BUSBIS 0105 - DATA VISUALIZATION AND STORYTELLINGMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course focuses on the design of visual representations of data in order to discover patterns, answer analysis questions, gather persuasive evidence, and convey insights. Building on the foundation provided in the Business Analytics foundation courses (i.e., Programming Essentials for Business Analytics, Business Analytics I, and Business Analytics II), the course will provide training in specialized visualization and programming tools for exploratory analysis of data. Students will learn the grammar of graphics and the principles of data visualization for making sense of data, organizing clear evidence for analysis, and making engaging presentations of data-driven insights. Exercises and projects throughout the course will facilitate intensive experience-based learning for students to gain mastery of both exploring and explaining data. The overarching objective of this course is to enable students to understand the connection between the analytics/visualization and the objective of the analyses being performed - i.e., analytics storytelling with a purpose. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: BUSBIS 0100
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