COMMRC 1110 - THEORIES OF INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATIONMinimum Credits: 3 Maximum Credits: 3 The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the ways in which researchers conceptualize and study interpersonal communication. Emphasis is upon the various issues which different conceptualizations raise in the study of human relationships. Students will have the opportunity to test the relevancy of insights each conceptualization provides for understanding the communication practices found in natural interactions and personal experience. Academic Career: Undergraduate Course Component: Lecture Grade Component: LG/SNC Elective Basis Course Requirements: PREQ: (COMMRC 0300 or 0030 or 0100 or 7300 or COMM 0101) and [ENGCMP 0200 or (ENGCMP 0203 or 0205 or 0207 or 0208 or 0250 or FP 0003 or 0006 or ENGCMP 0004 or 0006 or 0020 or ENG 0102)]
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