2018-2019 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Communication: Rhetoric and Communication, MA
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The aim of the program is to train rigorous researchers and excellent teachers. To this end it offers historical, theoretical, and critical approaches to the study of communication. The curriculum includes traditional and innovative course work drawn from four intersecting areas of emphasis: History, Theory and Criticism of Rhetoric; Media and Cultural Studies; Public Address and Argument; and Rhetoric of Science.
Requirements for the MA
Complete plan of study within the first year of enrollment
- Choose a faculty adviser
- Select a faculty committee in consultation with the adviser
- Meet with committee to discuss and/or revise the plan of study
- Obtain committee signatures for approval by Director of Graduate Studies (DGS)
Complete 30 course credits (normally, 10 courses)
- This includes six hours from departmental core requirements, COMMRC 2296 - PROSEMINAR and COMMRC 3384 - TEACHING PRACTICUM Teaching Practicum With compelling reasons and approval from DGS, up to six of required course credits can be taken outside of the department and count towards required credit.
Maintain satisfactory progress of completing 18 credit hours a year
Complete MA Comprehensive exams successfully
Prior to defense, submit two revised seminar papers, to be approved by committee to be recommended to move into PhD Program
Written exam followed about 2 weeks later by oral defense, scheduled with committee.
Return to: Kenneth P. Dietrich School of Arts and Sciences