RIGHT START TO COLLEGE 4   [Archived Catalog]
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 1
Maximum Credits: 1
This course is designed for sophomore, junior or senior level participants in the Student Support Services Project (SSS). It will be a directed study of the graduate school process, career investigation, world of work, and life skills. This course will meet eight times and is structured to be independent in its nature. Students will be expected to meet once each month with their assigned SSS advisor and once each month according to the course schedule. Attendance at specific SSS workshops will be required. Students will be expected to create either a portfolio and/or a mini presentation to complete the course successfully. This course is limited to only students eligible for the SSS project and who have taken both ARTSC 0111 Right Start to College 1 and ARTSC 0112 Right Start to College 2.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Seminar
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

Click here for class schedule information.