ENGR 0016 - INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING COMPUTINGMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Introduces students to social topics in engineering, the role of the computer in engineering, ill-structured problem-solving and report writing. The course includes material on the use of MATLAB and C++. Students learn the fundamentals of computing in engineering, including program design, program development, and debugging. Applications to problems in engineering analysis with topics selected from ENGR 0015. The writing component includes four detailed reports and may include an oral presentation. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: (ENGR 0011 or 0015) and (MATH 0220 or 0235) and (PHYS 0174 or 0475) and PREQ or CREQ: (ENGCMP 0200 or 0203 or 0205 or 0207 or 0208 or 0250 or 0004 0006 0020) or (FP 0003 or 0006) or ENG 0102
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