PS 1512 - THE POLITICS OF MIGRATIONMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 Global human mobility in the 21st century has become an increasingly divisive issue among states. Nowhere is this trend best illustrated than in Europe today. This course offers students an opportunity to study up-close migration governance and politics in Europe with particular attention to Italy and the Central Mediterranean. The course explores European migration policy, its legal and political dimensions across different levels of governance - the European level (EU), the national level (EU member state) and the sub-national level (regions & provinces). Regarding the national and sub-national level, this course will focus on Italy. Considering the multiplicity of state and non-state actors involved in managing migration, lectures and discussions will center around five areas: search and rescue (SAR), arrival/disembarkation, reception, asylum, and integration. The course has two goals: 1) to provide students with the knowledge and tools to navigate European migration politics, and 2) to offer students the opportunity to build on their research, data management, analysis, and writing skills. As such, in addition to content on the migration policy in Southern Europe, a major part of this course is devoted to conducting original research, working with data, and present findings at the end of the course. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Attributes: Russian & East European Studies
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