COMMRC 1117 - PROPAGANDA AND MISINFORMATION IN THE 21ST CENTURYMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 This course explores propaganda, misinformation, and disinformation from a multidisciplinary argument perspective, including their historical development and current prevalence. Students will engage with a variety of primary texts and academic commentaries on topics such as conspiracy theories, hoaxes, scams, motivated reasoning, and scientific distortions. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: Letter Grade Course Requirements: PREQ: (COMMRC 0310 or 0320 or 0081 or COMM 0102) and [ENGCMP 0200 or (ENGCMP 0203 or 0205 or 0207 or 0208 or 0250 or FP 0003 or 0006 or ENGCMP 0004 or 0006 or 0020 or ENG 0102)]
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