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University of Pittsburgh    
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog 
  Mar 31, 2025
2021-2022 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Grading and Records

For additional grading and records information, visit the University registrar’s Web site at


The Grade Point Average (GPA) is the numeric indication of a student’s academic achievement based on a 4.00 grade point scale. Undergraduates must have a 2.00 GPA in order to graduate from the University of Pittsburgh. The value is the average of total letter grades earned and is available by term or career. Some academic centers may also maintain degree and/or major/departmental GPA values.

Grading System

The University of Pittsburgh has a standard letter grade system (see Letter Grade Option). Some additional grading options are available in some courses as determined by the school and the instructor (see Grading Options below). Finally, undergraduate students may choose to audit a course. Students must complete Grade Option/Audit Request forms to request a grading option available in a particular course.

Grading Options

Individual schools may elect to offer a course with the following grade options:

LG Letter grade
H/S/U Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
S/NC Satisfactory/No-Credit (Formerly the S/N Option)
LG and H/S/U Letter grade and Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
LG and S/NC Letter grade and Satisfactory/No-Credit

Students may select a grade option for those courses that offer more than one option by submitting a Grade Option/Audit Request form by the established deadline to the school offering the course (generally four weeks from the start of the term, but check with the school for specific deadlines). If the student does not fill out a Grade Option/Audit Request form for a course in which more than one grade option is available, the default option (generally the letter grade option) will automatically apply.

Letter Grade Option

The University’s letter grade system identified below will be followed without exception:

Grade Quality Points
A+ = 4.00
A = 4.00 Superior
A- = 3.75
B+ = 3.25
B = 3.00 Meritorious
B- = 2.75
C+ = 2.25
C = 2.00 Adequate
C- = 1.75
D+ = 1.25
D = 1.00 Minimal
D- = 0.75
F = 0.00 Failure

H/S/U Grade Option

Certain courses are offered on the H/S/U (Honors/Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory) grade option. Under this option, students earn an H if they do exceptional work (equivalent to an A- or higher under the letter grade system), an S if they do satisfactory work (equivalent to grades from a C up to a B+), or a U if they do unsatisfactory work (equivalent to a C- or lower). The H and S grades received under this option are counted toward graduation but are not computed in the student’s GPA. The U grade is counted toward neither graduation nor the GPA.

S/NC Grade Option (Formerly the S/N Option)

Certain courses are offered on the S/NC (Satisfactory/No-Credit) grade option. This option was designed to encourage students to explore new and potentially difficult subjects without fear of the risks of failure. Under this option, a student who does satisfactory work (a grade of C or better) in a course receives the grade of S. If the student’s work is not satisfactory (a grade of C- or lower), the grade of NC (No Credit) is given. Courses for which an S is received are counted toward graduation, but are not computed in the GPA. Courses in which an NC is received are counted toward neither graduation nor the GPA.

Other Grades: Incomplete, Resign, Withdraw

Upon a student’s completion of a course, one of the grades listed below may appear on the student’s transcript in lieu of one of the options selected by the student and/or instructor (the options are listed under Grading Options). None of these grades carries quality points:

G Grade

The G grade signifies unfinished course work due to extenuating personal circumstances. Students assigned G grades are required to complete course requirements no later than one year after the term or session in which the course was taken. Some schools have a shorter deadline for completion of G grades; see school for details.

Once the deadline has passed, the G grade will remain on the record, and the student will be required to reregister for the course if it is needed to fulfill requirements for graduation.

I Grade

The I grade signifies incomplete course work due to the nature of the course, clinical work, or incomplete research work in individual guidance courses or seminars.

R Grade

The R grade signifies that a student resigned from the University for the term. (See Resigning from the University  for more information.)

W Grade

The W grade signifies that a student has withdrawn from a course. (See Monitored Withdrawal from a Course  for more information.)

Auditing a Course

To audit a course, a student must register and pay tuition for the course. A Grade Option/Audit Request form must be submitted for undergraduate courses by the established deadline. Students who audit a course are given an N grade.

Repeating Courses

Students may elect to repeat a course, subject to the following stipulations. Students should check with their individual schools for other school-specific rules on repeating courses, including the need to submit appropriate forms.

  • A sequence course may not be repeated for credit if the student passes a higher sequence course with a C or better grade.
  • A student may not enroll in the same course at another institution and have that grade replace the original grade earned at the University.
  • The original course and grade remain on the transcript; however, the grade and credits originally earned are not counted in the calculation of the GPA.
  • The grade earned by repeating a course is used instead of the grade originally earned. W, R, or N grades reported for the repeated course will not be identified as a course repeat, and therefore the original grade earned will continue to be counted in the GPA. Incomplete grades (G and I) are not identified as repeated courses until the course work is completed.
  • Students are only permitted to repeat a course twice. Any grade earned in the repeated course will be recorded on the academic transcript, even if it is lower than the original grade.

Changing Grades

The instructor of a course may change a student’s grade by submitting a Change of Grade Card. All grade changes require the authorization of the dean of the school from which the original grade was issued. Students can verify grade changes for the terms available online via the secure server at

Grade Reports

Shortly after the term ends, students can access their grades online via the University Portal at


An academic transcript serves as a permanent record of a student’s academic progress. The transcript is a cumulative record of the student’s GPA, as well as a record of the department, title, and grade for each course in which the student has enrolled and summary advanced standing information. Students may request an official transcript that bears the seal and signature of the University registrar. Currently enrolled students may also receive one unofficial copy of their transcripts per term for personal use. Upon graduation, the transcript reflects a student’s degree and date, major, and, if applicable, honors, area of concentration, and minor.

Academic Record

The academic record is not an official University transcript, but a document containing a student’s complete University of Pittsburgh academic history. In addition to the information provided on the transcript, the academic record provides students and advisors with admission data, academic events, detailed advanced standing/placement/transfer credit information, and standardized test scores. Students with no outstanding financial obligations to the University can receive one free copy of their academic records each term in G-3 Thackeray Hall.

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