BIOSC 1010 - COMMUNICATING IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Minimum Credits: 2 Maximum Credits: 2 Conventions of scientific communication will be taught in this junior/senior level course as students learn to locate, read, and analyze primary literature in preparation for writing and revising a clear and concise review article. Students also prepare and revise an oral presentation of their review topic. Attention to document design, argument construction, verbal communication, and presenting skills will be taught and practiced. In addition to instructor led workshops, extensive peer review exercises are incorporated to help students develop evaluation skills and learn to incorporate feedback. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: (BIOSC0350 or 0370 or 1000 or 1810 or 1130);MinGrad ‘C’; and (ENG0102 or ENGCMP0200 or FP(0003 or 0006)); and >16 BIOSC and BIOL credits; LVL:Jr or Sr;PLAN:BIOSC-BS Course Attributes: Capstone Course, Writing Intensive Course (WRIT) Click here for class schedule information.
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