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University of Pittsburgh    
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
  Feb 19, 2025
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]

College of Business Administration

The College of Business Administration (Pitt Business) is the undergraduate division of the Joseph M. Katz Graduate School of Business and awards the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree. Detailed information about the College of Business Administration is available at our website: Pitt Business offers full-time and part-time programs with majors in accounting, business information systems, finance, global management, human resources management, marketing, and supply chain management. Double-degree programs are also available to BSBA students in conjunction with the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences, School of Information Sciences (SIS) and the College of General Studies. Pitt Business also offers certificate programs in international business, leadership and ethics, supply chain management, innovation and entrepreneurship and business analytics for students in the BSBA degree program.

Additional degree programs include the arts and sciences/business dual major program offered through the Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences in conjunction with Pitt Business, and a post-baccalaureate career development certificate program in accounting available through the College of General Studies. Pitt Business draws its faculty from the Katz School and is accredited by AACSB International-The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business.

Contact Information

University of Pittsburgh
College of Business Administration
Office of Admissions
2100 Sennott Square
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

Application Procedures

First-time freshman and external transfer admissions to Pitt Business are handled through the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. Students planning to relocate to Pitt Business from another Pitt academic program or campus should contact the program in which they are currently enrolled to have their records forwarded to Pitt Business for evaluation. Details for freshman and transfer admissions, as well as for relocation, are provided in the Application for Admission  section of this catalog.

Special Admissions

Under certain circumstances, second-degree, post-baccalaureate, and guest students may apply directly to the College of Business Administration for admission. Students applying under one of these statuses are considered for admission based on the strength of their academic records. (See Second Degree Candidates and Special and Nondegree Admissions  sections of this catalog for more information.) Contact the Pitt Business Office of Admissions for specifics on admission requirements and other procedures.

Evaluation of Transfer Credits

Students transferring from other colleges or universities are encouraged to apply to the College of Business Administration through the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. (See Transfer Student Admissions  section of this catalog for detailed information.) Upon admission to Pitt Business, transfer students will receive a BSBA degree requirements checklist by email. Pitt Business will evaluate coursework from other colleges based on content and equivalency to coursework offered at the University of Pittsburgh. The degree checklist shows how the transferred courses will apply to the student’s BSBA degree. To transfer, a course must be completed with a grade of C or better. The University does not accept grades for transfer, only credits. A minimum of 40 credits must be completed at the University of Pittsburgh. Students who have questions about their credit evaluation should contact the Pitt Business Office of Admissions. Please see our website for additional details on transfer credits:

Academic Standards

The following section details the school’s academic standards:

Academic Standing Policy

The academic standing of all BSBA students is reviewed at the end of the fall and spring terms. As a result of this review, students are assigned one of the following academic standing codes: good academic standing, academic probation, academic suspension, or academic dismissal.

Good Academic Standing

Students remain in good standing as long as they maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 in all courses taken at the University of Pittsburgh.

The cumulative GPA includes all courses taken on a Letter Grade grading basis at all campuses of the University of Pittsburgh. The course repeat rules require the most recent grade of a repeated course be included in the GPA.

Academic Probation

Any student who has a cumulative GPA below 2.00 is placed on academic probation.

Academic Suspension

Full-time students

If after one term of additional enrollment, the cumulative GPA of a full-time student on probation remains below 2.00, the student is subject to suspension or dismissal.

Students on probation

Students on probation who enroll and then withdraw from all courses are still subject to suspension because they have not raised their cumulative GPA to 2.00 after an additional term of attempted enrollment.

Part-time students

If, after attempting 12 additional credits, the cumulative GPA of a part-time student on probation remains below 2.00, the student is subject to suspension or dismissal.

An academic suspension from Pitt Business prohibits students from enrolling in courses at the University of Pittsburgh for one calendar year. Students will not be awarded transfer credit for courses taken at other colleges or universities while on academic suspension.

Reinstatement after the First Suspension

After one calendar year, suspended students are eligible to apply for reinstatement to the College of Business Administration by writing to the Pitt Business Associate Dean presenting a rationale for reinstatement.

Reinstated students return on academic probation and have one term of enrollment to raise their cumulative GPA to 2.0 or be subject to a second suspension or dismissal.

Second Academic Suspension

If suspended a second time, a student is not eligible for reinstatement for five years. After five years, suspended students are eligible to apply for reinstatement to the College of Business Administration by writing to the Pitt Business Associate Dean presenting a rationale for reinstatement.

Academic Dismissal

Dismissal from Pitt Business is a permanent action, and dismissed students are not eligible for reinstatement at any University of Pittsburgh school or campus.

Grade Point Average Standards

Overall GPA

A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.00 is required in all courses applied toward the BSBA degree.

Major GPA

A minimum cumulative GPA of 2.25 (C+ average) is required in all courses applied toward a student’s major. A C- or better must be earned in each individual course applied toward a student’s major.

For full-time students: If a full-time student’s major GPA drops below 2.25 for two consecutive terms, no new major courses may be taken until the major GPA is raised to 2.25 through course repeats.

For part-time students: If a part-time student’s major GPA drops below 2.25 for 9 consecutive credits in his/her major, no new major courses may be taken until the major GPA is raised to 2.25 through course repeats.

Satisfactory/No-Credit Grade Option Policy

All required BSBA core courses and all courses to be applied to a student’s major must be taken on a letter grade basis. In addition, courses taken to fulfill the requirements in microeconomics, macroeconomics, calculus, and statistics must also be taken on a letter grade basis. Language classes, arts and sciences general education courses, and electives may be taken on a satisfactory/no-credit (S/NC) grade basis.

Under the satisfactory/no-credit option, a student who does satisfactory work (C or better) receives the grade of S for the course and earns credit for the course. If a student does unsatisfactory work (defined as C- or lower), the student receives the grade of NC and does not earn credit for the course. These courses are not calculated as part of the GPA.

Students may select the S/NC grade option when enrolling online or by visiting 140 Thackeray Hall and completing the grade option form prior to the appropriate deadline.

Course Repeat Policy

A Pitt Business student may repeat a required Arts & Sciences course (including calculus, statistics, microeconomics, macroeconomics and composition), a business core requirement and/or a business major requirement once. If the minimal acceptable grade is not earned after repeating the course, the student may have to transfer out of Pitt Business, or select a different business major.
In the calculation of the major and overall grade point averages, the grade earned in the second taking of a course replaces the grade earned in the first taking; however, the grade earned in the first taking of the course, remains on the student’s transcript with a notation indicating the course was repeated.

Academic Integrity

All Pitt Business students are responsible for adhering to Pitt Business policies on academic integrity. The Pitt Business academic integrity guidelines follow the University’s guidelines with some procedural changes. Please see the guidelines for details.


Students pursuing the BSBA degree receive academic advising from full-time professional academic advisors in the College of Business Administration. Each new BSBA student is assigned an academic advisor, establishing a relationship that usually continues through graduation unless the student requests an advisor assignment change.

Academic advisors are information resources. Advisors meet with BSBA students at least once during the fall and spring academic terms to help students create customized academic and career individual development plans and prepare for course enrollment. BSBA students are required to meet with their academic advisor at least once per term, prior to enrollment.

BSBA students are responsible for their academic and career development choices and decisions, but Pitt Business academic advisors are an integrative information and planning resource for students.

BSBA Learning Goals

Graduates of the University of Pittsburgh’s College of Business Administration should achieve the following learning outcomes in the four broad components of the BSBA program (major, electives, core and foundations courses):

Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and skills in at least one academic/career focus through completion of majors, certificates, minors and electives.

Demonstrate business management literacy.

Demonstrate competency in the fundamentals of analyzing problems and making decisions with standard business data and data sources using appropriate quantitative and qualitative methodologies.

Demonstrate competency in professional communication and leadership.

Demonstrate competency in applying acquired knowledge and skills in real-world situations.

Acquire a basic knowledge of at least one nation, region or culture in areas such as language, history, political systems, literature and artistic expression.

Acquire an exposure to the knowledge and methodologies used to explore natural, individual, social and cultural phenomena.

Major and Degree Options

The College of Business Administration offers the following degree options:

BSBA Degree

The College of Business Administration awards the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration (BSBA) degree and offers majors in accounting, business information systems, finance, global management, human resources management, marketing and supply chain management.

Pitt Business Certificate Programs

BSBA students have the opportunity to specialize their studies in business analytics, innovation and entrepreneurship, international business, leadership and ethics, supply chain management, innovation and entrepreneurship and business analytics through certificate programs.

The Certificate Program in Business Analytics (CPBA) is designed to give students a strong foundation in the theory, processes, and tools of business analytics in the organizational setting. The CPBA will help students to understand both the statistical and managerial sides of business analytics so that students can add value to organizations of all sizes and types.

The Certificate Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CPIE) is a unique opportunity for Pitt Business students who wish to explore the interface between innovation and entrepreneurship as an enhancement to their business major. The CPIE will contribute to a student’s preparation for an entrepreneurial endeavor or a career within an organization committed to innovation and entrepreneurial thinking.

The Certificate Program in International Business (CPIB) builds upon the core curriculum in the College of Business Administration. Requirements include satisfactory completion of level 4 of a second language (a two-year, four-course sequence at the University of Pittsburgh), specialized course work, and one term of approved study abroad or an international internship. Students majoring in Global Management may not also earn the Certificate in International Business. (15 credits, plus foreign language study, and international experience).

The Certificate Program in Leadership and Ethics (CPLE) builds upon the core curriculum in the College of Business Administration. Students admitted to the CPLE will be required to successfully complete all requirements for the BSBA degree requirements including satisfactory completion of specialized course work, internships, and a service-learning project integrating ethics and leadership. (16 credits)

The Certificate in Supply Chain Management (CSCM) is offered jointly by the College of Business Administration and Swanson School of Engineering. Enrollment is available to BSBA students and students enrolled in the BS engineering programs in the School of Engineering. The CSCM provides students with the opportunity to understand important concepts in supply chain management and develop managerial and technical skills which are highly valued in today’s corporate environment. The program also offers an international travel experience for students to gain hands-on exposure to global supply chain organizations. The CSCM requires 15 credits and is comprised of coursework offered by both CBA and the School of Engineering.

The Certificate Program in Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CPIE) builds upon the core curriculum in the College of Business Administration. CPIE students will explore the interface between innovation and entrepreneurship as an enhancement to their business major. The CPIE will contribute to a student’s preparation for an entrepreneurial endeavor or a career within an organization committed to innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. (15 credits)

The Certificate Program in Business Analytics (CPBA) builds upon the core curriculum in the College of Business Administration. CPBA students will develop a comprehensive understanding of business analytics.  Students will learn how to diagnose problems and envision solutions from an evidence-based perspective. They will develop the capability to build statistical models, measure the data, interpret the results, and then synthesize the findings in order to improve organizational performance.  This holistic education will teach students both the statistical and managerial sides of business analytics. (15 credits)

Pitt Business/A&S Double Degree

Pitt Business offers the double degree program for students seeking to earn degrees in both business and the arts and sciences. Students earning degrees from both Pitt Business and A&S complete a 150-credit program of study, generally requiring five years of study. Students considering this option should consult with advisors in both Pitt Business and A&S, as well as a representative from Career Services, to determine how this program will advance their academic and career goals.

Pitt Business/SIS Double Degree

Pitt Business offers a double degree program for BSBA students seeking to earn degrees in both business and information sciences. Students earning degrees from both Pitt Business and SIS complete a 150-credit program of study, generally requiring five years of study. Students considering this option should consult with advisors in both Pitt Business and SIS, as well as a representative from Career Services, to determine how this program will advance their academic and career goals.

Special Academic Opportunities/Programs

The College of Business Administration offers the following special programs:

Internship Programs

Internships and other career development experiences are an absolutely essential part of business education. The Office of Career Development team works closely with business students to prepare them to successfully launch their careers. A wide range of services, including individualized resume development reviews, mock interviews and career coaching are provided by the Career Development team. The Career Development team also works closely with a wide network of employers and alumni to help business students find internships, as well as full-time positions upon graduation.

Additionally, an international internship program is available to qualified Pitt Business students. This six-credit global immersion program provides a valuable professional experience for students to develop their functional skills, gain a better understanding of cultural differences in the workplace, and enhance their language skills. Sites include: Berlin, Germany; San Paulo, Brazil; Dublin, Ireland; Beijing, China; and Madrid, Spain.

Study Abroad

The Pitt Business International Programs Office connects students to opportunities in more than 75 countries, and the insights Pitt Business students gain into other cultures and economies through these experiences abroad helps them stand out in the competitive global marketplace. Each program is designed to promote cultural development and adheres to our standard of academic excellence. For additional details, please visit our website at:

Student Organizations

Business students must diversify their experiences at Pitt and develop hands-on leadership skills essential to a career in business. Pitt Business student organizations are a good way to do this. Designed to run like small businesses, the organizations put students in control. We count on members to coordinate speaker visits from the corporate community, to arrange site visits to local offices of financial institutions and accounting firms, to sponsor social activities for members, and much more. As a member of a student organization, you will make friends for life and develop skills that enhance your resume for your first job. For additional details, please visit our website at:

BSBA Degree Program Descriptions

BSBA students may choose a major in accounting, finance, general management, global management, or marketing. To earn the BSBA degree in any of these majors, students must complete a minimum of 120 credits, fulfill all arts and sciences foundation requirements, complete all BSBA core curriculum requirements, and fulfill any major-specific requirements as detailed below.

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