2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Engineering for Humanity Certificate
The Engineering for Humanity Certificate is open to all undergraduate students and both guides and formalizes student participation in engineering projects in which social and/or environmental sustainability is a core thrust. Moreover, the certificate program addresses the significance of cultural, political, and business forces in rapid and effective penetration of new technologies. This certificate will allow students to earn credit for service learning projects. Students have the option of pursuing either a U.S. or international track. The center piece of the Certificate is an approved engineering service project that gives the student experience of working for people with basic needs. A total of 15 credits is required to complete this certificate. Students have the option of pursuing either a U.S. or international track. For additional information please contact Dr. Nettleship of the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science.
The certificate embodies significant flexibility, with only 2 of 5 courses being explicitly defined, so participating students may tailor course work to their region and topic of interest. It is expected that with appropriate planning at least two of the courses will align with departmental BS graduation requirements.
Bioengineering students need to plan early to obtain this certificate. Required courses can be used to to satisfy the 2-course, 6-credit advanced engineering/science elective requirement. MPE concentration students can also potentially satisfy a concentration elective. The Societal Perspective requirement can be used as one of the Humanities/Social Science electives. The In Depth Service Learning Project is on your own.