Mar 13, 2025
2024-2025 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog
Instructional Design and Technology Certificate
The online graduate Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) certificate enables students to interrogate and discuss historical, contemporary, and emerging instructional design theories and models. Through this program, course facilitators and students will explore, discuss and apply critical pedagogy to instructional design practices. We will examine and discuss strategies that ground our instructional design praxis in design justice principles. We will broaden our understanding of instructional design to explore the possibilities of community-led design initiatives. We will use design justice principles and project management strategies to create and present instructional design artifacts for constructive peer review.
Program Outcomes
The online graduate Instructional Design and Technology (IDT) certificate enables students to:
- Interrogate and discuss historical, contemporary, and emerging ID theories and models.
- Explore, discuss and apply critical pedagogy to ID practices.
- Examine how to design justice principles apply to instructional design practices
- Select applicate technology and digital media that support meaningful learning experiences
- Create instructional design artifacts grounded in critical pedagogy and design justice principles
- Use project management strategies to coordinate and complete ID projects
Admissions Requirements
Students must have a graduate degree from an accredited institution OR professional experience in instructional design or education-related field.
Required Courses
The following courses are required for the certificate.