2024-2025 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog
Infant Mental Health Certificate
The Certificate in Infant Mental Health is for anyone interested in promoting infant, toddler, and family wellbeing, including but not limited to early care educators, early intervention providers, home visitors, social workers, and health providers, including occupational, physical, speech therapists, nurses, and medical doctors. The certificate is also appropriate for parents, caregivers, and policymakers. By completing this course, you will understand current research, theory, practice, and application of Infant Mental Health specific to supporting very young children and their important people. Coursework is aligned with the Alliance for the Advancement of Infant Mental Health core theoretical principles of infant and early childhood development and mental health practice for the Endorsement for Culturally Sensitive Relationship-Focused Practice Promoting Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health: that all work with children, families, and the individuals who work with them should be relationship-based, culturally sensitive, grounded in an understanding of developmental theory and research, and supported by reflective practice.
12 credits required for program completion