DEATH IN THE NAME OF GOD   [Archived Catalog]
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
The roman empire understood Christianity to be an illegal and superstitious movement, and a threat to the traditions of their ancestors. Subsequently, many Christians were charged with the crime of "atheism," and put to death, as atheism was equivalent to treason. Who were these people who voluntarily embraced their own deaths as a vindication of their faith, and how did Rome justify their extinction? How were they understood by their pagan and Jewish neighbors? This course explores the cultural, political and religious context of Christian martyrs, beginning in second temple Judaism. We then analyze their stories (metrologies), imperial transcripts and legislation, and examine the later (Christian) imperial legislation against "heretics." This background helps motivate discussions of contemporary "martyrs," such as "suicide bombers," the political ramifications of such behavior, who gets to decide if someone is a martyr, and reactions to the public spectacle of dying as the ultimate religious act.
Academic Career: UGRD
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis

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