CLRES 2750 - SEMINAR IN HEALTH SYSTEMS LEADERSHIPMinimum Credits: 1.5 Maximum Credits: 1.5 This course will consist of a series of cased-based examinations of specific managerial and leadership problems and decisions that have faced local health systems leaders in Western Pennsylvania. Health care reimbursement, licensing and accreditation, and measuring health care quality has become both more complicated and more important as pressures to reduce expenses and improve quality increase. Simultaneously, there has been a steady increase in the number of clinicians who have assumed managerial positions, such as medical directors of clinical units, directors of quality measurement and improvement programs, utilization review and many others, as well as the appearance of clinicians in the "C-suite" of many hospitals and health care organizations. Utilizing adjunct faculty who are currently (or very recently have been) executive leaders in health systems, this course will examine a series of collaborations, problems, conflicts and solutions that developed between health system administrators and clinical leadership in health care organizations in the Western PA area. The mechanics of the course will be a series of cases, based on an actual recent issue in health care management in which the senior adjunct faculty member was involved. Students (individually or in groups) will evaluate the case, prepare a response, and make a short presentation of their "solution" to the problem to the health system executive and clinical leader involved in that case. An interactive discussion will follow. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: Grad Letter Grade Course Requirements: PLAN: Medical Education (CERT-Master's or MS), Clinical Research (CERT-Master's or MS), Clinical and Translational Sci (PHD)
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