ENGR 0711 - HONORS ENGINEERING ANALYSIS AND ENGINEERING COMPUTINGMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This is an accelerated course in computer fundamentals and engineering applications. The material of ENGR 0711 covers the material in both ENGR 0011 and ENGR 0012. The course is at an accelerated pace and then a variety of engineering design analysis and solution techniques are presented. It introduces students to basic topics in engineering, the role of the computer in engineering, ill-structured problem-solving and report writing. The course includes material on the use of Unix, HTML, spread sheets, MATLAB and C++. Students learn fundamentals of computing in engineering including program design, program development, and debugging. Applications to problems in engineering analysis are included in the course. The writing component includes four detailed reports and includes an oral presentation. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade
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