AFRCNA 2345 - INEQUALITIES IN AFRICAN DIASPORA LITERATUREMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course explores literary portrayals of inequalities in fiction by African American, Caribbean, and African women writers. Using contemporary novels, the course focuses particularly on inequalities associated with people's class position. Class has been at the center of a number of debates due to recent dramatic (and traumatic) fluctuations in global economic transactions. Using a range of critical perspectives, we will examine how women writers within the African Diaspora portray the impacts of class and its interconnections with matters such as employment, housing, and education. Students will conduct analyses of the cultural, historical, and theoretical contexts surrounding the literary works while also evaluating key literary features, such as voice, language, structure, and style, to better comprehend the depictions of characters' quest for self-fulfillment. The course uses a variety of pedagogical approaches. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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