2018-2019 Graduate & Professional Studies Catalog [Archived Catalog]
Department of Informatics and Networked Systems
Return to: School of Computing and Information Those with the skills to design, build, manage, and protect the systems and networks that make information useful and accessible are indispensable. Information professionals enjoy limitless potential for exciting careers in virtually every industry ─ health care, law, finance, manufacturing government, higher education, and more.
We offer undergraduate and graduate degree programs that balance theoretical principles with hands-on learning experiences in all aspects of information systems, from storing and retrieving information to communicating information among systems, as well as the interaction between people and information systems as well as the role of information systems and technologies in both business and society.
Here, you will have amazing opportunities to learn from faculty engaged in cutting-edge research funded by the National Science Foundation, Air Force Office of Scientific Research, National Institutes of Health, and more. Pitt is one of the top 25 public research universities; this provides our students with access to research projects and laboratories that will develop the next generation of information technologies. We believe that research and teaching must be closely linked, so that future researchers and teachers will gain critical experience in development and research techniques. Students in both the undergraduate and graduate programs are encouraged to participate in research opportunities. Moreover, since the University is situated within a major urban area, our students have a vast array of internship and employment opportunities with major US corporations.
Our students acquire more than technical expertise; they learn how to connect people with technologies that can enhance their lives. Our goal is to educate people who are efficient on the job from day one, while providing the foundation for them to prosper professionally as their careers progress. You’ll be able to build systems and manage information using today’s technology-you’ll also have the ability to design and master the technology of the future.
Academic Advising
Each student is assigned an academic advisor at the time of admission to graduate study. These assignments are made primarily on the basis of the student’s background and interests as shown in the application. The student may at any time elect to change advisors: any such change requires the consent of the new advisor and must be reported to the Program. Forms for changing advisors are online through the School’s “Current Students” Web page.
At the time of initial registration or before the completion of the first term, the student is encouraged to discuss a plan of study with their advisor. A plan of study is a series of courses designed to meet the minimum exit competencies judged by the faculty to be necessary for employment as an information professional; this plan is outlined in and completion is tracked through the Academic Advisement Report (AAR). Students coming into the program without prior course work or work experience in the areas covered by the plan of studies should adhere fairly closely to the suggested plan. If there has been course work or experience in one or more of the content areas of the program, students are permitted to substitute and take courses in an area in which additional background is needed. Substitutions and exceptions must have approval of the advisor and must be documented through the Records Office. Information regarding documenting exceptions is available on the School’s Current Students webpage.
Details regarding advising and resources for tracking your degree progress (the AAR) are available on the School’s Catalog page, under the Advising section .
Each student must ensure that the AAR meets all of the program requirements for graduation. At the completion of the program, the Records Office coordinates with the Department to certify all students for graduation. See the SCI Catalog page for more details and regulations pertaining to graduation.
Stricter advising guidelines and regulations apply to the doctoral students. See the doctoral program regulations for details.
Policies for the Department of Informatics and Networked Systems
Beyond the School’s general Grading and Credit policies , the department may impose stricter rules. Rules pertaining to DINS students are as follows.
Maintenance of a 3.0 GPA
Each student must maintain a 3.0 Grade Point Average (GPA) for all credits of graduate level coursework for either degree or the certificate. Failure to maintain a cumulative 3.0 GPA will result in the student being placed on academic probation. If the student does not raise the GPA to a 3.0 after the next nine credits, the student will be dismissed from the program in which he or she is enrolled. Students should refer to the Academic Standing and Dismissal section of the SCI Catalog page for full definitions and explanations of the academic standing review.
Grades for Individual Courses
All students must earn satisfactory grades in each course taken. A grade of C-, D+, D, D-, F and Unsatisfactory are unacceptable for graduation credit. A course for which such an unsatisfactory grade is earned must be repeated if it is a course that is a degree requirement (e.g., INFSCI 2500). Courses may be repeated only once. Elective courses need not be repeated; another course may be taken to replace it. However, the original course remains on the transcript and a higher grade must be earned to maintain a 3.0 GPA. Full details regarding SCI Grade and Course Repeat policies are available on the School’s Catalog page .
Satisfactory (S/NC) /Audit Grading System
Students are permitted to earn at most six credit hours with the grading option S as part of the credits required for the degree. An S grade is equated with a grade of B, B+, A-, A or A+. Course performance equivalent to a B- or lower will result in the assignment of an audit (N grade) and will not count towards graduation. A grade of satisfactory (S) has no quality points associated with it and is not used in calculating the GPA.
See the SCI Catalog for information regarding the selection of an alternative grading option (S/NC or Audit).
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