree Programs, GSPIA’s Handbook of Academic Policies and Procedures for the Doctor of Philosophy, and the University’s Guidelines on Academic Integrity: Student and Faculty Obligations and Hearing Procedures.

Acceptance of Transfer Credits from Outside Institutions

Students who have completed graduate courses in degree-granting graduate programs at other accredited institutions within the past seven (7) years prior to admission to GSPIA should submit official transcripts from those institutions at the time they apply so that the courses can be evaluated for transfer credits or waivers. If the source institution is located in the United States, the institution must be regionally accredited in order for the credits to be transferrable. Graduate-level courses taken while a student was enrolled in an undergraduate program are generally not eligible to be transferred into GSPIA. Under normal circumstances, only graduate-level courses taken after a student has earned a bachelor’s degree may be evaluated as transfer credits. (See “Enrollment in Graduate Courses as an Undergraduate” above.) A maximum of 12 credits can be transferred for students enrolled in the MPA, MPIA, and MID degree programs. A maximum of 6 credits can be transferred for students enrolled in the MPPM program. Students admitted with provisional status cannot transfer credits until full graduate student status has been granted.

Official transcripts certifying graduate courses completed at another regionally accredited institution can be evaluated for acceptability as transfer credits, provided grades of B or better (GPA = 3.0) or its equivalent has been earned. Other documentation such as course syllabi and descriptions will be required to support the student’s request. The documents must prove that the course(s) are substantially similar in content to existing GSPIA course(s) in order for the transfer to be approved. Transfer (advanced standing) credits are entered as block transfer credits (advanced standing) on the student’s transcript. Grades and quality points are not recorded for credits accepted by transfer.

The completion of requirements for advanced degrees must be satisfied through registration at the Pittsburgh campus of the University. Graduate students already enrolled, may, when approved in advance by the director of student services, spend a term or more at another graduate institution, to obtain training or experience not available at the University, and transfer those credits toward the requirements for a GSPIA degree. In such instances, neither the University nor GSPIA is responsible for any financial assistance to the graduate student.

No credits will be granted toward a GSPIA degree for work completed in extension courses, correspondence courses, or those offered in the off-campus center of another institution unless those credits are approved for equivalent graduate degrees at that institution, and provided that the institution has a regionally accredited program.

Acceptance of Transfer Credits from Other Graduate Schools at the University of Pittsburgh

With the exception of students enrolled in formal joint-degree programs, students who earn/have earned credits while enrolled as a graduate student at another University of Pittsburgh school may petition for some of their credits to count toward the GSPIA degree. Typically, no more than six credits earned while enrolled in another graduate program at the University of Pittsburgh may be counted toward the GSPIA degree. In most cases, such credits will not be listed as transfer credits on the student’s GSPIA transcript, and will count only as free electives. The final decision on course acceptability rests with the GSPIA director of student services and the University of Pittsburgh Registrar.

Statute of Limitations

The purpose of the statute of limitations is to ensure that a graduate degree from GSPIA represents mastery of current knowledge in the student’s field of study.
Requirements for the professional master’s degrees must be completed within a period of five consecutive calendar years from the students’ initial registration for graduate study. Joint degrees that require coursework in excess of 50 credits may be granted a longer statute of limitations.

Under exceptional circumstances a candidate may apply for an extension of the statute of limitations. The request must be approved by the division director and submitted to the dean for final action. Each student who requests an extension of the statute of limitations must be prepared to demonstrate proper preparation for the completion of all current degree requirements.

Advising and Career Services

Academic Advising: Each student is assigned a faculty advisor based on, whenever possible, the compatibility of student and faculty academic interests. Faculty advisors assure that students, through proper course selection, can make productive use of the resources of the school and the University during their period of residence. In addition, faculty advisors are responsible for counseling their advisees about career opportunities in the student’s area of study; for counseling advisees who have been placed on probation; and for approving the advisee’s school-wide required and elective courses, proposed thesis or dissertation topics, and supervised internships. Advisors and students monitor academic progress and identify areas where corrective action on the part of students may be required. It is essential, therefore, that students consult periodically with their advisors. Unless students subsequently request a change, faculty members originally assigned will continue as advisors throughout the students’ program of study. If, however, a change in faculty advisor is requested, students must obtain the signed approval of the new advisors. Based on a student-focused approach, we provide students with a academic advisor who serves as the first point of contact for class registration, financial aid application and preparation for graduation. Additionally, academic advisors support students by providing information necessary to navigate the logistical challenges of graduate school and connect students to resources at the University of Pittsburgh.

Career Services: GSPIA places great emphasis on assisting students in determining the best and most appropriate positions available. In addition to faculty advisors, the school provides resources and guidance for students throughout their course of study as they devise strategies to identify professional opportunities. Among the many services offered through Career Services are individual career advising, internship and job search assistance, and a series of career-related workshops and special events. Extensive reference materials on jobs, fellowships, and internships are made available in a variety of ways, including GSPIA Career Launch, GSPIA’s online career management system for students and alumni. Workshops cover such topics as resume preparation, job search strategies, negotiation skills, networking, and using technology in securing employment. Special events include Foreign Service information sessions, mock interviews for the Presidential Management Fellowship Program, an internship fair, and networking events with alumni, foundations, and agency representatives on campus and in Washington, D.C.

Concentration and Degree Options

GSPIA offers the following degrees:

Master of Public Administration (MPA) Public Administration, MPA  , including concentrations in:

Energy & Environment

Governance & International Public Management
Policy Research & Analysis
Public & Nonprofit Management
Social Policy
Urban Affairs & Planning

Master of Public and International Affairs (MPIA) Public and International Affairs, MPIA  , including concentrations in:

International Political Economy
Security and Intelligence Studies
Human Security

Master of International Development (MID) International Development, MID  , including concentrations in:

Energy & Environment
Governance & International Public Management
Human Security
Nongovernmental Organizations & Civil Society
Social Policy
Urban Affairs & Planning
Master of Public Policy and Management (MPPM) Public Policy and Management, MPPM  

Traditional accelerated mid-career master program

             Online mid-career master program

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Students have the flexibility to customize their education as any  concentration can be taken as a minor. Adding a minor will help differentiate your education, deepen your knowledge base and broaden professional marketability. Each minor consists of a 9-credit sequence of courses within your chosen subject area. This is taken in addition to general required courses and courses for your area of concentration. Any course taken to fulfill a requirement for your degree or concentration cannot count towards your minor. A course my not be double-counted. An approved course must be substituted.

For GSPIA minors, click on this link:

GSPIA Minors  

Joint Degrees

GSPIA students may pursue two graduate degrees simultaneously, through GSPIA’s partnerships with other professional schools at the University of Pittsburgh (and two foreign universities). Joint programs reduce the number of credits needed for each degree, allowing students to earn two master’s degrees in just three years, or a master’s degree and a law degree in just four years.

To participate in a joint degree program, students apply separately to both schools, and must meet all of the usual admissions requirements (including entrance exams like the GRE, GMAT, and LSAT, where applicable). If admitted to both schools, students spend one full year in GSPIA followed by a second full year in the other program (or vice versa). During the third and/or fourth year, they spend a minimum of one additional term in GSPIA, earning a total of 36 GSPIA credits.

Although it is possible to apply to both schools at the same time, currently enrolled students may still apply for a joint degree as long as they have not yet completed on year 9or, in the case of current law students, two years) of full-time study.

Full-time students in the MPA, MPIA, or MID programs are eligible to participate in the following joint programs:

Juris Doctor with University of Pittsburgh School of Law: The joint JD allows students to combine the study of law and policy, preparing them equally well for employment in the judicial or executive branches of government. Graduates are positioned to work in international law firms, nonprofit advocacy, and in public or nonprofit agencies that require knowledge of legal issues such as refugee services and the Department of Justice.

Master of Business Administration with University of Pittsburgh Katz Graduate School of Business - MPIA and MID students only: Combining a GSPIA degree with an MBA opens many opportunities for a career in international finance, government financial regulation, or multinational corporations. Students with both degrees are highly marketable in the fields of international business and international economic policy.

Master of Public Health with University of Pittsburgh School of Public Health: Students pursuing a joint MPH gain a unique perspective on public management, government responses to epidemics, and the effect of sanitation on international development. They study health policy and the science behind it, both at the local level and on the world stage, where disease recognizes no borders. Graduates are employed by medical relief agencies, nonprofit organizations that distribute vaccines, and government authorities responsible for protecting society from epidemics.

Master of Social Work with University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work: Today’s community building arena demands well-trained professionals across a wider array of skills and systems than one degree program may offer. That’s why the joint degree program between GSPIA and School of Social Work provides students with focused professional education in the community building arena to prepare them for careers in non-profit and government organizations, community development, social policy, and urban and regional affairs.

Master of Science in Information Science with University of Pittsburgh School of Information Science: The joint MSIS degree allows GSPIA students to combine the study of public management and information technology management, at a time when both fields are increasingly interconnected. Students are prepared to pursue public or nonprofit-sector careers that require strong knowledge of modern information systems.

Master of Quantitative Economics with University of Pittsburgh’s Dietrich School of Arts & Sciences: The joint MQE/MPA degree allows a student to pursue two graduate degrees simultaneously between the Department of Economics and the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs.  This streamlined, 2 ½ years joint degree program is built for students seeking training in public policy, public administration, and data analytics.  It is ideally suited for students looking to enter mid-career positions as policy/data analysts in both the public and private sectors.

Joint Degrees at Kobe University, Japan: Through a special partnership, students may combine their GSPIA degrees with one of several degrees offered by the Graduate School of International Cooperative Studies at Kobe University: the Master of International Affairs, Master of Laws, Master of Economics, or Master of Political Science. The Kobe GSICS curriculum is in English.

Pitt Student - 4+1 Accelerated Program

4+1 Accelerated Program for Pitt undergraduate students to complete their bachelor’s degree while working on a master’s degree at GSPIA. Once a student has completed 24 credits in GSPIA, they may apply and obtain their bachelor’s degreeTo be eligible undergraduate University of Pittsburgh students must be enrolled in The Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, be in good academic standing with a minimum overall GPA of 3.5, have a minimum of 96 credits, have completed all Skills and General Education requirements and have no “I” or “G” grades.

Applicants must submit GSPIA’s online application. In essay #3 make reference that you are applying for the 4+1 Accelerated Program, meet with your Academic/Faculty Advisor to provide confirmation that you have completed all courses in your major(s), and that they satisfy the above eligibility requirements and may enter our masters program.

Special Academic Opportunities/Programs

GSPIA offers a variety of academic programs to complement the degree programs offered, including area studies, exchange programs, and research and travel grants.

Centers, Institutes and Initiatives

The Matthew B. Ridgway Center for International Security Studies - educates the next generation of security analysts and produces scholarship and impartial analysis that informs the options available to policymakers who must confront diverse challenges to international and human security on a global scale.

The Ford Institute for Human Security - conducts research that focuses on a series of transnational threats to the human rights of civilian populations and makes independent research and policy papers available to both domestic and international policymakers.

The Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership - reaffirms GSPIA’s commitment to creating ethical leaders and provides an institutional platform from which to launch an innovative program of teaching, research, and public service on issues of ethics and accountability in all areas of public life.

Center for Analytical Approaches to Social Innovation (CAASI) - translates a real-world problem from the community into a set of quantitative research questions and engages experts across disciplines to solve them.

Center for Governance and Markets - to understand the diverse institutions and governance arrangements that affect social order and human well-being in the United States and around the world. Generating knowledge of ways in which individuals and communities overcome challenges to living free, prosperous, and peaceful lives.

Frances Hesselbein Leadership Forum reflects the vision of a university-based center for teaching, applied research, and public service where leaders and aspiring leaders from around the world can gather to advance the art and science of leadership and put these principles to practice in public service.

The Gender Inequality Research lab (GIRL) - is an interdisciplinary research forum for scholars and practitioners collaborating on policy-relevant research on gender inequality.

Area Studies

The University of Pittsburgh is home to several internationally recognized area studies centers. Many of these centers have been designated National Resource Centers (NRCs) by the US Department of Education, certifying their status as leading centers of their kind in the United States. The NRCs sponsor numerous programs and offer Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowships for which GSPIA students (U.S. citizens only) are eligible.

UCIS offers graduate certificates that GSPIA students can pursue concurrently with their degrees, allowing them to focus their studies on a particular region or theme.  It is normally possible to complete the requirements for a GSPIA master’s degree and a UCIS certificate in two years. For further information, click here,

GSPIA Programs Abroad

GSPIA has developed a number of international partnerships that offer students the possibility to study abroad for a regular academic term, during the summer, or-in a double degree program-for an entire year or more:

International Development and Asian Affairs in Kobe, Japan

This program enables students to earn a Certificate in International Development and Asian Affairs from GSICS at Kobe University while completing their masters degree from GSPIA.

Public Administration and/or International Studies in Seoul, Korea

The exchange program enables students to earn credits toward their GSPIA degree by taking courses in the Graduate School of Public Administration and/or the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University.  GSPIA and Seoul National University also offer a dual-degree program that will give students the option to earn both a Master of Public Administration from Seoul National University and one of GSPIA’s four master’s degrees. 

 Public Policy and International Affairs in Paris, France

This program enables students to earn credits toward their GSPIA degree by taking courses at the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris (in French), or at its English-language wing, the Paris School of International Affairs.

Government or Political Science in Bogota, Colombia

This program enables students to earn credits toward their GSPIA degree by taking courses at the Department of Political Science at the University of the Andes, one of Latin America’s leading institutions. Coursework is in Spanish.

Public Management in Nanjing, China

This program enables students to earn credits toward their GSPIA degree by taking courses at Nanjing University’s School of Public Management. Coursework is in Chinese.

International Relations, Madrid, Spain

This program allows students to earn credits toward their GSPIA degree by taking courses at the School of International Relations, IE University. Coursework is in English.

Budget permitting, each year the Office of the Dean and the school’s academic programs make available small grants to students. Uses for these grants can include attending professional development conferences, presenting papers, and supporting internships and study abroad activities. These grants are awarded through a highly competitive selection process.


Lisa S. Alfredson, Professor, PhD, London School of Economics

Ariel Armony, Professor, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Luke Condra, Assistant Professor, PhD, Stanford University

Sabina E. Deitrick, Associate Professor, PhD, University of California, Berkeley

George W. Dougherty, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Georgia

Nicola Foote, Professor, PhD, University College London

Melinda Haas, Assistant Professor, JD, PhD, University of Pennsylvania Law School, Princeton University

Gary Hollibaugh, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Rochester

Muge Kokten Finkel, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Virginia

Shanti Gamper-Rabindra, Associate Professor, Phd, Massachusetts Insitute of Technology

Marcela Gonzalez Rivas, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Ryan Grauer, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Daniel Jones, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Pittsburgh

Michael Kenney, Associate Professor, PhD, University of Florida

Michael Lewin, Senior Lecturer, PhD, Johns Hopkins University

Huafang Li, Assistant Professor, PhD, Rutgers University

Siyao Li, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Pennsylvania

Sera Linardi, Assistant Professor, PhD, California Institute of Technology

Jennifer B. Murtazashvili, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Ilia Murtazashvili, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Lisa Nelson, Associate Professor, PhD, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Erica Owen, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Minnesota

Carissa Schively Slotterback, Dean and Professor, PhD, Florida State University

Taylor Seybolt, Associate Professor, PhD, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Brooke Shannon, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Texas at Austin

Nuno Themudo, Associate Professor, PhD, London School of Economics

Jeremy Weber, Assistant Professor, Phd, University of Wisconsin, Madison

Rashad Williams, Assistant Professor, PhD, University of Minnesota

Part-time and Visiting Faculty

Kathleen Buechel, Senior Lecturer, MA, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

Julie Santucci, Senior Lecturer, MA, University of Arizona

Program and Course Offerings

Other Courses

    Public Administration Program

    Go to information for Public Administration Program.


    Other Courses

      Public and International Affairs Program

      Go to information for Public and International Affairs Program.

      Other Courses

        International Development Program

        Go to information for International Development Program.

        Other Courses

          Public Policy and Management Program

          Go to information for Public Policy and Management Program.

          Other Courses

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