BIOENG 3780 - HUMAN FACTORS OF AGINGMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Research often leads to ideas and findings that can be developed into new medical devices or interventions. One limiting step in the development of these new ideas into action is the incorporation of the human factors components in the design. This is particularly true for devices/interventions meant to be used by older adults. This course provides an introductory understanding of how human factors is used in medical device design with a focus on older adults. The target audience for this course is broad, encompassing anyone that wants to learn how to design, test and evaluate medical devices or interventions used by older adults. This includes investigators (faculty, scientists, post-docs), engineers, and clinicians. The course will be at the graduate level, but general in scope. No pre-requisites are required. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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