ECON 0630 - EAST ASIA'S DYNAMIC ECONOMIESMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 An introductory survey of several East Asian economies. The primary objective is to equip students with a clear understanding of major elements of recent Asian economic history and current economic conditions, and of implications of Asian economic gains for the United States economy, particularly U.S. Trade relationships with this region and their dynamically changing patterns. A secondary objective is to use case studies and empirical materials as vehicles to appreciate how economic principles can be used in real world analysis. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: (ECON 0100 and 0110) or ECON 0800; MIN GRADE: 'C' for all listed Courses; PLAN: Economics (ECON-BA), Economics (ECON-BS), Economics-Statistics (ECNSTC-BS), Mathematics-Economics (M-ECON-BS) Course Attributes: Asian Studies, SCI Polymathic Contexts: Global&Cross Cul GE. Req.
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