2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog


Minimum Credits: 3
Maximum Credits: 3
In today's world, businesses rely on Information Systems (IS) to be the key enabler that supports the business processes and decision making. IS catapults businesses to the next level of growth and sustainable competitive advantage. More and more companies are either implementing brand new IS system with cutting edge business tools and technologies, or implementing newer modules like CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or SCM(Supply Chain Management). When businesses undertake a project to implement a new IS solution, they often lack the internal knowledge, expertise and tools necessary to make it succeed. Hence comes the need to look for external expertise from IS Consultancy Firms. MCS or Management Consultancy Services is a line of business that provides consultancy services to their clients for implementation of new IS systems. The tools for business analysis required by a Business Analyst are covered in the course BISBIS 1600 - Technology Enabled Business Transformation. The tools for Project Management are covered in the course BUSBIS 1630 - Project Management. This course has these as preferably prerequisites, else co-requisites and takes the student further to learn the skillsets needed of an IS Consultant. The course begins with a brief recap of fundamental concepts covered in BISBIS 1600 and BUSBIS 1630. It then proceeds to simulate an actual real life, full cycle IS Consultancy Project. The class is divided into groups each of which represent an individual IS Consultancy Firm engaged by a client to implement a full cycle IS solution. The course takes the student through the complete life cycle of an IS Implementation as done by a Consulting Company: 1. Planning 2. Analysis 3. Design 4. Development 5. Testing 6. Deployment The instructor serves as the client and another group as the Development team. Each consulting group works towards the completion of each phase of the Consulting Project and present its deliverables, thereby working towards the final deployment. The student stands to benefit tremendously from the course as it develops all the skillset necessary for a Consultant including hard skills and soft skills. The student becomes tremendously marketable to any company, be it a consulting firm, or a regular company looking to run its own IS project.
Academic Career: Undergraduate
Course Component: Lecture
Grade Component: Letter Grade
Course Requirements: PREQ: BUSBIS 1600 and BUSBIS 1605; CREQ: BUSBIS 1630

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