CLRES 2729 - IDEA 2 IMPACTMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 This practical course guides academic researchers step by step through the experience of developing an entrepreneurial idea. It is designed for early-career scientists (e.g., MDs, PhDs, fellows, medical students, faculty, post docs) who are new to entrepreneurship and commercialization, but interested in translating research into practical applications. Each week, participants will focus on one discrete stage of the translational process as they identify a problem, analyze stakeholders, define a solution, describe its benefits, research the competition, articulate differentiators, and create an action plan. The course will be taught in a hybrid format, with self-paced, online modules to provide participants with key concepts and information, and class meetings where they present specific deliverables, receive feedback from colleagues, and engage in focused discussion. On the last day of class, participants will present their fully formed idea to an invited audience. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade
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