2022-2023 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]
World and Heritage Language Education with TESOL Certificate, MEd
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Master of Education Degree with TESOL Certificate
This option permits qualified individuals for the MEd with a specialization in World and Heritage Language Education to be considered upon application by the Department of Teaching Learning and Leading and by the Department of Linguistics for admission to the University of Pittsburgh certificate program in the Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL). If accepted, students combine course work for the MEd in World and Heritage Language Education with required courses for the TESOL certificate. Students complete a minimum of 37 credits in this combined specialization. The University of Pittsburgh TESOL certificate is not to be confused with state certification for teaching in the public elementary or secondary schools. The degree is ideal for individuals seeking positions as English language teachers in other countries or in university English Language Institutes. Each applicant who is not a native speaker of English must: (1) achieve a score of 100 or higher on the internet-based TOEFL (Skill Requirements: Reading and Listening - High; Speaking and Writing - one skill must be at the level of Good) or 7.5 or higher on the IELTS (Skills Requirement: Speaking and Writing - combined minimum of 13) and (2) have good spoken English skills.
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