ENGR 1060 - SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP- ENGINEERING FOR HUMANITYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 The course will explore the concepts of social entrepreneurship through the three tenets of sustainability: environment, economy, and equity in the context of complex or `wicked' problems. An introduction will provide a foundation in sustainability and social entrepreneurship while exploring the impact of innovative business models, such as disruptive innovation and Prahalad and Hart's fortune at the bottom of the pyramid. Additional class time will explore different examples and challenges in the developed and developing worlds. Through weekly readings, the course will focus on classroom discussions about the tenets of sustainability and the relevance of engineering in crafting `solutions'. The course project will provide students with an opportunity to work with a multi-disciplinary team to design an engineering-based business plan targeting a specific challenge either locally or in the developing world. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PROG: Swanson School of Engineering
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