ENGR 2905 - CURRENT ISSUES IN SUSTAINABILITY Minimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course will introduce the core principles of sustainability (i.e. Social, economic, and environmental) from the perspective of several disciplines and research fields. Covering a variety of topics such as urban infrastructure, energy policy and the environment, sustainable water-use, habitat sustainability and biodiversity, the curriculum and schedule are updated annually to reflect advancements in the field of sustainable engineering and science, and to continually incorporate current topics. While the course is primarily taught by the sustainability faculty fellows it will also consist of various guest lectures by sustainability faculty and senior practitioners working throughout the Pittsburgh region. Course assignments will consist of a series of essays and assignments and culminate in a team term project. This is a required course for the undergraduate sustainability certificate and the M.S. in Sustainable Engineering. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Click here for class schedule information.
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