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University of Pittsburgh    
2019-2020 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog 
  Mar 13, 2025
2019-2020 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Master of Social Work Program

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The leadership required from social work professionals demands an MSW practitioner who possesses a repertoire of specialized knowledge and skills and whose practice is informed by the values and ethics of the profession. Social workers in the 21st century confront a variety of new challenges, as well as many that have long existed. MSW practitioners, who work with and on behalf of individuals, families, groups, organizations, and communities, are faced with the need to develop innovative interventions in a rapidly changing practice environment. Such new, creative solutions to society’s problems will be realized only if social work professionals have had a rigorous and thorough education. The goal of the MSW program is to prepare graduates with the specialized knowledge and skills needed to engage in empirically supported and culturally competent advanced social work practice-either direct practice with individuals, families, and small groups, or community organization and social administration-that reflects the social work profession’s values, traditions, and philosophy. To accomplish this goal, the MSW program faculty have identified specific program objectives. Graduates of the MSW program will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior
  2. Engage Diversity and Difference in Practice
  3. Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice
  4. Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice
  5. Engage in Policy Practice
  6. Engage with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  7. Assess Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities
  9. Evaluate Practice with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations, and Communities

MSW Admissions

The following section details admissions information particular to applicants to the MSW program.

Persons seeking admission to the Master of Social Work (MSW) program must exhibit the leadership potential and professional capabilities essential to function effectively in the profession and must meet minimum academic requirements. An applicant must meet the following requirements:

  • A bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university.
  • It is recommended that all new applicants have a minimum of a B average (3.00 GPA on a 4.00 scale) in all undergraduate work. Applicants whose GPA is below 3.00 may be considered for admission under provisional status (see
  • It is recommended that all MSW applicants have a minimum of 60 undergraduate (or undergraduate plus graduate) credits in the liberal arts, of which 30 credits must be in the social and behavioral sciences and 30 credits must be distributed between the humanities and natural sciences. Course credits are counted from among the following:
    • The Humanities: English, fine arts, languages, literature, philosophy, religious studies, speech.
    • Social and Behavioral Sciences: anthropology, black studies, child development, economics, geography, history, legal studies, political science, psychology*, social
    • Natural Sciences: biology, computer science, mathematics, psychology*, statistics.
      *Note: Psychology courses may be counted as either natural or social science credits.
  • Successful completion of a course in descriptive statistics.

Academic and field education credits are not granted in the MSW program for life, volunteer, or employment experience.


Persons who were once enrolled as degree students in the graduate program and who have voluntarily withdrawn from the program for more than one year must submit an application for readmission. The application process in these instances is the same as for new applicants. The statute of limitations may prevent the student from applying some graduate credits already completed as progress toward graduation.

Application and Admission Materials

Completed applications include the school online application form, transcripts, three letters of reference, a written statement, a resume, an agreement to participate in field education form and a $40 application fee. Applicants may request an interview, but this is not required. The director of admissions and student affairs may also request an interview.

Applications and other admissions information are available from:

Office of Admissions
School of Social Work
Online applications are accepted at:

Application materials may also be downloaded from the School of Social Work Web site or applications may be completed directly online. These materials are available at

Selection of Skill Concentration

Applicants are required to designate one skill concentration chosen from either Community, Organization, and Social Action (COSA) or Direct Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups. The appropriateness of the concentration selection is evaluated on the basis of the applicant’s resume and written statement. If the applicant is uncertain about which concentration to select, the matter should be discussed with the director of admissions before an application is submitted.

Students indicate in their application to the MSW program the skill concentration they intend to complete. To request a change to these concentrations after beginning the MSW program, students must show that the change would contribute directly to their educational goals and career plans. Students also must be able to demonstrate in a projected plan of study that they will be able to complete all classes and field requirements in the new skill concentration within four years of their date of entry into the MSW program, as specified by the Council on Social Work Education. Such requests should be made and finalized during registration for the second semester of matriculation for full-time students and the third semester of matriculation for part-time students.

Admissions Interview

Admissions interviews may be initiated by the admissions officer of the school in some special circumstance. Decisions on applications for admission are usually made without such an interview. All applicants are welcome to seek information-sharing interviews.

Financial Assistance for MSW Students

The University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work recognizes that financing graduate education is extremely important, especially because the cost of higher education continues to increase each year.  Please note that it is the University’s Financial Aid Office that administers the process of awarding loans to graduate students.  The School of Social Work awards scholarships and a limited number of training fellowships to its master’s level students and scholarship and assistantships to its PhD students.

Financial aid is not awarded to any student until admission to the School has been granted.  Early application for merit-based scholarship aid is strongly encouraged.

Students applying for financial aid must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form.  Pitt’s federal school code is 008815. The FAFSA form is not available until January for those applying for the next academic year.

MSW Degree Requirements

The MSW curriculum is designed to be a two-year, full-time program. The MSW degree requires the satisfactory completion of a minimum of 60 credits-42 in class work and 18 in field practica-with a minimum GPA of 3.00. Although MSW students must take their required courses for a letter grade, elective courses offered and taken in the graduate program of the School of Social Work may be taken for a letter grade or an H/S/U grade. All graduate field instruction courses shall be taken for S/NC grades. No student will be permitted to graduate with a C, F, or U grade in a required course or an NC grade in the field practicum. Specific requirements for each of the skill concentrations are detailed in the student handbook and on the school’s Web page,

MSW Academic Standards: Probation

A student in the MSW program will be placed on academic probation if:

  1. after completing at least nine (9) quality point credits, the student’s cumulative GPA falls below 3.00;
  2. the student receives a grade lower than a B- in a required course (including the five foundation courses, the required concentration skill courses, the second-level human behavior, policy, and research courses, and any specific courses needed to fulfill specialization or certificate requirements), or
  3. the student receives an NC grade for field placement (SWGEN 2099 , SWINT 2099 , or SWCOSA 2099 ).

The MSW program director will send a letter to the student and the student’s advisor notifying them of the student’s placement on academic probation. The letter will advise the student and the student’s advisor of the date and location of an academic review meeting, to be convened by the MSW program director, to discuss the terms of the student’s academic probation. A copy of this letter will be placed in the student’s folder. Depending on the outcome of the meeting, a student placed on academic probation may be required to modify the student’s course of study in the MSW program, including changing the academic courses for which the student is registered and/or delaying entry into or suspending field placement.

Part-Time MSW Students

Students pursuing a part-time course of study must complete the MSW degree in four academic years. Part-time students are expected to take their foundation courses (the equivalent of the first fall term for full-time students) on a part-time basis during the first year and then begin concentration courses and field instruction, on either a part-time or a full-time basis. Part-time students who have completed 21 credits of course work must begin their first field placement; enrollment in further courses after 21 credits is contingent on the initiation of the field placement. Part-time students doing field instruction must complete a minimum of 12 clock hours each week, with at least eight of those hours done during the regular work day of the agency. In order to earn their MSW degree in four years, all part-time students must recognize that they will need to enroll for a minimum of two courses per term in each of the three terms during the academic year. The following options are acceptable:

  1. Two courses (3 credits per course) or
  2. One course (3 credits) plus a minimum of 3 field credits or
  3. A minimum of 6 field credits (equivalent to two courses)
Advanced Standing and Exemptions for MSW Course Work

Students entering the MSW program may be granted advanced standing, receive transfer credit, or be exempt from specific course requirements if their coursework was completed within the past 7 years. The definition for each is:

Advanced Standing is defined as the awarding of academic credit toward a degree by the School of Social Work for prior baccalaureate course or field work completed at an undergraduate social work program accredited by the Council on Social Work Education when such work is evaluated as entirely comparable. A maximum of 12 course credits and 6 field work credits may be considered.

Transfer Credit is defined as the awarding of academic credit toward a degree by the School of Social Work for post-baccalaureate course or field work completed at an accredited academic institution when such work is evaluated as entirely comparable.

Exemption is defined as the waiving of a required academic course by the School of Social Work following an evaluation of the student’s previous course work that is determined to be essentially identical to the required course being waived. Such an exemption does not, however, reduce the number of credits required for graduation.

Specific details and limitations regarding this policy and related procedures are described in the Student Handbook and on the School of Social Work Web site,

Consistent with the Council on Social Work Education’s (CSWE’s) Educational Policies and Accreditation Standards, the School of Social Work’s MSW program does not grant advanced standing, transfer credit, or exemption for prior life, volunteer, or employment experience.

Organization of the MSW Curriculum

The MSW program entails both class and field requirements distributed across foundation and skills concentration curricula. The MSW foundation curriculum is the same for all MSW degree students. All students must complete the school’s designated class and field requirements for one of two skills concentrations: Community, Organization, and Social Action (COSA) or Direct Practice with Individuals, Families, and Groups. Students must complete the MSW Foundations requirements before being permitted to take concentration courses.

A change in concentration after matriculation is not advisable. (See Selection of Skill Concentration for further details on changing concentrations.)


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