2019-2020 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Microbiology, BS
Return to: Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences
Microbiology is the study of microscopic organisms, including viruses, bacteria, archaea, fungi, and protists. Microorganisms are important for both the good that they do (nutrient cycling, production of antibiotics, bioremediation, food production) and the bad (food poisoning, infectious diseases, epidemics). Our program provides intensive training in modern microbiology, including cutting-edge research in genomics and genetic engineering.
Microbiologists pursue careers in many fields, including agricultural, environmental, food, and industrial microbiology; public health; resource management; basic research; education; and pharmaceuticals. Jobs in all of these fields are available at the BS level as well as the MS and PhD levels. The microbiology major also incorporates the requirements expected for admission to medical, dental, and other health professional schools, and to graduate schools in microbiology, molecular biology, biochemistry, and related disciplines.
University Honors College equivalnt courses may be substituted for required or elective courses.
Biological Sciences Requirements
Students in all five majors within the Department of Biological Sciences must follow general rules and fulfill certain general requirements in addition to those in their specific major:
- A total of 32 credits in biology must be taken (see specific course requirements for each major below). All biology courses taken for the major must be completed with a C or better. If a C- or lower is earned in a biology elective course that is not repeated, the course will be used in calculating the overall GPA in the major but will not be counted as part of the 32 credits required for the major.
- Co-requisite courses must be taken in chemistry, physics, and mathematics and/or statistics, as follows.
- A minimum GPA of 2.00 must be maintained in all biology courses and in the combined co-requisite courses. The Satisfactory/No Credit (S/NC) option may be used for only one biology course and for any of the co-requisite courses.
- Departmental writing (W) courses may be selected once the major is declared and count towards the 32 biology credits for the major.
- Opportunities for faculty-sponsored directed research and internship experiences are available and strongly encouraged. Academic credit awarded from the departmental W, directed research, and internship courses count as credit toward graduation, but not in determining the 32 biology credits required for the major. Students interested in departmental honors should contact department advisors for information.
- University Honors College equivalents for any of the above courses are accepted. Credit by examination is available only through appropriate AP scores for equivalents to BIOSC 0150 - FOUNDATIONS OF BIOLOGY 1 , BIOSC 0057 - FOUNDATIONS OF BIOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY 1 , BIOSC 0160 - FOUNDATIONS OF BIOLOGY 2 , and BIOSC 0067 - FOUNDATIONS OF BIOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY 2 lectures and labs.
Updated information about the department, major requirements, and course offerings is available on the department’s Web site, www.biology.pitt.edu.
Corequisite courses
Corequisite courses must be taken in chemistry, physics, and mathematics and/or statistics, including
Updated information about the department, major requirements, and course offerings is available on the department’s Web site, www.biology.pitt.edu.
Biological Sciences courses
Completion of this major requires a total of 32 credits in the biological sciences, detailed as follows.
Biology laboratory courses
Choose one course from each of the following groups.
Writing-intensive course
Choose one of the following courses.
Biological Sciences elective courses
Choose seven credits of courses from the following lists. At least one of the selected courses must be a lab or field course.