BIOENG 2901 - TECHNICAL WRITING WORKSHOP II: OUTLINE ORGANIZATION, PUBLISHING PAPERS, AND PREPARING FOR PRELIMSMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 Communication is the most crucial skill in Science and Engineering and written communication has the potential to be the most far reaching medium of communication. This course will explore the ways that engineering students can develop their own technical writing from an engineering perspective. Lectures will cover the structure modules and technical elements that go into publishing journal articles as well as identifying and writing to your specific audience, including non-experts. Assignments are designed to develop your ability to understand, analyze, summarize, and reformulate hypotheses (scientific methods) or design criteria (engineering method) for journal articles, reports, and manuals. Students will also learn how to apply the philosophy and principles behind technical writing into effective project planning including the prelim exam. Lastly, we will debunk some common myths and misconceptions of technical writing including for the prelim exam. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad HSU Basis
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