ENGR 1062 - STARTUP FUNDAMENTALS FOR ENGINEERSMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course is offered within the Swanson School of Engineering to undergraduate and graduate students. At the undergraduate level, the class is part of the new Certificate in Innovation, Product Design and Entrepreneurship. The class is designed to introduce the student to the core business concepts behind innovation and entrepreneurship. The class is highly interactive, and students will be required to participate in groups and individually. Grading is heavily weighted around participation in the group project which will be ongoing throughout the semester. The class is taught by Babs Carryer, Director of Education & Outreach, Innovation Institute at Pitt. Guest speakers, who are experts in their fields, will supplement the core teaching. Topics covered will include: ideation, problem/solution, market opportunity, competitive analysis, customer discovery, pitching, funding, finance, legal issues, team building, and innovation within existing companies. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade
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