GRECO-ROMAN RELIGIONS   [Archived Catalog]
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
This course introduces students to religious texts and traditions in a formative era of Western civilization and culture. Our focus will be on the variety of religious expression in Greco-Roman culture, which flourished in the geographical area of the Mediterranean basin during the first five centuries of the common era. By considering such topics as debates about the nature of the gods and access to them (through oracles, ritual and magic), the emergence of the idea of the holy person, and a variety of religious traditions as expressed in prayer, ritual and art, students will encounter a rich religious imagination that is truly different from contemporary understandings of religion and yet strangely familiar as well. We will also explore the complete integration between religion politics in the ancient world.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: Letter Grade

Click here for class schedule information.