ANTH 1727 - HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT IN PITTSBURGHMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course examines the relationship between environment and health, with a special focus on the city of Pittsburgh and the surrounding environs as a case study. We will use medical anthropology to systematically investigate the effect of the environment on health and the interplay of natural and human systems. Drawing on research in political ecology, this class will consider the social, political, and economic systems that shaped Pittsburgh and its inhabitants. We will pay particular attention to the way changing industrial and environmental conditions changed incidence of disease, and how exposure to risk and disease are shaped by race, gender, and class. We will examine issues like the histories of air pollution and resource extraction including coal mining, oil and gas drilling and their impacts on the environment and health. The course will examine how knowledge about health is produced and the development of new forms of citizen science that enlist local residents in projects to monitor issues like air quality. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Seminar Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: ENG 0102 or ENGCMP (0002 or 0006 or 0020 or 0200 or 0203 or 0205 or 0207 or 0208 or 0210 or 0212 or 0213 or 0214) or ENGFLM 0210 or FP (0003 or 0006) *Applies to all WRIT Courses* Course Attributes: DSAS Phil. Think or Ethics General Ed. Requirement, DSAS Social Science General Ed. Requirement, SCI Polymathic Contexts: Ethical/Policy GE. Req., SCI Polymathic Contexts: Soc/Behav. GE. Req., Undergraduate Research, Writing Intensive Course (WRIT)
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