2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
This is a three credit advanced elective course that will cover the fundamental and basic principles used in the practice of clinical neurophysiology with the goal of providing an overview of both basic science and clinical topics relevant to performing intraoperative neurophysiological monitoring in a surgical setting. Topics will include anatomy and physiology of the motor and sensory systems and the theoretical basis of electroencephalography, sensory and motor evoked potentials, electromyography, transcranial Doppler and compound action potentials. Students will be able to explain the practical applications of these techniques in the diagnosis of nervous system disorders and in the continuous monitoring of the integrity of the human nervous system during surgical procedures.
Academic Career: UGRD
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: Letter Grade
Course Requirements: PREQ: NROSCI 1000  (MIN GRADE: 'B-') or NROSCI 1003  (MIN GRADE: 'B-') and NROSCI 1011  AND NROSCI 1012 ; PLAN: Neuroscience (BS or MN)

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