INFSCI 2170 - CRYPTOGRAPHY Minimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Principles of number theory, cryptographic algorithms and cryptanalysis. Steganography, block and stream ciphers, secret key encryption (DES, res, re-n), primes, random numbers, factoring, and discrete logarithms. Public key encryption (RSA, Diffie-Helman, elliptical curve cryptography, n’tru); key management, hash functions (md5, sha-1, ripemd-160, HMAC), digital signatures, certificates and authentication protocols. Cryptanalytic methods (known, chosen plaintext etc.) For secret and public key schemes (linear and differential cryptanalysis, pollard’s rho method, number field sieve, etc.). Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad LG/SNC Basis Course Requirements: PROG: School of Information Science or Sch Computing and Information; PLAN: Excluded Plans = Library & Information Science (MLIS, PHD, CERT-Advanced) Click here for class schedule information.
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