COMMRC 1162 - INVENTION: WHERE DO GOOD IDEAS COME FROM?Minimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course helps us investigate questions that will be crucial for tomorrow's communities of inquiry. How should we understand creativity, imagination, and invention? What are the conditions most conducive to innovation? What can histories of creative individuals and creative groups tell us about the origins of, to use the TED lingo, "ideas worth spreading"? This course examines creativity in a variety of contexts, both scientific and artistic. It draws on the best work in a number of disciplines, principally rhetoric but also philosophy of science, literary theory, economics, and intellectual history. And students will have the opportunity to develop projects on case studies of their choosing. The course satisfies three credit hours toward the interdisciplinary core seminar coursework requirement in the Honors College Certificate in Undergraduate Studies. Students without the GPA or course prerequisites designated by the UHC may also enroll with the permission of the instructor. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: ENG 0102 or ENGCMP (0002 or 0006 or 0020 or 0200 or 0203 or 0205 or 0207 or 0208 or 0210 or 0212 or 0213 or 0214) or ENGFLM 0210 or FP (0003 or 0006) *Applies to all WRIT Courses* Course Attributes: DSAS Historical Analysis General Ed. Requirement, DSAS Phil. Think or Ethics General Ed. Requirement, SCI Polymathic Contexts: Ethical/Policy GE. Req., SCI Polymathic Contexts: Soc/Behav. GE. Req., Undergraduate Research, Writing Intensive Course (WRIT)
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