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University of Pittsburgh    
2020-2021 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog 
  Feb 17, 2025
2020-2021 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]

Department of Health Policy and Management

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The Department of Health Policy and Management prepares individuals to assume roles of leadership, policy development, and management within the health care system and public health. Its educational programs are grounded in the faculty’s contributions in advancing the state of knowledge and professional practice in institutional and system health care management and the development, advocacy, analysis, and implementation of health policy. The HPM Faculty are engaged in interdisciplinary research addressing a range of problems relevant to public policy, organization, and management as applied to health care organizations and systems and in various professional and community service activities.

Contact Information

In order to obtain further information or to inquire about making application, admission, or registration about the Department of Health Policy and Management and its programs, please contact:


Kevin Broom, PhD
Associate Professor
Vice Chair for Education
Director, MHA and MHA/MBA Programs
Department of Health Policy & Management
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
A626 Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261


Elizabeth Van Nostrand, JD
Assistant Professor
Director, JD/MPH Program
Department of Health Policy & Management
Adjunct Professor, School of Law
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
A733 Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261



Elizabeth Van Nostrand, JD
Assistant Professor
Director, JD/MPH Program
Department of Health Policy & Management
Adjunct Professor, School of Law
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
A733 Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

MS and PhD

Julie Donohue, PhD
Co-Director MS & PhD Programs
Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
A635 Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213

Lindsay Sabik, PhD
Co-Director MS & PhD Programs
Associate Professor, Department of Health Policy and Management
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
A613 Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15213


Student Services

All Programs

Jessica Dornin, MSL
Recruitment and Academic Affairs Administrator
Department of Health Policy & Management
Graduate School of Public Health
University of Pittsburgh
A631 Public Health, 130 DeSoto Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15261

The leadership of the Department of Health Policy and Management includes Mark S. Roberts, MD, MP, Chair, and Tina Micale, Departmental Administrator.

Graduate Degree Programs

The Department of Health Policy and Management offers the following graduate degree programs: Master of Health Administration (MHA), Master of Public Health (MPH), Master of Health Administration and Master of Business Administration (MHA/MBA), Juris Doctor/Master of Public Health (JD/MPH), Master of Science in Health Services Research and Policy (MS), a PhD in Health Services Research and Policy, a Graduate Certificate in Health Care Systems Engineering, and a Graduate Certificate in Health Systems Leadership and Management.

The MHA program offers a graduate education relevant to both the aspiring and already practicing health care management/policy professional; a curriculum that anchors the program in its public health tradition while also providing the students with necessary tools, technologies, and knowledge in organizational and system management and policy analysis. Career and professional development activities are provided through the professional practice component of the curriculum which includes a Management Residency, the Executive in Residence program, professional mentorship, and participation in the HPMA Student Chapter and other networking and professional development opportunities.

The MPH Program in the Department of Health Policy and Management in the Graduate School of Public Health at the University of Pittsburgh provides advanced education for recent graduates, entry-level, and mid-career professionals to facilitate their career development as leaders and managers, health professionals, policy analysts, and advocates for various roles and contexts in public health and health care.

The MHA/MBA joint degree program offered by the Department of Health Policy and Management and the Katz Graduate School of Business provides an outstanding professional development opportunity for high-achieving applicants. This program prepares graduates to assume fast-track middle management and executive leadership positions in health care organizations.  This rigorous program combines the expertise of the Katz faculty in finance, marketing, business operations and strategic planning with that of the HPM faculty in health care structures and policy, outcomes measures, data analytics and patient safety and quality management.  This three-year, 78-credit program includes a required management residency in the form of two separate field placements during the summer terms or one extended residency experience.

The department also offers a joint degree program with the School of Law, the JD/MPH program in law and health policy. This joint degree program was developed in recognition of the important area of intersection between the practice of law, health policy and  health care delivery in the United States. Graduates of this program are provided the academic foundation for professional roles in public policy analysis and development, the practice of law for private clients with specialization in health law, and as inhouse counsel for health care organizations and systems and regulatory agencies. Applicants must be admitted to both the Graduate School of Public Health and the School of Law.

The Master of Science in Health Services Research and Policy program prepares graduates for positions in health services research and policy, analytics and also prepares them for higher level education (such as a PhD). Graduates will be prepared to conduct research on policy issues affecting the organization, financing, and delivery of health care and public health services

The PhD in Health Services Research and Policy provides advanced educational and professional development opportunities for individuals entering a career in health services research and policy. The program meets an ongoing need for public health researchers who focus on cost, access, and quality of the health care system. Graduates will be prepared to conduct research on policy issues affecting the organization, financing, and delivery of health care and public health services. The goals of the program are to provide graduates with contemporary training in research design and methods appropriate for studying the health care system, experience in developing an NIH style grant proposal, and experience writing for publication, presenting results at a scientific meeting, and teaching. Students identify an area of focus that informs the substance and provides the theoretical framework for their research. Upon completing the program, graduates will be prepared for positions in academia, government or the private sector as experts in health services research and policy.

The Graduate Certificate in Health Care Systems Engineering is offered jointly by the Graduate School of Public Health and the Swanson School of Engineering. This certificate is designed for students in the Department of Health Policy & Management (Pitt Public Health) and the Department of Industrial Engineering (Swanson) and provides students with specific experiences and analytical tools required for effective problem solving relative to quality improvement and process engineering in the health care industry. Students are equipped to serve as leaders in addressing the challenges health care faces in the twenty-first century. Health care management students will learn engineering principles, models, and tools following a systems approach to analysis, problem solving, and project implementation, while engineering students gain knowledge of health care operations, the organizational culture, and the strategic issues facing the industry. With a focus on innovation, effectiveness, and efficiency in health care and public health, the certificate nurtures well-educated professionals and leaders in their disciplines. Contact Jessica Dornin for more information.

The Graduate Certificate in Health Systems Leadership and Management provides rigorous training for healthcare clinicians and providers looking to enhance their careers and improve healthcare delivery through strengthened leadership and management skills. The certificate is primarily designed for physicians, but is open to all healthcare clinicians and providers. The curriculum of 15-16 total credits consists of coursework in the following areas: Leadership Theory and Practice, Strategic Management, Financial Management, Health Policy, Quality and Patient Safety, and an applied project. Contact Jessica Dornin for more information.

Admission Requirements

Masters Degree Programs: The Graduate School of Public Health requires that students apply online for all degree programs. Requirements for admission include a bachelor’s degree from an accredited college or university; acceptable scores on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE) for the MS, MHA and MPH and acceptable scores on the GRE and/or LSAT for the JD/MPH; and successful completion of: three postsecondary (college/university)-level semester credits in biology; three post-secondary (college or university) level semester credits in mathematics (algebra or higher); and 6 post-secondary (college/university) level semester credits in social and behavioral sciences, preferably including one course in economics.

In addition, the Admissions Committee cites the following as important factors in the admissions decision: undergraduate performance, GRE scores, letters of recommendation, relevant work (or volunteer) experience, and good interpersonal and communication skills. Most applicants are interviewed as part of the application review process. Students enroll in August of each year. Although a rolling admissions process is in place, applicants are encouraged to apply as soon as possible and prior to the end of May. International University of Pittsburgh students should apply by February 1.

Doctoral Degree Program: Applicants to the PhD Program in Health Services Research and Policy must hold a baccalaureate degree with a GPA of at least 3.3 desirable; college level coursework in calculus with a grade of 3.0 or better is a prerequisite; applicants must submit scores on the verbal, quantitative and critical thinking and analytical writing portion of the Graduate Record Examination (GRE)-a quantitative score of 720 or higher, verbal score of 560 or higher, and analytical writing of 5.0 or higher are desirable. Applicants for whom English is not their first language must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam. Students must score a minimum of 213 on the computerized TOEFL (or 550 on the paper-based version). The minimum score for the IELTS is 65.

In addition, applicants must demonstrate in their personal statement that they have a clear understanding of how the program of study will benefit them in achieving their career goals. Three letters of recommendation are required from individuals who are in a position to judge the applicant’s professional and or academic abilities. At least one recommendation should be from an individual who can comment on the applicant’s academic qualifications (e.g., former instructor or advisor).

Certificate Program in Health Care Systems Engineering: Applicants to this program must be admitted to or enrolled in the MHA program, the HPM-MPH program, or the MS program in industrial engineering.

Certificate Program in Health Systems Leadership and Management: All Certificate applicants, except those already enrolled in GSPH, need to apply through SOPHAS. In addition, the Certificate applicant will submit a brief statement addressing: interest in health systems leadership and management; previous experience; areas of interest; and the relation of the Certificate to career goals.

The admission requirements for applicants are based on completion of at least an advanced health care provider degree (e.g. MD, RN, PharmD, PT, OT) or appropriate job experience.

Financial Assistance

The Department of Health Policy and Management has limited scholarship funds and these funds are allocated separate from admission decisions. The scholarship funds are mainly awarded to incoming high caliber students on an annual basis. Graduate student assistantship and research positions are periodically available on a competitive basis.

Department Web site:


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