CLRES 2026 - ANALYSIS OF CORRELATED DATAMinimum Credits: 1 Maximum Credits: 1 CLRES 2026 will provide information on statistical methods for analyzing data arising from multilevel or longitudinal studies. The first half of the course lectures will focus on models for continuous data, including mixed effects models, fixed effects models, and generalized estimating equations. The second half of lectures will extend to analysis in the generalized linear model setting (binary outcomes, count data, etc.) We will show students how to investigate data graphically and descriptively before beginning statistical modeling and will introduce students to topics on missing data, group trajectory modeling, and sample size estimation. We will use homework assignments and articles from multilevel and longitudinal studies to facilitate learning of concepts discussed in class. Academic Career: Graduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Grad LG/SNC Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: CLRES 2005 and CLRES 2020 and 2021 and 2022; PLAN: Medical Education (CERT-Master's or MS), Clinical Research (CERT-Master's or MS), Clinical and Translational Sci (PHD)
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