CHEM 0350 - PRINCIPLES OF ORGANIC CHEMSTRY Minimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 The goal of the first semester of this two-semester sequence will be to emphasize the tools of organic chemistry. The content of this one semester will be similar to the most important 50% of the topics treated in the traditional year long course. Some traditional topics will not be covered, not that they are unimportant in organic chemistry but due to their reduced importance in biological sciences-oriented careers. This course will not be less rigorous than the traditional sophomore organic chemistry course, but will focus on a different subset of introductory material. Academic Career: UGRD Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: [CHEM 0120 or 0720 or 0770 or 0970 or (0112 and 0114)] and BIOSC 0150 Click here for class schedule information.
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