2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog [Archived Catalog]
International Engineering Studies Certificate
International Engineering Studies
An International Engineering Certificate Program has been created for those students who wish to enhance their degree program with an education abroad experience.
Students in the Swanson School of Engineering may earn a certificate in International Engineering Studies (IES) by completing a minimum set of requirements that include an approved, educational international experience and associated cultural enrichment and language studies (when applicable).
In order to earn the IES certificate the student must formally apply to and be accepted into the IES program. Students who participate in Pitt-approved full semester programs abroad will be given information about the IES program. The international program must be formally approved by the student’s faculty advisor and the Director of International Engineering Initiatives, through a formal course approval process.
In order to earn the certificate, the student must complete at least four of the five requirements listed below:
1. Language Training: A minimum of either one term-long course at the intermediate level in the local language on-site during the study abroad program, or two term-long intermediate level courses at the University of Pittsburgh (defined as third semester level or higher). A summer language school program at the study abroad site could be used to satisfy this requirement.
2. Local Culture: A minimum of one term-long course on-site during a study abroad experience. Acceptable areas are broadly defined to include subjects such as fine arts, history, literature etc., and should focus on the culture local to the study abroad program.
3. Culture Requirement at Pitt: An upper division course at the University of Pittsburgh which will serve as a complement to Requirement 2.
4. Academic Courses in Engineering: A minimum of two term-long courses on-site during the study abroad experience. The courses must satisfy graduation requirements for specific courses in the student’s major department or program.
5. Work Experience / Internship: Equivalent of 1 term spent in engineering-related work in the overseas location. A co-op rotation or an internship may be used to satisfy this requirement.
NOTE: If the international experience is in an English speaking country or is a program that offers courses only in English, the first requirement is waived and the student must complete three of the remaining four requirements. The courses taken as part of requirements 1, 2 and 3 may be used to satisfy part of the student’s humanities and social science requirements as long as the courses are on the approved list of such courses for the Swanson School of Engineering and focus on the local culture of the country of interest.
The certificate designation appears on the student’s transcript upon graduation. Please contact Alicia Olalde, Director, SSOE Global Experiences and Engagement, at a.olalde@pitt.edu or by calling (412) 624-5942 for additional information.