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University of Pittsburgh    
2022-2023 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog 
  Mar 13, 2025
2022-2023 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Doctor of Occupational Therapy (OTD)

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Program Requirements

The OTD program is a 32 month (8 term) professional course of study requiring 99 credits, including fieldwork education, an experiential preceptorship, and a capstone project. Students in the OTD program must successfully complete all didactic coursework, Level II fieldwork, and pass a competency examination prior to the commencement of the experiential preceptorship. Students must complete Level II fieldwork and the experiential preceptorship within 24 months following completion of the didactic portion of the program.

Curriculum and Course Descriptions

Plan of Study

Fieldwork Education and Experiential Preceptorship

Fieldwork education and the Experiential Preceptorship are essential components of professional doctoral preparation and are integrated in the curriculum design. They are an extension of the OTD program within the clinical/community setting. Fieldwork experiences provide the OTD student with the opportunity to learn professional responsibilities through modeling by qualified and experienced personnel and to practice these responsibilities in a supervised setting. The Experiential Preceptorship provides an in-depth professional experience and the completion of a capstone program and culminating (capstone) project. Fieldwork education and the Experiential Preceptorship are only conducted in sites that have a signed agreement (Memorandum of Understanding) with the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences. This agreement formally identifies the responsibilities of the University and the site.

Fieldwork education includes Level I and Level II experiences.  Level I fieldwork is integrated with coursework duriing Term 2 (OT 2215 - Fieldwork Education A), Term 3 (OT 2219 - Fieldwork Education B), and Term 4 (OT 2226 - Fieldwork Education C). Level I fieldwork is designed to enrich didactic coursework through direct observation and participation. Level I fieldwork is supervised by qualified personnel (e.g., currently licensed or otherwise regulated occupational therapy practitioners, psychologists, physician assistants, teachers, social workers, nurses, and other health or education professionals). OTD students are assigned to Level I fieldwork sites in the Greater Pittsburgh Area by the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator in collaboration with the occupational therapy faculty. The qualifications of individuals supervising students during Level I fieldwork are reviewed by the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator to ensure that a meaningful learning experience can be provided.

Level II fieldwork is completed in Terms 5 and 6 (OT 2228 - Fieldwork Education D; OT 2229 - Fieldwork Education E). Level II fieldwork is distinct from Level I fieldwork. Students must successfully complete Level I fieldwork experiences prior to enrolling in Level II fieldwork. Level II fieldwork is an in-depth experience in delivering occupational therapy services to clients in traditional and/or emerging settings consistent with our OTD program’s curriculum design. Each OTD student is assigned to specific Level II fieldwork sites to ensure exposure to a variety of clients across the life span and to a variety of settings. Students can complete Level II fieldwork in a minimum of one setting if it is reflective of more than one practice area, or in a maximum of four different settings. The OTD program only uses sites within the United States that allow for supervision by an occupational therapist who meets state regulations and has a minimum of one year of practice experience, following initial certification. Level II fieldwork is a minimum of the equivalent of 24 full-time work weeks. Level II fieldwork may be completed on a part-time basis as long as it is at least 50% of a full-time equivalent at the site. The OTD student is assigned to a Level II fieldwork site by the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and the student signs the Level II Fieldwork Acknowledgment Agreement. The performance of a student who does not successfully complete Level II fieldwork is critically reviewed by the Academic Fieldwork Coordinator and occupational therapy faculty. Satisfactory completion of targeted interventions by the student may be required prior to enrolling in a subsequent Level II fieldwork. The faculty reserves the right to place a student at a site in the Greater Pittsburgh Area based on the student’s academic performance and/or professional behavior.

After successful completion of Level II fieldwork (OT 2228; OT 2229), the OTD student engages in didactic coursework and training of advanced skills beyond the generalist level of an occupational therapist. OTD students enroll in OT 3208-Experiential Preceptorship (doctoral experiential component) (Term 8) after they have successfully completed all didactic coursework, Level I and Level II fieldworks, and a competency requirement. The Experiential Preceptorship (OT 3208) is a 14-week (560 hour) in-depth experience in clinical practice skills, research skills, administration, leadership, program and policy development, advocacy, and/or education and includes the completion of a culminating (capstone) project. The focus of the Experiential Preceptorship is on the development of skills for increased autonomy as a contributor to advancing occupational therapy practice. The Experiential Preceptorship is completed in a novel practice setting or a traditional setting with a novel program, and has a connection with community issues and needs. Students are assigned a faculty mentor who oversees their Experiential Preceptorship, including the development of individual learning objectives and plans for supervision. The Experiential Preceptorship is distinct from Level I and Level II fieldwork and is the final step in the preparation of the OTD student for entry-level practice.These learning experiences (Fieldwork education and Experiential Preceptorship) prepare the OTD student to assume the roles of practitioner, manager, and contributor upon graduation from the OTD program. Prior fieldwork, volunteer, and/or work experience hours cannot be applied towards the Experiential Preceptorship hours, and a student’s current work setting cannot serve as a site for their Experiential Preceptorship. The Experiential Preceptorship may be completed on a part-time basis. 

The doctoral capstone is a multi-faceted investigative assignment that students begin associated coursework for in Term 1. It is designed to encourage students to think critically, solve challenging problems, collaborate with professionals, and develop advanced skills in communication, research, teamwork, planning, leadership, self-reliance, professionalism, and advocacy - skills that will prepare them to respond positively and confidently to the many opportunities and challenges in today’s evolving and increasingly complex practice settings. Although, the learning objectives for the Experiential Preceptorship and capstone program and culminating project address all three roles of the occupational therapist - practitioner, manager, and contributor - the focus is on the development of skills for increased autonomy as a contributor to advancing occupational therapy practice. 

Level II fieldwork (OT 2228; OT 2229) and the Experiential Preceptorship (OT 3208) must be completed within 24 months following completion of the didactic portions of the OTD program (Term 4).  

Academic Standards

In addition to following University-wide academic rules and regulations as detailed in the General Academic Regulations section of this Catalog, the OTD program is regulated by the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Academic Standards, as well as the policies and procedures in the SHRS Graduate Student Handbook and the OTD Student Manual.

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