TRANSLATING SCIENCE   [Archived Catalog]
2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
Students will work in creative teams of 2-3 students/team to develop creative new outreach tools for communication of science to the public (new lectures, videos, films, activities). At the beginning of the semester, didactic lectures will cover background information about how to effectively communicate scientific information, how to break down a message, production of effective engaging slides, animations and videos, and the use of hands-on activities to engage the audience. Guest speakers with expertise in film, video and use of museum exhibits will be included. Students will then choose a topic area they wish to create an outreach lecture/video/etc. In, and with the assistance of dr. Cameron will choose a scientific advisor with specific expertise on the topic for which an outreach tool will be developed. Students will do background reading for the development of their outreach tool and have discussions with their advisor. If developing a lecture, students will develop a set of PowerPoint slides for the lecture, the lecture text with background references, and hands-on activities to complement the lecture for both a junior high and high school version of the lecture. They will present the lecture to one of the grade levels for which it was designed. For other activities, the activity will be developed along with background information regarding the use of the activity. The activity will be presented to a public group.
Academic Career: UGRD
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis
Course Requirements: PREQ: NROSCI 1000  or NROSCI 1003  (BOTH MIN GRADE 'B-') and NROSCI 1014 ; PLAN: Neuroscience (BS or MN)

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