ANTH 2724 - THE ANTHROPOLOGY OF SCIENCE: GLOBAL PERSPECTIVESMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Science and technology are integral to contemporary societies. Understanding how science is produced and how it shapes daily life is a crucial challenge for anthropologists, who have studied the production of scientific knowledge in labs, hospitals, field sites, and elsewhere. While early studies of science as a cultural practice focused primarily on the U.S. and Europe, science and technology are produced and consumed globally. Through analyses of case studies of biotechnology, medicine, genetics, conservation, agriculture, energy, climate science, and computing around the world, this class will investigate the global dynamics of science and technology. Juxtaposing readings on different scientific fields from around the globe, we will look for recurring themes that connect these studies. What happens when science and technology travel, and how do new places emerge as centers of knowledge production? How are culture, identity, technology, and science linked? Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Grad LG/SNC Basis Course Attributes: MCSI - Sustainability Focused
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