BIOSC 1070 - HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY-UHCMinimum Credits: 4 Maximum Credits: 4 After a general introduction on cell biology, muscle physiology, and intracellular communication, this course will examine the function of the following systems: cardiovascular, respiratory, renal, gastrointestinal and immune. The systems will be considered in the context of the function of the body as a whole, and how they respond during challenges (e.g. exercise) and pathological states. Current research related to the functioning of these systems will be emphasized throughout the course. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: (BIOSC 0160 or 0716 or 0191 or 0180) or (BIOL 0102 or 0120) or (BIOENG 1071 or 1072) and [CHEM 0120 or 0720 or 0770 or 0970 or 0102 or (0112 and 0114)]; Min Grade 'C' for all courses listed
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