BIOSC 1010 - COMMUNICATING IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCESMinimum Credits: 2 Maximum Credits: 2 Conventions of scientific communication will be taught in this junior/senior level course as students research, write and revise a position article and oral presentation about a biological controversy. Students will learn to locate information from peer-reviewed scientific literature in electronic databases. Through peer review exercises, students will develop evaluation skills and learn to incorporate feedback. Document design, argument construction, and readability will be taught and practiced with the goal of producing a clear and concise written document and oral presentation. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: (BIOSC 0350or0355or0370or0371or1000or1810or1130) or (BIOL 0203or0350or1430or1515); MinGrad 'C'; and (ENGCMP 0004or0006or0020or0200or0203or0205or0207or0208or0250) or (FP 0003or0006) or (ENG 0102 or ENGR 0012); LVL: Jr or Sr; PLAN: BIOSC-BS
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